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Democrats propose new bills aiming to prevent hedge funds from buying homes

Another cautionary tale of buying a house unmarried. Advice please
Ex Gf and I bought a house. She broke up with me. I want to sell. She does not. We are both on the deed and mortgage, joint tenancy of survivorship. I am willing for her to buy me out but she is in a lot of debt. I know this because I loaned her 10k and she’s still in debt. She is dragging this out. We got in at a 3.4% rate and she refuses to talk to me. I do not want this to drag any longer. How can I force a sale or a buyout right away. I can’t do either without her consent, and prolonging this is my biggest fear. I know technically she can if she doesn’t agree to sign anything. I know she’s dragging this to either make me uncomfortable enough to make me leave. That way she can be in the house without me while keeping that low interest rate.. or buy her enough time to pay down her debts and wait for the interest rates to go down which will be torturous for me. I just want to be done and move on with my life.

House appraisal came in way over what we bought it for.
So we just closed on a home for 310,000 the appraisal came in a couple of days ago for 405,000 because the house was completely renovated head to toe and apparently the sellers agent was basing it off comps that were only similar in size but completely outdated from what I can tell. My first question is we put 15% but still have PMI wouldn’t we be above the 20% equity since the house appraised for so much more than we what we paid for me? Second question is will this most likely affect my taxes or cause any other unforeseen issues I can’t think of?

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