
Anthony Scaramucci is a Tufts undergraduate, Harvard Law School graduate, and playing off of the title of a great song by Drake, a man with middle class-blue collar roots from Long Island who most definitely “started from the bottom” and is now very here. Prior to making his 950,400 seconds as Director of White House Communications during the summer of 2017 among the most 11 memorable and talked about days in West Wing history, Anthony was making a difference on Wall Street, in the early days with Goldman Sachs, and thereafter with Oscar Capital Management, Neuberger & Berman, Lehman Brothers and his very successful hedge fund of hedge funds, SkyBridge Capital. Anthony has long been on the cutting edge of thought provoking conversation, creations and ideas long before his recent multi-media appearances and headline grabbing quotes created impactful mental images for many. By way of example, SkyBridge Capital’s SALT conference in Las Vegas and Asia, with its star-studded panel of decision makers, industry experts, finance professionals and members of the alternative investment community, has been described as being committed to facilitating balanced discussions and debates on macro-economic trends, geo-political events and alternative investment opportunities within the context of a dynamic global economy. Anthony is a family man, who enjoys spending time at home and riding around his stomping grounds, Port Washington, New York.

Episode Notes:

At 4:13, Anthony Scaramucci discusses the message of his first book, doing the right thing and the importance of having the highest level of integrity. At 6:56, Anthony talks about why it’s crucial to know your craft. He is not the most organized guy or manager, but excels at team building and setting up a system for a team to flourish. He also delegates a ton of responsibility and autonomy to the individuals he works with. “People work with me. No one has ever worked for me” (at 7:34). At 8:19, Anthony takes us back to when he was 11 years old in 1975 and his paper route for Newsday that over he grew over time to be the largest paper route in the area. At 10:15, Anthony addresses his “oh my moments” and gives us his life message at 54 years old after being fired twice in his lifetime. At 12:39, he enlightens us about his introduction to literature professor at Tufts University, Sol Gittleman. At 14:17, Anthony discusses the importance of charity work, helping family and Jackie Robinson. At 15:34, he notes, “What are you going to do with the money? You going to have the hearse be carried by the brinks truck?” At 16:15, he speaks highly of Nana’s influence on his work ethic and Red Holzman’s team first mantra. At 18:42, Anthony reflects on his 950,400 seconds in The White House and being declared the hatchet man. He thought he would last longer than a carton of milk in the refrigerator. At 26:19, he shares a story about working at Ghost Motorcycles for his Uncle Sal, and the time in 1981 when Uncle Sal sent him to Harlem at 17 years old with “Chico the Doberman” to deliver a bike to a potential customer. At 33:33, Anthony informs us of the life and business lessons learned in his 1998 travels to Asia and meeting Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong’s richest man - always leave money on the table for your partners and the importance of a karma bank. At 38:01, he notes why you have to adapt or die and building a circle of competence, staying in your lane and putting your ego aside (at 41:06). At 42:16, Anthony describes “front stabbing” vs. “back stabbing” and “putting your name on it.” At 44:37, he explains The Windex Disorder and the power of networking. At 45:35, Anthony discusses why everyone should have an annual ambition checkup. At 47:41, he advises college students and job seekers to not make the mistake he made, and instead to “not pick the cool job.” At 52:35, Anthony’s shares “The 12th day” - a chapter in his new book releasing in October of 2018. This recounts the day after he was fired from The White House - how he dusted himself off and how he handled it. At 53:53, he talks about his Mets fandom and Tug McGraw’s 1973 tagline, “Ya Gotta Believe.” At 57:36, Anthony notes that he is unbothered by others perception of him and individuals in the political arena and the media not taking him at face value. At 1:00:18, he concludes with a story of when he was an 18-year-old President of Port Washington High School in 1981, and attended a meet and greet for President Ronald Reagan at The Plaza Hotel.