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Golden handcuffs lock up Minnesota's housing supply

Rochester real estate investor Matt Onofrio pleads guilty in $35.7 million bank fraud case

I know a realtor and loan officers who help their clients make fake pay stubs with the help of local businesses, is there any way I can complain to anyone anonymously??

Minnesota Luxury Spotlight

Role Play:
You have been contacted by a couple, the Parkers, who are looking to sell their unique property. The property is a historic lakeside home that has been in their family for generations. However, the couple has faced legal complications regarding the property's ownership and zoning regulations. Your objective is to tactfully navigate these challenges, ensuring a legal and successful sale while preserving the sentimental value of the property for the Parkers.

You are a successful real estate agent in Minnesota, tasked with finding a property for an eccentric buyer, Mr. Thompson. He is a vintage car collector and desires a home with a spacious garage, an underground wine cellar, and a secluded outdoor space for hosting extravagant parties. Your objective is to find a property that meets these unique requirements, negotiate within his budget, and provide exceptional service throughout the process.

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Photo Credit: https://greggvanourek.com/golden-hand...