Long time
realtor and entrepreneur, Andrew Gavin, reminded me how fortunate we are to
work in the real estate industry and all the incredible opportunities we are
given that can make a difference in other people’s lives. Founder of the “Bikes 4 Kids Charity,” Andrew shared with me all the amazing work he is
doing to make sure children get to experience the privilege of owning a bike.
As someone that received a bike from a charitable program at a young age, I was
truly touched by his story and his generous work.

We work in
an industry where we have the opportunity to make a great deal of money. What
we do with that opportunity is what really matters. There are SO many people in
need in this world and it is our obligation within the real estate community to
give back and impact someone’s life for the better. There is no greater joy
than helping someone else. We do it every day, but why stop at selling homes
when the chance to make a difference is right in front of us?

What can you
do to give back? As Andrew said in our podcast, “sometimes it’s a simple as
buying a pencil.”

If you are
interested in starting your own charity but don’t know where to start, Andrew has
supplied us with a “How To” file to help you or someone you know get started in
pursing your passion and helping a community in need.