How do you unlock your spiritual gift and use it to lead a meaningful life and elevate your community?


Clayton Edwards, Owner & CEO of KENCO Residential, shares insights as a third-generation owner in the apartment community sector. He stresses the importance of discovering one's unique giftedness and discusses his journey in recognizing his spiritual gifts, leading to career success and personal fulfillment. Clayton encourages listeners to explore their giftedness, embrace mentorship, and value teachability. His commitment to community development demonstrates the positive impact of identifying and using one's gift. Get inspired to make a difference in your community while discovering your own areas of giftedness!



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[00:00 - 10:16] Building a ​​Multi-Generational Business

Clayton talks about his background and his passion for workforce housing

He executed a complex recapitalization of the family business, addressing both business and emotional challenges

His primary objective was to help all stakeholders achieve their goals in the given scenario

He leveraged market rebounds to enhance valuations and capital structure

[10:17 - 13:37] Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People

Clayton highlights the significance of mentors and coaches in gaining wisdom, fostering curiosity, and maintaining a teachable and coachable mindset

Coaching and mentoring can be sourced from paid specialists or experienced, individuals who have your best interest in mind

[13:38 - 28:32] Harness Your Innate Gifts to Uplift Others

Identify your unique gifts and learn how to utilize them to the fullest in your life

Clayton reflects on how he’s using his gifts to help aspiring real estate entrepreneurs and direct his philanthropic work

He introduces his charity work and the formation of Atlanta Connected Communities, a nonprofit focused on cultivating Christ-centered communities

It’s essential to recognize the needs of the community to be able to address them accordingly

If you bring purpose, faith, or other values into your neighborhood, you will build loyalty and reduce turnover


[28:33 - 35:52] Set Yourself Up for Future Success

Clayton encourages listeners to leverage their unique gifts

He and Chad discuss the current real estate market, underscoring the importance of basis, sound capitalization, conservative underwriting, and maintaining liquidity



“You have to want to learn and you have to be, teachable. You have to be coachable.” - Clayton Edwards Jr 


“All communities are different, right? And you ask them what they need and what they want. Here's how you meet the needs and here's how you communicate with them. That builds huge loyalty.” - Clayton Edwards Jr 


“When you're operating in your area of giftedness, your memory is going to be better. You're going to be sharper. You're going to be passionate.”  - Clayton Edwards Jr 

Connect with Clayton at [email protected]. Follow him on LinkedIn and learn more about his company through Visit if you’re interested in creating connected communities!

Resource Mentioned:


Visioneering by Andy Stanley

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Real Estate Runway Podcast is all about alternative business and investment strategies to help you amplify life and maximize wealth! Click here to find out more about the host, Chad Sutton.

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