Retiring or having a second home along the Florida coast has always been a fantasy for many. However, permanently fleeing to Florida from states like New York and California has become common practice in the last year and a half. With miles of beaches within walking distance, beautiful year-round weather, and the ability to jump on a boat and cruise the Atlantic at will, buyers from several other luxury markets are flocking in droves to make Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and the Palm Beaches home for good. Vickie Arcuri, who has been in the real estate industry since the great recession and has therefore seen a thing or two happen in the South Florida market during the past 15 years is nearly as shocked as the rest of us about the über-booming market. Condos with multi-million dollar units are selling so fast that developers can’t keep up with the demand. Single family homes are harder to come by than ever. Beachfront property is almost impossible to find. Even rentals are subject to multiple offers! Today, Vickie shares her insights about the market, what’s driving it, predictions as to what the future holds, and why she loves living and promoting the South Florida lifestyle.

Connect with Vickie at: and on instagram at @vickierealestate