After you invest time developing your brand strategy to position your brand to stand out then you’re ready to put your plan into action. You see all the opportunities to make changes but there are so many opportunities that it can be intimidating. So the big question at this phase is typically what “what should I do first and who can help me?!"

Today on the Real Food Brands Marketing Podcast, host and Food Brand Strategist Katie Mleziva addresses one of the most frequently asked questions during the Activation phase of her one-on-one work with food business owners: what should I do first and who can help me?

Katie walks through prioritizing actions, identifying capabilities needed, and finding the right people for the right roles as you build your team.

In This Episode:

Next steps after defining or refining your brand strategy. How to organize and prioritize your efforts to implement your new strategy. How to identify where you might need help based on capacity and capabilities. Examples of prioritizing marketing efforts and finding people to fill marketing roles. How your brand strategy helps guide copywriters and designers so you can delegate the details and focus on approvals. The hidden cost of doing things yourself instead of building a team. How Katie’s new on-demand Brand Strategy Streamlined™ course can help you get started defining, or refining, your North Star.


Ep #91: The 3-Step Brand Strategy Streamlined Process Download Your Free Brand Strategy Checkup Book a 60-minute 1-on-1 Brand Strategy session with Katie Connect with Katie on Instagram