I am completely fascinated by what Billy Ekofo, lead manager at Century 21 Redwood in Virginia, is contributing to the real estate industry.Like so many before him, he was hesitant about becoming a real estate agent, but with a little push he took that leap of faith and we are grateful he did! He is the matchmaker of real estate connecting leads with the perfect agent. I think we all could use a Billy!

Real estate is certainly a numbers game, but I think we get too caught up in getting to that next sale that we forget why we got into real estate in the first place…to help people! It is just as important to treat a $1,000,000 lead the same as a $200,000 lead. Every lead is looking for the same thing, a place to call home and someone to help them find it.

Not every prospect is ready to buy/sell the second you meet with them, but establishing a relationship and building a rapport can lead to a sale. We have to change our instant gratification mindset, give the client value and a reason to come back to us when they are ready to take that leap. If you treat each lead like the people they are, the more likely you will have not only repeat business, but referrals because they trust you and the relationship you took the time to establish with them.  

Listen as Billy shares more about the importance of following up with your leads, having patience during the process, and continuing to give value whether they are ready to buy tomorrow or 6 months from now. He’s the magician of leads so take a listen and learn some magic!  


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Here are some of the key takeaways you get from this episode.

3 Steps for ConversionThe Importance of Being PatientThe Fortune in the Follow-UpWhy Client/Agent Relationships are ValuableShow Links