Homeowner’s insurance is one of those topics that we can all find really confusing...and probably really boring. However, insurance on your home is a must if you intend to get a loan, and it’s strongly suggested even if you pay cash. Insurance adds a small cost to homeownership while also saving you thousands of dollars should something go wrong. From floods and fires to someone tripping and falling in your home and so much more, insurance is a small price to pay for the major peace of mind it provides. In this episode, 20-year insurance agent Kim Videon of Cotton’s All Lines Insurance walks us through the home insurance process, from the info she gathers when you first call her right through what you can have covered and what you’ll get credits for. If you want more info after listening to this episode, we encourage you to contact Kim at [email protected] to learn more and ask questions that will help you to protect your investment and save money in the process. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/segwayre/ Website: https://segwayre.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/SegwayRE Insta: https://www.instagram.com/segwayre/

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