Catherine is a mother of 2 active boys, and a pelvic floor physical therapist.  She has been an athlete all her life, and has combined her passion for fitness with her training in yoga, the Feldenkrais Method, barefoot rehabilitation, and corrective exercise to empower women at all ages and stages of life to regain awareness of the ways their bodies function, especially during exercise.  She recently launched both her own for-profit concierge physical therapy business AND a nonprofit, whose mission is to provide health and wellness services to women in at-risk groups at little to no cost.  

Connect with Catherine
Facebook:  Catherine Repak Apicella
IG:  @breathe__blossom

In this episode, we talked about… 

Her journey from feeling uncomfortable in her body to feeling like she’d come home to her bodyWhat it means to Catherine to be embodied Closet eating while growing up in a restricted household as a people pleaserOn being a pleaserOn never feeling like she met the beauty standard ideal How becoming a mother changed her approach to body imageHow to become more embodied in 60 seconds Hiring a business coachThe power of time blocking How to cope with impostor syndromeWhat is pelvic floor therapy?

AND so much more!!!

For full details click here

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**Visit my website to get your FREE guide to crushing Impostor Syndrome**

Want to know my secrets for getting published in top publications? They’re all in my e-book, 7 Pitches That Sold. Use the code realfit50 to get half off.

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💟 Don't miss RECLAIM: A one-day retreat for women who want to make peace with food 💟
May 6th, 2023 10 am - 4 pm
Boulder, Colorado
For women 18+
Pricing: Regular $197 / Early-bird $129 if you sign up by March 1st
CLICK HERE for details 

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