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Closing Table Meltdown Stories  When the closer asked the buyer if they have made any large purchases since applying for their loan: he said 'no, except for my new truck yesterday.'  Once had a buyer and seller squabbling over $300, something insignificant that came up during the final walk through. This was about 10 years ago when both agents, the buyer, the seller and both their attorneys were all sitting there with the title closer. Finally one of the attorneys stood up, whipped out his wallet and threw three crisp $100 dollar bills out on the table. 🫠 The buyer proceeded to pick up the money and we closed. 😂  I have a fun one. A completely uneventful contract made it all the way to the closing table. Everybody signed their documents. In my state you sit at the table and wait till everything is finalized, the loan is funded, deed recorded, and then everybody walks away with their keys and checks. The buyer, seller, their agents, and the loan officer are sitting at the table chit chatting when the buyer mentions that they're going to go out immediately and start enjoying their retirement in the beautiful lake house he just bought. He had retired the day before from the job that qualified him for the loan. No one walked away with keys or checks that day.   Is there ever a time to not buy? It seems like every realtor always has the same response, “now is the time to buy”. We are on the fence of finally buying our first home this year (most likely new build) with everything going on last year and this year.  Are These Good Listing Photos? Questions: I recently closed on my home, but the weeks leading up to it were a nightmare. The buyer's agent gave the buyers a key to my home without my permission and they started doing renovations. I had to tell them to leave immediately and took the supra off the door to prevent them from coming back. On the day of closing, the buyers changed their downpayment to zero. I have filed a complaint with the realtor association for my state, but is there anything else I can do?  I am looking to buy a house that is listed at a price I am willing to pay, however, the seller is not considering my offer as they want it at a higher price. Can I take any action if they are not following the listing price, considering it has been on the market for 120 days?  We found the perfect home for our family and offered the asking price. The seller countered with 4500 for closing and requested that they stay for 2 weeks after closing for free, and $100 a day after 2 weeks if it goes past that. I'm not comfortable with this, but we countered with 4500 in closing and that they vacate at closing. Is this a normal request?  Social Media Reacts   Sell This Listing