If you were to open up a taco stand, would you not be screaming the fucking name of that taco stand throughout the top of your lungs in every city you are to get people to buy your shit? But you don't do the same thing with your real estate business. Why not? It's because you haven't identified your brand. What we're gonna chat about today is all about your personal brand, why it matters, then how you identify it, and how you market it.  

Today we're bringing on a branding expert from brand face, Mrs. Tanya Eberhart. Tonya is the founder of BrandFace® and Branding Agent to Business Stars. She’s also the author of four books on personal branding. Tonya’s humble career began while selling vacuum cleaners door to door to pay her way through college. That led to a job in radio, where she observed local business owners who were featured in their own advertising and positioned as local celebrities in the market. That’s when she realized the power that personal branding has on a business. Almost two decades and many successful brands later, she founded BrandFace®, a personal branding firm consisting of a book series, speaking series, and personal branding program that is designed to help business stars differentiate themselves.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This EpisodeThe importance of your personal brandHow to identify your personal brand and what to do with itThe impact you can leave on everyone you meetResources

Learn more about Brand Face


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So how do you attract new business? You constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas to real estate marketing. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them. Let's get started What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast. We are joined here today by unbelievable gas somebody that I've seen over the last few years and finally we did fucking show together. Should have done this a long time ago. But yeah, we should. Where have you been? I don't know, just some of these things. That's just one of these things. But um, anyways, what we're going to be chatting about the summer books. So one of the things I know everyone's talking about is like, you know, the last two weeks of the year, what do we do we sit around, what are we gonna do next year? What do we do differently, and I got a newsflash for you. Nobody is hiring you based upon the broker you hang your license with. I will just go ahead and tell you that, let me repeat it one more time. Nobody is going to hire you over the broker that you're associated with, quite frankly, no one gives a shit who your broker is, or what the hell they do. And quite frankly, neither do you. Because today, more than anything, brokers are not really earning their splits, so to say, but that's why they're as 100% brokerages and companies like exp have been growing so much is because agents are looking for more, but that's another episode. So what we're gonna chat about today is all about your personal brand, why it matters, and then how you identify it, how you market it. And first off, what is it the problem that so many of our own clients have a lot is? Well, what do you mean, I'm a brand, I'm just a human being? I have a family, I have kids, I have a breeding? Well, let me ask you a question. If you're open up a taco stand, would you not be screaming the fucking name of that taco stand throughout the top of your lungs in every city you are to get people to buy your shit. But you don't do the same thing with your real estate business. Why not? It's because you haven't identified your brand. So what we're going to be doing today is bringing on a branding expert from brand face. And let's go ahead and introduce her name is Mr. Mrs. Tanya Everhart. Welcome to the show.

Thank you so much, Mike. I've also been following you and so happy to be here today.

Thanks. Yeah. Finally, why don't you tell everybody a little bit who you are and what you do? And then let's get into this.

Yeah, okay. All right. So I'm going to take you back just for a moment, way back to my early days in in my career, I was selling vacuum cleaners door to door to pay my way through college. And that's really where the first taste of personal branding came into play. And I realized I can't just walk up to the door and say, Give me your wallet. Right, I'd be arrested. So

my vacuum cleaner in your hand.

arrested with a deadly weapon. So I had to kind of come up with my own story. And when I realized how impactful that was when I just kept getting these sales awards, and then I was discovered, if you want to call it that by a guy in the radio industry, he was actually an engineer at a radio station, and I sold him he and his wife a vacuum cleaner, and shampoo, or I might add, it was a nice combo. And they called me a couple of weeks later and said you need to apply for a sales position in radio. Well, I did, I got the job very quickly, I saw that there were these people walking into these networking meetings or in events. And they were like rockstars. And I thought Who are these people? My God, you know, they're, they're just business owners. But what they all had in common was they were all the voice and the face of their own business. In other words, they put their personality, their personal brand out there as a representative of or spokesperson of their business. And that's really when I began to understand how much of an impact personal branding had on business. So fast forward many years later, actually comes with the idea of brand face because I had had a common thread throughout all of my experiences throughout the media world of bringing clients into a studio helping them create their own commercials become more of a face of their business. And then brand face began in 2013. It started out as just a book and about halfway through the book, I thought, this is a business. This is my passion. And so that's when I met my now business partner, Michael Carr, who was in the real estate world. And I worked with him on his brand very quickly. He shot to the top of his market. And I thought hmm, you know what, this works in any genre. And so, but that's kind of how we got headed into the real estate space. was really was Michael's industry. He was a real estate auctioneer, a broker and an investor. And my challenge at that time was pulling all of those brands into one to say, here's what this human being has in common with these three businesses he created. Here's why He created him. What is his why, you know, and that's what we've been doing together ever since and enjoyed every single day on it.

Love it. Um, I need to go back and ask you a question. All right, folks, you selling vacuum cleaners door to door like you guys are complaining about going out and like lead generation like to try selling a vacuum cleaner door to door, you sell a vacuum cleaner door to door in Chicago, like you're getting shotgun put in your face, you can knock on my door, maybe in San Diego, might be able to get a company will open the door. But that's a tough sale. What was your story refer to? At that time, she mentioned, people fell in love with my story. So I might as a vacuum cleaners at your brand face at this point, right? Your vacuum cleaner salesperson door knocking pushing vacuum cleaners? What story did you have that copy would be like I really liked her vacuum cleaners.

It wasn't about the vacuum cleaners at all. And I think I've heard you say that in previous podcasts. It's not about what you're selling. It's about you, right? And it was, hey, you know what, I'm a student, I go to Florida State University. So I wasn't selling in Chicago. So it wasn't cold. I can't you know, say I went uphill, you know, to sell a vacuum both ways in the snow. But, but it was hot. So, so it was I'm a student at Florida State University. And I would like to demonstrate this vacuum shampoo for us no obligation. You don't have to buy it. But I do get points toward school. If you could help me out. I would greatly appreciate it. Lesson number one people want to help you. If you ask for help people instinctively want to help. I was a young person, I was very young girl. I obviously wasn't a threat to anybody. So it was a little easier for me than it might be you know somebody else. But it was easy because they understood Hey, this girl just needs some help. She's in college. Then when I got in the door, I knew my product backward and forward. Nobody was gonna beat me not rainbow, not Kirby, nobody.

And gotta get in the door first, how to get

in the door first. And it's not about the product that gets you in the door.

We have a lot in common. In college, I sold soap to get through my daddy Sona soap factory and these three packaging soap. So my dad's like, Hey, you want to stay in college? I'm going to drop you off about 100 pills of soap. And you're gonna have to repackage and shut up and go sell them door to door restaurant to restaurants to sell $5 gallons 25,000 gallons of soap. And you're right. That's why people hired me was because of the soap. They felt sorry for me because I was a broke college kid hustling and they appreciated it very much. So it wasn't the soap I was selling. They were they knew my story right? Just made me think of that. Love it. What do you think? Let me just say this first, I want to get your opinion on it. So guys, when when you're talking about your nobody hires you because you have a real estate license like that just gives you the legal right to collect money. They hire you because of how you practice your real estate license. But like she said, You got to get your foot in the door first. And nobody's remembers who's a real estate agent unless you're always out creating content or you have a brandy of something that they remember you by so people don't hire you for what you do that how you how you do it. How do you identify one's brand and let me just tee you up with an example. I'm a agent 33 years old been in the business for three years. I work for Keller Williams. I'm just a salesperson chasing a check. What do you mean, I have a brand. I don't have a brand. I'm working a job. I'm trying to make my ends meet here if you my kids, brand, Keller Williams has the brand. How do you answer that?

I would answer Keller Williams does it does have a brand but it's not yours. And you come at life with your own story with your own unique points that differentiate you from everybody else. So when we look at where do you start, we have a process that we call our 3d freedom formula because once you figure this out, the world is your oyster right? It does give you freedom and is called define develop and display and we can go into that in a minute. But I did like the first part of what you're asking here belongs in the Define space and that Define Phase. Because what you're doing is you're taking a look at two things when you're trying to define your brand. And you're taking a look at okay first of all, who is it you're trying to attract? Because that is truly important if you say well, I just want to you know, sell sell a home or to anybody who fogs a mirror. We'll get out of this business because that's not going to get you very far. That's a that's, you know, a 1,998,000. Right? So what you got to do first is define who it is you're trying to attract? What is important to them? What are they seeking? What phase of life? Are they in? What lifestyle? Do they want all a lot of those things, then you take a look at yourself and you say, Okay, what is it about me that makes me unique? What things that are different about me that also appeal to that person that I'm trying to attract. And so that's kind of where you put the basis of your brand. It has to meet those two criteria, it has to be both important to your ideal customer, and unique to you in the marketplace. And so once you determine what that is it really like that's the starting point. And I think it's you your brand, at first glance has to be enough to just kick open the door for somebody to say that looks interesting. Let me learn more. Or even better yet, that looks interesting. But it's not for me. That's perfectly okay. Brands are great brands are polarizing. You are not for everybody. Right? So I don't know if I answered your question there. But

um, two questions. You're right. The problem and people have tried to cater to everyone, you're not the jack of all trades. You're not God, you're not perfect. I don't ever try to be because you resonate with zero. But I also think you can't fake your brand too. So for example, like I get one of the things I always get questions, oh, I want to trust me. And when I was in real estate, I'm 22 years old, I got my license was doing a keg Stan seven days before I found myself walking down Michigan Avenue in a suit, work in a new job, like a graduate college awesome shit happen fast and like, oh my god, what the hell just happened. And trust me at that point years old, of course, I want to sell million dollar properties. But folks, you know, like I only start selling higher end properties to my friends start making more money, period. That was it. It wasn't I can't I couldn't pick my brain. I couldn't just plot myself at that time into the luxury market, because I had nothing to do with luxury. So people have to also in real estate, would you agree that people have to like also be true to whom they are naturally before you can't pick your brand, God's picked it for you already, all you can do is embrace it and scream it from the damn rooftops.

Couldn't agree more with that. It's what we call authenticity. And that authenticity. I mean, it's not like you're creating your brand from the ground up. But I also want to say what's interesting is a lot of people say your customers will decide your brand. I say that takes too damn long. It takes too long. And innocence that is correct. Right? That that because that's the authenticity coming out in you and your customers will know either you're a kind soul, you're very approachable, you're very action oriented, you're there's certain characteristics about you that formulate that brand. But what if you could say okay, here's the essence of me, based on that. This is really what I want to be known for. And you can create that create what it looks like sounds like feels like and, and that's what we call your brain preceding you. That's when you send a video to somebody introducing yourself and introducing yourself as hey, I'm the lifestyle um, your lifestyle locater. Right, that's who I am. I know this lifestyle and Whistler British Columbia better than anybody else. This is what I do every day, and my videos are about this. And all of those things. And and that's authentic. And it's also drawing in the kind of people who are seeking that type of lifestyle. So, so you're absolutely right, the authenticity is a big thing. But you can also create your brand as well create what you want it to look like, instead of waiting three years for your customers to finally tell you what your brand is. I don't agree with that.

Totally. I remember. I it's funny. So I had a guy we brought on today. And he had like a cartoon character. And I was telling him the story about in 2012 when I switched into a cartoon, and I start calling myself the Chicago real estate dude. And people are like, You're nuts. You're crazy. And I'm like, I don't really care. I'm burned Dallas, either at work, or it's not. But what gave me the confidence to do that was because I averaged my last 10 clients. And there's a reason why I became beer guzzling drinking buddies with all of them. It's because we all attract like people. So whether you guys want to admit it or not, you have a brand, you just have to learn what it is, and embrace it. And but you can't be scared either to like, be it and it won't work. You have to have a theme. Like for those of you that we create video content for somebody, we build your branding strategy off of your theme of who it is, if you're servicing your military, I'm focusing on the top three military friendly neighborhoods, name my shows called salute some. If I'm focusing on I'm pcse, right people PCs going into a market if you're a dad or a mom that focus on schools, focus on kid friendly stuff. like you are the brand, like don't overthink the, the whole aspect of it, it's usually would you agree? It's usually what you're doing on the weekends?

You absolutely would because who you are as a real human being you can never hide and you shouldn't want to write it because I don't want to be somebody on Facebook or Instagram or Tik Tok, that I'm not when I'm sitting with my family at dinner. I don't want to be somebody different. Do you show different things? Yes. I mean, in the content that you show is different things. But you're the same person. And they should see that all the way through, you know, and I'll give you a case in point. So and I also heard you say this on a on a podcast, and I absolutely loved it. When you said people do not remember the boring professional things. They remember the personal things about you. So a lot of times when I go speak in front of a crowd, I wait until the very end. And I say okay, I want to somebody around here to shout out what will you remember me for when I leave this room? Do you know what they are? It's vacuum cleaner sales. And it's coming from the family of moonshiners. They remember those two things about me? Because those are the things that are interesting, right? And the fact that we do personal branding is awesome, but that's not the most interesting. That's not why they're gonna remember me, which is why it's called Personal Branding. Yeah, so so that's what makes it so unique is the pulling in those other sides of you that you want people to remember because there are a million real there are 2 million real estate registered real tours, over 2 million in the United States alone.

Yeah, 90% of them don't do any business. 10% do the vast majority of it. But what are those 10% all have in common? They have a brand? Yes, they

do. They know what that is? And they they get in their lane and they stay in their lane.

Why do you think generally, people struggle, it's just a real estate thing. Any referral based business. I mean, this goes for contractors, lenders, attorneys, real estate agents, any local business is really the same thing. Like the, the it's all the same stuff. People in real estate, 80% of them meet with close with the first person they meet with, but you have to be remembered. And we remember the brand. We don't remember the individual like, people always say to me, like, trust me, everyone I know knows what I do for a living. And I'm like, really well then why did fucking you just lose that $1.5 million dollar listening to little cousin Billy who just got his license.

So true. I'll give you another story about this. So about seven years ago, I was on the phone with a lady and she said, you know, Tanya, I mean, every everybody. I think I'm really well branded in my area. When I walk into a restaurant. Everybody knows I'm a realtor. And I said, You know what, Sherry, that's wonderful. And you've got a great start, and I'm really proud of you. But let's say I walk into that restaurant and I say oh there Sherry, the realtor. I know she's a realtor. But you look two tables to the right. There's Mike the realtor three tables to the left. There's David the realtor. Yeah. Now who do I choose? Why do I choose that person? Who's the best fit for me? What do I remember about them? When I leave? All of those things are left unanswered if you are content with just being a realtor.

Very well put. So let's say we find the brand. Okay, great. I figure out who my brand is. We name it. Some people like to come up with fictitious other people come up with their name as their brand, which is fine, right? But it's it's what's the imagery, right what the brand stands for. So I always like to say like, when we we don't do any logo, we do logos and all that stuff. No do anymore. Too much. Just really lot of videos service. But when I would do a logo, I'm like, it has to do three things. One, it's got to tell story. Two, it's got to reflect personality. And three, it's got to remind people all you do for a living, right? Because your logo and your brand is the number one most it's the most important marketing piece you have, like, I don't have real estate marketing dude without the dude. Right? Right. It doesn't even take off. Like there's no brand behind it. I don't have this damn podcast without to dude, I had to sit down and figure out what the brand was. But how do you market it? Like once you have it? And once you define define it, how do we bring attention to it?

Okay, so there's one word that will answer all that. Everywhere. Everywhere. Yeah, we call it Brandon fusion. So, so stop, stop projecting it and be it. Okay, so so so I'll give you a great example. And she's actually works in Michaels office and she's a young young lady who came in into his office as an intern and she's been here about five, six years now she runs now, she is runs three divisions of his company and if $4 million in real estate last year. She watched us put together brands on brand face for a few years. And then she when she got her license, one of the first things she did, came to us and said, I want to brand because she had seen what it had done for other other people. And so when we started to pull her brand together, she was a young, beautiful, super sweet military spouse, she and her husband had just gotten married, he was going to be in the military for at least the next couple of years. She wanted to help first time homebuyers. She wanted to help people in the military. And so for most of the people in our program, you are correct. Some people just kind of use their brand, their name for their brand. But we really like to add that extra, what we call a brand identifier, because your brand is your name is not necessarily what differentiates you. What differentiates you is is what we call the brand identifier. Now, you might call it a tagline or slogan, but her brand identifier is American Dream agent. And so she became the American Dream agent. And when I say she became the American Dream agent, this girl is the American Dream agent. So everything that she does, she does she considers her brand colors red, white and blue. She considers who she's talking to, she considers how she contributes how, you know, any kind of involvement in the community. Every single thing she does down to every single gift she gives to a client everything it is from the American Dream agent. And so it's just being that brand more than anything else. And and you know, and if you take a look at that American dream agent, a lot of people expect a brand identifier or slogan or tagline like real estate marketing dude, right? They expect that, to say everything about who you are the why that everything the whole story needs to be wrapped up in a logo or a name. Nonsense, forget that. of it. What that needs to do is command attention from the very beginning. It just needs to say what's that? Right? It needs to evoke a question, tell me more, what's that? I want to learn more about you. And that's really all it can do. You can never expect three or four words to communicate an entire brand. But as you Case in point of what you do the video marketing, infusing that brand and all of those videos and being that brand and all of those videos. Over time, people will begin to learn more about what you stand for. But that's a good like shot in the arm. Right?

I love that. So let's tie this in. Let's tie the video stuff in and she mentioned something about gifts, which is really cool. You have to look at your brand. Or let's switch gears. If you go into a restaurant to go eat. There's a couple different restaurants that we could choose for. Let's say I'm really hungry and it's noon. But I only have half an hour and I'm going to eat tacos. That's what Mexicans do eat tacos. That's my favorite. If I'm in lunch hour, like right now and I have to run I gotta run to the taco stand on the street. I only got 20 minutes. I'm gonna eat that tacos. Good. Tastes really damn good, right? But if I'm hungry, and let's just say it's 435. And then some of the dudes here in the office are like, Hey, let's go out to grab a bite. Well, we're probably going to go to this other place down the street. That's grand margaritas, going to tacos, both are going to fill my my belly. But I'm looking for a different type of experience. Right? So it's yes, I'm eating but I'm going to look for a different experience. Now. The reason why I'm going to the other restaurant is the ambience I want to be served. I want to get margaritas, I want to get margaritas with 18 I want to watch the game a little bit I want to enjoy and spend 45 minutes with my family. But what I'm really looking for is the experience. So I like to tell people's like your brand identity is like the menu for your restaurant. Right? And it's like the drinks you serve like when restaurants go out and they actually go if you guys watch Vanderpump Rules I'm I'm a fan. Okay, don't make fun of me. But Tom and Tom right now are creating a new restaurant. And part of the restaurant they have to create is a drink menu. And they can't create the drink menu because they haven't figured out what their mission statement is for the restaurant yet which means you have to that's what your brand is so she's what she's saying here and she's getting all these awesome things I want you guys to pick up on this because when you once you identify your brand you have to live it out and that's in the experience you provide. Okay, that includes right now it's the end of the year So an easy way to give people stuff right? What would a let's take the American dream girl What does she get for her clients is like a Popeye gift or something like that like a gift like that? It would just give out once a year.

Yeah, I think I don't I don't know if she does anything for Christmas specifically but I know she does for New Year's she does her own private labels on champagne that are red, white and blue big you know fireworks surprises the American Dream agent label,

probably big big marketing event. Fourth of July Memorial Day, Veterans Day,

unfortunately, I wish I had it here. I don't have it handy. But she puts little flags out in three different communities that she farms. And she puts them out with her card attached to them beautiful is very beautifully done. But the flags about probably a two foot flag, it's not a little dinky thing. She she really goes all in on that. And she has definitely gotten business off of that.

So let's say I wanted to create a video series for her I would create a buyer bootcamp that I've created seller bootcamp, which would just price it would just be strategies on that if I would create a video series I'm talking about PCs seen in around Fort Benning. I'm talking about the top three neighborhoods near Fort Benning, I'm talking about what you need to do on a military budget, the top five neighborhoods PCs veterans move to, but that's just content, building the brand, but you can't create the content until you first identified the brand. Otherwise, it doesn't stick.

Okay, bravo. Because, because that is the biggest challenge that we find with real estate agents, they begin to market before the brand is built. And and you really need to understand to build that brand. First know what it is you are communicating. There's a big difference between building a brand and promoting a brand. Yes. And so you've got to know what it is you're putting out there before you it's kind of like, why would you pack all your suitcases and go stand by the door and think I'm going on vacation? But you don't know where you're going? How do you know what to pack? Right? So or how much money to take, or who's going to go with you or how you're going to get there? You? You know, that's what's missing a lot of times, and that's why people cry and complain and whine about marketing doesn't work. Right? It does work. Videos are the number one marketing tool right now by far there's no question. There's not even anything close to it. Other than podcasts, videos, podcasts, right? Sometimes both in one, right? So you need to know a direction before you just go all crazy, which is why I love what you guys do it you go into it with a direction and a theme and a purpose. And there are so many people who don't do that.

You have to be smiling in the content you create. Otherwise, it doesn't like I'm sure the the gal we're talking about here at American Dream. Trust me, guys. I guarantee you she's snapping photos of her placing those flags on social media. I guarantee you she's doing stories and reels about it. I guarantee you she's capturing different stuff around there, which is just micro content. But it's very hard to determine what to create when you first have it. So that's around. Part of that reason though. I'm going to blame the gurus I hate the gurus like the gurus You guys suck. Because teach people to go out there and chase a bunch of leads and do a bunch of old school vacuum cleaner salesman shit, that doesn't work anymore today, unless you have a brand.

That's actually what I had to learn the hard way. That's where I had to develop one along the way. And then later when I got to the radio world, I realized, hey, that's what I just did. I just, I just developed my own brand. Now I'm gonna go help all these other people do the same thing. Because I learned from them. You know, I learned from those that went before me. If we're not learning, we're dying. So, you know, I learned from everybody I've learned from you today.

I think there's a good way to think of yourself when it comes to content creation as your brand spokesperson, you're just the host of your own show. The guy for our examples, easiest one, he's diners, drives and drives his theme as grease pit food for dudes, diners, drives and drives is the show. He's the host. You're the host, you name a show, and then you that determines how you create content. And that way you never run out of stuff to say, but you should never run out of things to do just by you know, some people aren't gonna videos, be honest. Either cost, you'll be too scared. Or you just don't know how to schedule a demo with the real estate marketing, do WWW dot real estate marketing do.com Schedule a demo Big Blue Button. Or I don't know, I don't know what it is. But it doesn't mean you can't build a brand. But you do have to create content. I don't think you can build a brand without content. What's your opinion?

No. Well, in my opinion, is this. You can build the greatest brand in the world. It's kind of like setting up for this elaborate birthday party in this gigantic Victorian mansion is perfect. All the forks are in line everything super shiny. They're earning the lipstick stains on the on the wine glasses. You did not send out the invitations and tell people here's the party here's what's going to be there who's going to be there the music, the food, everything. That's your content. You can't have a party without the content.

And today folks, you're in the business of content creation. If trust me if someone's if you're not marketing your network someone else's I guarantee you we said it earlier is 2 million real estate agents out there. And your your network juice has been infiltrated every day not only other agents like in your guys's market, you got the ibuyers You got not Zillow anymore, but you still have open door, you have all the alternatives you have Nokia vz, knock it all of these companies have way more money than you guys do. And trust me, they're in the business of building their brands right now to steal that attention away from you. And the only way you're going to ever compete back is by having your own brand because where you will win is the relationship you already have with the audience you already know. That's what big tech interruption none of those people will ever be able to infiltrate. And I'll give you guys one more example of this. And I'm gonna do a giving back brand. What's the take the same thing? So here's how you here's an unfair competition. Let's just take the American girl girl, okay, I guarantee you she has a near and dear heart. What if we created a program for her called salute? And every time she had a closing 10% would go towards the Wounded Warrior Project. Sorry, you don't stand a chance. Come compete with me next time. Go home. Fuck off. I won.

She would do it. And she would feel the same way. I know her. Yeah. I love that idea.

You can't compete. You cannot compete. No, you can't.

It's standing behind your word to you know, it truly is. And and Mike if I'm if I may I like to address something that you asked you asked why why aren't people doing this? Why don't they schedule a demo and hit that big blue button? Why don't they do more video? Why aren't they doing content? And I think that having done this for so many years and and walking CEOs into a studio, where they're like shivering and wondering what on earth they're going to do, right? It's like, make me do it's like I'm gonna make you rich. So I'm just

gonna shut down and take notes.

Just do what I say. Right? Yeah. Wouldn't it be nice? But But I think it's a lot of that is just intimidation. And I think we were as a society, we're raised to be very modest people, we're, you know, we still have guilt when we have, you know, when we make more money than somebody else, there's a lot of guilt going around in the world. And there's a lot of modesty. And those are great things to a degree to a degree, they ground us, right. And I think a lot of people feel like, well, if I come out here, and I develop this brand, or if I start doing all of these videos, then people are going to think I'm arrogant, narcissistic, egotistical, that all I care about is my face on another billboard, or whatever it is. And what I say to people is you need to, that's it. That's definitely an antiquated way of looking at things. You need to think of it. As we tell people. We don't this is not about Look at me, look at me, this is about look at what I can do for you. And if you approach it with that kind of spirit, that this is not about me being on video, this is about me helping people, like whoever like like soldiers, like first time homebuyers, like people that have lived in their home for 35 years, and don't know what to do with all that stuff that they need to move out to go into assisted living, right. And there are some real situations out there where people need your help. And if you can express to them why you're the person to help them. Not only does that genuineness come out, but your competitors will never never win. They'll never win against Real, true intent. And I think when you look at it that way, the videos don't seem so daunting. Yeah.

Well, it also at the same time, if you truly believe in your heart, that you're the right person for the job, it actually becomes your obligation to scream it from the rooftops. If not, you're a dick. That's just the truth of it. Right? Like I think I'm one of those people for fucking video right now. Like, you don't want to do video with me school? No, I'm just joking. Um, listen, I can help you like I just I'm screaming it from the rooftops. That's why I have this podcast. But I don't feel like I'm selling you anything. You don't have to hire me if you don't want to. But I'm here if you do, right and it's remind, remind, don't tell, get out of the salesmanship, like Quit hitting them right over the head with your damn lockboxes. No one wants to buy or sell real estate. So they're the time to buy or sell. But that doesn't mean you stop communicating with them. Quit being a salesperson chasing the check and start building a brand and a long term. This is a business you're an entrepreneur, you cannot run a business without having a brand. And yeah, that's all I got.

No, I love it. And I think I love your approach because I feel I always every time I listened to you, I feel like it's so refreshing. It's like, it's like, okay, stop the nonsense. You know, this is what's really happening. If you need to do this. You can do it with me. You can do it by yourself. You can do it with somebody else, but you need to do it period and I'm the guy you need to do it with. Right because because I know these things, and that genuineness comes out, you know from you. And I think that obviously no doubt is you know, real estate marketing dude. The dude is like, Okay, I'm a laid back guy. I'm intense. Right. But I'm also laid back I'm easy to get along with, we'll go out and have a beer after this. But let's get, let's get moving on these videos right now, because this is gonna change your life. Right? That's how I see the dude.

Yeah, trust me, there's a lot of people don't like to do it either, like, great, you know, like, I guess I'm not, I'm not supposed to get along with everyone, and neither is anyone else out there. But I guarantee you, I have a lot more attention than my than some of my competitors. So, you know, it's, it's my job like, so it's my obligation. This is awesome, awesome show, why don't you go ahead and any other closing tips you want to add or anything else you want to mention?

No, I just want to say you know, it, it truly is it comes down to one thing, unveiling your inner star. And I think that everybody has a star inside of them. I don't care who you are. And a lot of people will come into our program and say, well, there's nothing really special about me, I don't know, good luck, if you can find it. And I say nonsense. First of all, that's your first problem, right? You need to understand that there truly is there's more than one, we just have to figure out which one we're going to lead with. So there is an inner star inside of you. I think it's you, you deserve getting it out there. And not only that, it's not all about you. Okay, it's about your clients, because the people you set out to help they deserve to have somebody like you to help them. And I love what you do. And thank you for everything you do. I appreciate you having me on this show very much.

Appreciate it. Why don't you tell everyone where they can find you, folks, if you guys are looking, if you're stuck on figuring out what the hell your brand is, give them a call called Brand face. I'll give you the website right now. And when you get done with that you come visit me put you on the map, Portugal had Donya tell him how to find you

will work in tandem. Alright, so the main website to learn more about us it's brand face star str.com. And then if you are sitting there thinking, Hey, I just want to talk to these people I'm in I know enough, go to discuss your brand.com and we'll jump on the phone with you and have a chat with you about exactly what it's going to take to get you where you deserve to be

cool. And folks make an investment in your brand. Like do it. There's no you can't, you can't start a restaurant without building out the restaurant or creating a menu and you can't start a bakery without getting your recipes. You can't start a store without picking up inventory and then naming it so like you have to look at that with your business like you cannot start a real estate business without first identifying how you're gonna practice real estate business so don't be a salesperson chasing a check be someone that serves first and you only do that you have a brand so awesome show love it. Thank you folks for listening another episode of real estate marketing Do feel free to follow us on all our social channels YouTube, Facebook IG and subscribe to the show. We appreciate you guys each and every month and if you need any help with your video marketing please give us a ring seven are not seven so not give me my cell phone number real estate marketing dude.com real estate marketing do.com But my cell phone number is 773-988-6599 to go shoot me a text we have an answer it and talk you into video. Appreciate you Tanya Have a great week and it looks like I'll be doing a show with you guys at the end of the month here to be cool so appreciate you awesome show and you guys take the advice you had here there take action you got 30 days to plan out next year. Do it. Peace everybody. Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing dude.com We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule a time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.