If you’re looking for a marketing guru to help you get your message out to the public, then Logan Freeman, a commercial real estate agent with years of experience, is perfect for the job. He'll teach you the basics of commercial real estate marketing so you can be successful in your negotiations and sales. Commercial real estate investing is an exciting and lucrative field that can offer great opportunities for those who are willing to take the necessary risks and invest in quality properties. FTW Investments, founded by Logan, will provide us today with systematic and simple coaching and delegation tools that can help newbies navigate this challenging industry. They’re a team of experienced professionals with decades of experience in the industry, and our mission is to help you achieve success in real estate.


[00:00 - 06:12] Opening Segment

I introduce Logan to the show A real estate investor, broker, and developer Founder and chief development officer of FTW Investments LLC Worked as an NFL football player for the Arizona Cardinals and Minnesota Vikings How Logan transitioned to the real estate industry


[06:13 - 18:38] Mastering the Real Estate Space

Transitioning from single family to commercial multifamily How FTW Investments is focused on having better SOP’s


How being an NFL player has prepared Logan Logan talks about finding your “sweet spot”


Combining passion with your strengths The importance of clear expectations and setting boundaries for team members Business owners’ comfort in uncomfortable conversations


[18:38 - 28:30] Leadership and Currency

Logan talks about how leadership should be developed gradually The importance of delegation Making children better equipped at an early age The three main factors that Bretton Woods was created to address  The long term debt cycle  We talk about how the dollar is tied to a lot of things


The Risks in multifamily investments


[28:31 - 34:55]

Retail opportunities and office space De risking investments to mitigate risk Individualization as Logan’s super power The effects of not heeding other people’s advice


[34:55 - 37:38] Closing Segment

Final words See links below to connect with Logan

You can connect with Logan through LinkedIn, or you can visit www.ftwinvestmentsllc.com.


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Real Estate Runway Podcast is all about alternative business and investment strategies to help you amplify life, and maximize wealth! Click here to find out more about the host, Chad Sutton.






"So when I put my feet in the mud, that was the moment that my identity changed." - Logan Freeman


"The most important aspect is for whoever's running the business to understand what their sweet spots are and get out of the things that are not creating that energy." - Logan Freeman


"The art of leadership does take time, because think about training your kids to tie their shoes and you're trying to get out the door in 15 minutes before the traffic hits." - Logan Freeman


"My biggest failure is thinking that I could do it all early on. Everything." - Logan Freeman