Christine DeFilippis is a Movement Motivator, Body Liberator & Unconventional Fitness Pro. Owner of Pop Fit Studio, a HAES-aligned fitness studio in the Philadelphia suburbs, Creator of FitProEd, an online education platform for fitness professionals, and the host of the Breaking Body Biases Podcast she is passionate about changing the narrative around fitness.

Christine was a competitive dancer and danced for the nationally ranked Temple University dance team and taught group fitness classes while an undergrad. After making fitness her full-time career she struggled with fitting in and looking the part. Years of body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and a disordered relationship with exercise, she discovered Health at Every Size and began a journey to find peace with food, movement, and her body. 

She is now on a mission to create inclusive spaces for all bodies to enjoy movement and ultimately destroy diet culture.

Connect with Christine

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💟 Don't miss RECLAIM: A one-day retreat for women who want to make peace with food 💟
May 6th, 2023 10 am - 4 pm
Boulder, Colorado
For women 18+
Pricing: Regular $197 / Early-bird $129 if you sign up by March 1st
CLICK HERE for details 

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