
Today we have with us the Founder and CEO of Zelnik & Company, a true rock star in the world of retail brokerage, yes my real estate brethren, the one and only Cory Zelnik. Throughout his career, Cory has taken my “Albert Einstein, Snoop Dogg and Drake Bring Your “A” Game – Brick House Value Theory” to a whole new level. By his actions as well as his words, this is exemplified in part by a tagline found on Zelnik’s website that states “The landscape may change, yet certain fundamentals remain constant: Loyalty. Integrity. Discipline. Focus. Retail.”

Episode Notes:

At 1:57, Cory Zelnik discusses being a participant versus that of a spectator, and also discusses his morning routine. At 3:17, Cory mentions the importance of having “love” for what you do. At 4:23, Zelnik talks about why size of a firm does and doesn’t make a difference in the world of brokerage. At 6:26, he dives into his approach during the course of a tough negotiation. At 8:39, Cory notes how he dares to be different with the help of his team. At 9:30, Zelnik points out his first big career risk in that of going out on his own. At 10:48, he touches upon deals and failure early on in his career. At 13:06, Cory stresses that retail is different nowadays, but not dead. At 15:08, Zelnik informs about customer acquisition online versus that of in-store, as well as retailers handling “bricks and clicks.” At 19:58, he provides his thoughts on the proposed retail vacancy tax. At 21:46, Cory gives his thoughts on cannabis in CRE retail. At 23:18, Zelnik shares his strategy in the current retail landscape. At 24:12, he discusses adapting to potential changes in the marketplace. At 26:45, Cory talks about how meditation has elevated his game while also slowing things down for him on all levels. At 28:59, Zelnik addresses the structure in place at Zelnik & Company, and how he instills “the fundamentals” within his team. At 30:37, he notes how he fights for opportunities in both life and business. At 31:20, Cory highlights his thoughts on communication via email versus that of picking up the phone. At 34:27, Zelnik advises that one cannot allow uncontrollable factors to drive one crazy. At 35:16, he informs that his favorite place to be is with his daughter at Madison Square Garden watching the Knicks. At 36:48, Cory Zelnik closes out the podcast with a message on making a difference and giving back to various worthwhile causes in the community.