When most people think of marketing, they think about promotion—pushing out your message to people and hoping they’ll decide to buy. But who wants to be “marketed” to anymore? Instead, what if we thought of marketing as connecting?

For this week’s Real Food Brands Marketing Podcast, host and Food & Beverage Brand Strategist Katie Mleziva lays out a 6-step framework for the journey our end consumers go through – from when they first hear about your product to deciding to buy it, try it, buy it again, and (hopefully) recommend it to others. We look at all of this through the lens of connecting: creating a two-way conversation with consumers that gets them just as engaged as you are.

In This Episode: 

Why we need to shift our mindset about marketing to think broadly, and from simply promoting to actually connecting. How to think about marketing as a two-way conversation throughout the consumer lifecycle.  How to overcome the skepticism people might have when they first hear about a new brand. Creative ideas for driving trial and getting your product out into the hands of your ideal consumers. Why a purchase is only the first step in your long-term relationship with your consumer. How to turn a first-time purchaser into a repeat buyer and eventually one of the biggest fans of your brand who tells their friends.  How a clear brand strategy can your products find their way into more carts.


Ep #65: [Brand Strategy Series] Setting Your Food Business Apart Step 2: Identifying Your Ideal Consumer The Talk Triggers Show with Jay Baer Real Food Brands Marketing Roundtable Facebook Group  Real Food Brands website The Real Food Brands WorkshopTM – NEW!