I’m so excited to welcome Seth Price back to the show! He has made some impressive strides toward success in the year since we last had the honor of speaking. Now the author of “The Road to Recognition: The A-Z Guide To Personal Branding For Accelerating Your Professional Success In The Age Of Digital Media,” he shares some impactful nuggets from his book that will change the way you approach branding in your business.

When creating a brand that earns you recognition within your market you want to ensure you are viewed as a resource. So how do you make yourself valuable? Where do you start? You ask! Ask your colleagues and past clients what you are good at in this business and what value they believe you bring to the table. This can be a game changer when it comes to figuring out not only how you are perceived by those around you, but how you can best communicate your value. That perception IS your brand!

Instead of jumping into the deep end hoping to make millions by getting tons of leads, take the time beforehand to create a distinctive brand for yourself. Figure out what sets you apart in this industry, what your ideal client looks like, and use those answers as a toolset for learning how to better communicate your value. When you can articulate your perceived value your reputation and brand will attract the right kind of leads that you can not only serve better, but will generate repeat business and referrals. Take a listen and find out how you too can create a brand that best perceives who you are and what value you have to offer the real estate business.

Show Features

Here are some of the key takeaways from this episode.

The Value of Perception
Crafting the Right Kind of Brand
How to Generate a Following
The Impact of Design