As Katie likes to say, “your Brand Strategy is how you’ll meet your consumer’s needs in a way your competitors can’t, or won’t, in order to set your brand apart.”  When the front and back end of your business is integrated and aligned around your “North Star,” every resource you put behind your brand is so much more efficient and effective. 

When it comes to brand strategy though, it’s so all-encompassing (yes, it’s so much more than your logo, colors, or marketing plan!) that it can be hard to get a handle on what you’re doing well and where there’s room for improvement.

Today on the Real Food Brands Marketing Podcast, host and Food & Bev Brand Strategist Katie Mleziva goes through the free Brand Checkup Scorecard tool she’s created to help you make sure you’ve got the foundation pieces in place to define, align and activate your Brand Strategy for your food or beverage company. Having these pieces in place help you optimize your brand and align your team around your vision and goals.

In This Episode: 

Four past episodes that can help you get started on your Brand strategy. Why Brand Strategy is not just for big brands, and why you may actually have an advantage.  How to recognize solid brand strategy work when you see it. How to download free Real Food Brands Brand Checkup Scorecard tool to see how your brand is doing. Examples of questions from the Brand Checkup Scorecard. The power of documenting your Brand Strategy to align your team. How to go deeper with the Brand Strategy Fundamentals Workshop.


Ep #2: How to Start Building and Documenting Your Brand Strategy Ep #36: How to Define, Align and Activate Your Brand Strategy Ep #45: The 5-Minute Food Business Brand Strategy Formula Ep #49: 4 Common Brand Strategy Mistakes (and How to Fix Them) Real Food Brands Brand Checkup Scorecard  Real Food Brands Marketing Roundtable Facebook Group  Real Food Brands website