
Today we are fortunate enough to have with us a man who has clearly channeled the song “Started from the Bottom” by hip-hop heartthrob Drake, given that Lee Brodsky, prior to joining Newmark Knight Frank as a broker in 2006 and thereafter also taking on the role of CEO with BEB Capital, gained several years of experience in real estate property management, leasing and the security industry, allowing him to acquire – brick by brick – a comprehensive and detailed understanding of what makes office and retail tenants tick, as well as the requisite skill set an owner needs to effectively manage, lease, develop and re-position its real estate and investment portfolio of innovative mixed-use development, parking facilities and restaurants throughout the East Coast.


Episode Notes:

At 2:32, Lee Brodsky touches upon how special a person his father Bert Brodsky is. At 4:33, Lee discusses BEB Capital’s current focus compared to prior days and being established on Long Island, and now expanding its business to the boroughs. At 5:52, Brodsky talks about how his father always surrounded himself with experts. At 7:04, he notes that he is a “hunter by trade” and earns his keep by bringing in business. Lee also speaks about relationship and trust building, and being empathetic towards the client. At 8:18, Brodsky shares his work-life balance and the importance of being “present.” At 10:16, he dives into his core values being built around communication and empathy. At 11:26, Lee highlights his evolution of trusting his gut instinct, and advises on saying ‘no’ when you truly don’t know the answer. At 13:27, Brodsky provides his thoughts on the new NYS rent regulations. At 16:12, he dishes on the importance of a solid process being a conduit to risk mitigation. At 17:27, Lee touches upon underwriting a deal, conducting due diligence and utilizing data. At 19:32, Brodsky discusses one’s ability to get deals done via verbal in-person communication and that of email correspondence. At 20:57, he answers a question about likability in the business world. At 22:34, Lee points out that one must ask questions to understand the underlying issue before solving a problem. At 23:40, Brodsky mentions that he practices meditation daily, and suggests taking short breaks to increase productivity during the workday. At 24:40, Lee mentions leaving the world better than you found it and paying it forward. At 25:56, Lee talks about his passions: golf, family, and friends. At 28:59, Lee Brodsky closes out the podcast with a message in that if he could change one thing in the world it would be to increase everyone’s empathy.