
Jillian Mariutti is a woman who in every sense of the word is truly on a mission to make a difference. Raised from modest roots in South Philadelphia with a great family, Jillian laid the foundation for becoming the real estate rock star that she is as a mathematics major at the University of Pennsylvania. Thereafter, Jillian’s primary role after graduation was to sell derivative products designed to mitigate a developer’s or owner’s interest rate risk on floating rate products. During her career, she has parlayed her quantitative abilities and relationship building skills to help owners and developers secure debt and/or capital to help them realize their dreams and visions. In the winter of 2017, Jillian made like LeBron James and took her talents to Mission Capital, where she continues to be a leader in the world of commercial real estate finance.

Episode Notes:

At 3:27, Jillian Mariutti discusses being a visual learner, learning from her colleagues, and how Mission Capital’s open office format provides for idea generation and collaboration. At 5:21, she mentions the importance of knowing your strengths, and also notes that she enjoys working with people and numbers. At 6:10, Jillian advises that she is continually fine tuning and mastering her craft by leveraging the expertise of individuals who have been in the industry for 30 to 40 years. At 7:22, she explains that planning, structure and organization are all crucial to her success. At 8:51, Jillian describes her morning routine, which starts with waking up at 5:30 AM and soon thereafter strengthening her mind and body through meditation and exercise. At 9:26, she talks about the importance of working hard, and at 9:49, Jillian dives into her recipe for success - intense focus, commitment, massive action and a little bit of luck. At 10:42, Jillian provides insight into networking, creating and building relationships. At 11:34, she conveys that her parents made education a priority, and how they sacrificed a great deal to send her to an all-girl private high school. Jillian also discusses graduating with top honors from the University of Pennsylvania, and spending 10 years at Wachovia on the derivatives desk. At 13:17, she discusses her passion to help others, her goal to create a scholarship fund to send one girl from South Philly every year to the private high school she attended, and being a member of the Red Hook Initiative where she tutors high schools students for the SAT and math. At 15:58, Jillian notes that people like working with people who they not only like, but also respect and who are passionate about what they’re doing. At 17:02, she speaks about being a woman in a male dominated industry, and how her former managing directors were gender blind and treated her well (as long as she was producing). At 19:23, Jillian provides us with some advice she received from one of her mentors, and that there is only a glass ceiling if you look for it. At 20:10, she describes how she dares to be different, by bringing a unique layer and perspective to the table and knowing the product better than anyone else. At 21:26, Jillian advocates on behalf of Mission Capital’s work environment, and talks about mentoring a young lady at Yeshiva University. At 23:55, she notes that the first step to her solving problems is by listening to her clients objectives, and then seeking a solution. At 25:19, Jillian discusses how failing and adversity is not always negative, and how it could lead to good if handled correctly. At 28:32, she gives us her definition of risk, and at 30:08 Jillian shares her “happy place” - the one street in Philadelphia that her whole family lives on.