When rooted in the Brand Strategy, your day-to-day marketing efforts bring your brand’s purpose and plans to life in order to engage consumers, inform operational decisions and ultimately, achieve your business goals.

When athletes prepare for a game, they do more than just spend time in the gym or on the field. Sure, they need to build up their bodies to compete, but they also spend a lot of time building up their minds. They watch tapes of their opponents to get to know their playbook. Then they build a strategy for how they’re going to overcome their opponents.

Okay, now think about yourself as you compete in a crowded grocery market. When you do your homework to understand the landscape and competition it helps you create the game plan for how you can carve out a unique position for your product based on your ideal consumers’ needs.

Taking the time to go through these steps will inform and refine your brand strategy and help you make stronger connections with consumers and stakeholders.


In This Episode:

Why it is important to document your brand strategy  How to investigate your industry landscape  How to perform a competitive review  Defining your unique positioning  Outlining a brand personality   Honing in on your brand pillars



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