What we're going to be teaching about today is about how to get over that hump. That big hump of getting on video, because I don't know what it is with a lot of people, but let's be honest, you're sitting there listening to this show right now and in the back of your mind, you're telling yourself, Hey, I know I need to get on video. Instead of getting to work you delay the process. The reason why I know that is because it's the fourth quarter and I can predict when the calls are going to come into our company and people will say Hey, Mike, I'm gonna do video this year, and they're already starting to happen.

If you don't know, we script, distribute videos, and basically build your show and become your marketing dude, and make it really fucking simple. But this isn't about us. What I want to do today is show you how we get each and every one of those people comfortable on the camera and get used to, you know, creating content.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This EpisodeWhy it is important to get yourself on videoHow to get started on video and get yourself a real estate marketing dudeWhy most people shy away from video and how to get the f*ck over itResources

Real Estate Marketing Dude

The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)

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So how do you attract new business you constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike way ambassador, real estate marketing. This podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them. Let's get started What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast. Book folks haven't had any guests lately, I've just been sort of lazy on booking them sort of having a good time, doing a little bit of teaching. So what we're going to be teaching about today is about how to get over that hump. That big hump of getting on video, because I don't know what it is with a lot of people. But let's be honest, like you're sitting there listening to this show right now you kick that can down the road for far too long. And in the back of your mind, you're telling yourself, Hey, I know I need to get on video. I know I need to get on video. But you know what, it's been such a good year, I could just wait one more week. And then that week turns into a month and then a month turns into six months and then another year. And the reason why I know that is because it's the fourth quarter. And I can predict when the calls are going to come into our company, I can predict when they say Hey, Mike, I'm gonna video this year, and they're already starting to happen. And we're only in October. And if you don't know, we script that it distribute videos, and basically build your show and become your marketing dude, and make it really fucking simple. But this isn't about us. What I want to do today is show you how we get each and every one of those people comfortable on the camera and get used to, you know, creating content. Like I didn't practice for this podcast right here, I just literally hit record. And it's because I'm passionate about my trade, I know exactly how to communicate with my audience, I know exactly who my brand is. And that doesn't happen overnight. That takes time it takes, you know, takes time and energy, but where it all starts is by having

the wherewithal or the called the balls to go out and say, hey, look, I'm a personal brand. People don't hire my broker or my bank or whatever, they hire me. And when you first realize that you are the brand, that's when everything changes, you see, we often times just look at ourselves, and we think I'm just an individual, like, for me, I'm a dad, I have three kids, you know, I have feelings, I get emotional, you know, I get stressed out quite a bit, guys, I have anxiety, you know, but we don't voice those different things to the world. But the truth is, is that our vulnerabilities are the best marketing piece we have. And that's part of what embracing your brand is all about. It's not about connecting with 45 Different million people because a jack of all trades is the master of none. It's about connecting with those people whom you who are your brothers from another mother, your sisters from another mister your people, your friends, your family, look at the last 10 clients that you attracted and you close a transaction with and I want you to ask yourself, well, I just closed a transaction with 10 people. Why did I all become Why'd they all feel like they're my friends? Like, why did I start drinking beer with them? Like why do I want to hang out with these people? Well, the reason is because consumers choose you based upon the comfort level they feel with you, especially in our business, and you don't attract like people on accident. It's just how it is people are attracted to like people, especially when they're buying or selling real estate, it's one of the biggest financial moves they're ever gonna make, they're not going to do it with someone they don't relate with. Which comes back to my original point, authenticity, because that's what identifying your brand really is. You don't have to create videos about real estate if you want to. That's great. That just means you love real estate. But you have to create videos and match them with your daily life, your personal brand. And the very first thing to get over how to get over being on the camera is actually start with a strategy that you're excited about. If I was going to go out and start shooting a bunch of videos on, I don't know, playing video games, like I don't play video games, I don't have fun playing video games. My videos would be very boring on video games. Why? Because I would be not very entertaining, playing video games. It's just not my thing. So what does that mean? Well, it means you create stuff that you already do see videos and lead generation, it's communication. And it's impossible to communicate in the correct way or an authentic way when you're being forced to do something you're not comfortable with. Therefore, it's always while we create a branding strategy, it's always why we create a communication strategy. So the first question you have to ask yourself is am I doing video long term in my using video to build my brand over Time, or am I going to go ahead and use video, just because I need a few videos like maybe I need a sales video, some running ads, maybe I need some core videos on my website because I need to help convert some more leads or whatever that may be. But if you're going to create your brand with video, you need to have a theme you need to determine which is the right way to do videos for you. So let's go ahead and put this into context with a couple different stories to show you. So I'm gonna give you a couple ideas on some shows we created this month. The best one I love. I love this dude. We create a show for mortgage broker in Fort Collins. If you guys have any business to do in Fort Collins, look him up. His name is Aaron Beatty. And we first meet Aaron I noticed that he has a huge beard. He has a he's wearing a hat. Aaron looks like a lumberjack like Aaron, your Instagram handle. He goes oh, well, um, you know, Colorado's bearded lender. I'm like done. So we came up with a show a video series called beard budget. Why would we do that? Well, I know beard is his personal brand. I know that he focuses on the cost of living in Fort Collins because he's a mortgage broker. So what a better way to brand that than just to say beard budget. I don't care. He doesn't have to say it from the top of his brain that he's a mortgage broker. But every time someone watches beer budget, they're going to infer his mortgage broker without him having to say it. Now that he has a strategy under a show, what kind of content would you create with beer budget? Well, you can easily do neighborhood tours and talk about the budget. In each, you could do a beard budget show just on the different types of loans available. You could do a beard budget show on brewery tours, it doesn't have to be real estate, you could do how to spend a day in Fort Collins on a budget. Think of the movie

half baked if you've ever seen that movie when Oh my God, what's his name, but he takes the girl out to date and he only has $7? Well, if you watch that scene in the movie, every time he has the buy her something like an ice cream cone or hot dog, he starts losing that money. And he's scared about running out of money and being embarrassed on the date. That is the branding strategy for this individual. But let's go ahead and switch gears and let's just say oh, I don't have a beard, Mike. Neither do I. But what would I do if I'm just like a regular agent? You know, I'm just like a regular plain Jane person, you know, I sort of get along with everybody. No, you don't you haven't dialed in your brand. yet. I'm telling you, you do not get along with everybody. You are not God, and you are not perfect. So don't try to be what you really want to do is figure out average the last 10 clients you have, and then be like, Hey, how would I? How would I communicate to them? If I had a reality show? What would the name of it be? That's how you build your brand. That's how you build your video strategy. Okay, one more example. Go on. Let me think of one more. Okay. So let's do a Geographic show. I'm gonna launch a Geographic show here in San Diego. I use it when I'm doing actually. So long story short, we're starting a team here in San Diego. And we're, we're creating the first real estate marketing company powered by real estate agents. So we're going to be creating content for people. If you're in a market that you're interested in exploring that opportunity with us, please feel free to reach out and visit us at real estate marketing dude. Because we are going to be setting up expansion teams throughout the country and the name of our website is called your real estate dudes. So we're going to do teams separated across the country from all different types of brands, and or whatnot. But the name of my show here is called North County vibes. vibes. Why would I have a show called North County vibes? Well, totally goes with dudes. I could have North County vibes. Hey, bro. This is like the flow of it down here. That's how I am outside. We're shooting our first two videos, actually today. We're going to do a downtown Encinitas tour. And we're gonna talk about all the cool restaurants, the bars, two breweries that are on the little strip there. Then we're talking about the pros and cons of living here in Encinitas. And we're gonna just go through it. And we're going to do it in a very duty type of way. But it's how we do content that people remember. So the first thing you need to do is figure out how to communicate, I highly suggest starting a show if you're gonna create an ongoing series, because just like this podcast, I wasn't going to shoot this week, I didn't have a guest. But if I don't shoot this podcast right now into this episode, I don't have anything to publish on Saturday. It's my job as a media company to keep publishing content so that you guys can tune in, listen to it, get more ideas, and start implementing them in your markets. That's how I run my brand. That's how I find more clients. Okay, so it's no differently than how you can do it in your own now, let's get to the actual shoot. So what is your strategy? Most people are are stuck because they don't have the right strategy with video. They're just doing video because Tom Ferry told them to and you're just trying to check a box or your coach told you to but the video idea your coach told you to videos and you're like that's fucking boring. I don't want to do market reports. Then don't fucking do Boom, because that's never gonna work for you, because you already lost the battle, you're getting on camera, doing something that you're not comfortable with, therefore, your videos never going to look good. You're never going to be authentic in it. That's just the truth. You got to be excited about your strategy, if you need help with that you call a real estate marketing dude. Now, secondly, let's talk about why people buckle at the knees. When the camera turns on, if you don't know what I'm talking about, like if you ever noticed, like,

when you get a call from a random stranger, let's just say someone calls you up, hey, I'm coming in your market. I'm gonna spend a million dollars was spent a million dollars with you and coming in your market? Do you actually like worry about how you're going to answer the question? Like if that guy comes in? Hey, I want to why don't you tell me what the downtown Encinitas looks like? I'm gonna come in there. I want to spend about 1.5 million, but I really want to make sure I like the downtown area. Am I going to think twice on how I answer that question or respond to that individual? Absolutely not. So then why the fuck do you think twice about what you say into a camera, the only difference between talking to a camera versus talking to an individual is just the context of the situation. But you're always talking to one person one at a time. And the reason I don't know why it makes us buckle up Dinesen when we see that record button ricin in front of a camera. But if you close your eyes and use envision yourself talking to one person at a time, one person at a time, that's really what it is. Go head on YouTube, right now look at some of our clients stuff, look at other agents stuff, see what they're doing. And that once I have the most views of the most conversational, they're not ever selling anything. They're just giving information. And as a real estate agent, as a lender, that's your job. You give information about your product, service and community. That's what the hell we sell. We don't sell houses, we saw the communities those houses resided. And that's a different train of thought and how you bring up and think about your content strategy going forward. So the other thing too, is like to be shooting videos. You should never be nervous in the act of shooting a video. And the reason is because if you don't like the way you look, guess why you just don't post it or don't send it to anybody. Therefore the act of shooting What the fuck are you worried about? Who's gonna see you besides yourself? And us if you're using you and your editor, or your producer or your editor or your script writer, whatever it may be? What are you worried about? If your video looks like crap, reshoot it in practice, but it's not hard, it's just new, the biggest challenge people have is just getting started. Just like in anything else. Like, look. We've had our third kid and I've had three kids, okay. Every time we have a kid, I gain as much weight as my wife does in the pregnancy. And I'm like, hey, this time,

I'm gonna eat healthy. Not gonna gain 15 to 20 pounds.

I'm gonna do this guess what I gained 15 to 20 pounds. Now I'm in the process of working out losing that weight. And it's working but took me freakin two months to commit to being consistent. at getting back on the we bought the peloton thing here I am in my garage. And it took two weeks to do that. So what I'm saying are two months. I mean, just to get back in the trainer thing. So much like what is approaching video. Anytime you do something new, it's very uncomfortable. But no one's ever growing. Unless they're uncomfortable. I don't know about you. But I like to be the most uncomfortable person at all given times when it comes to business. Because when I am, that means I'm fucking growing it. It's when you become complacent that you hit your own damn glass ceiling. And that's the same approach with video. If you come in and you say, Oh, this is this is just gonna suck every time it's all mindset. No, it doesn't suck every time I look at some of our first videos I sucked on them, doesn't mean I didn't get good at them. Now I could talk your face off, just by fucking sitting here. I don't even plan this video. I'm talking to you for the last 25 minutes on my own. And I don't have any script. Why? Because over time, you get better. And you're not shooting video, you're creating content. But here's why you should be motivated by it. 10 to 15% of the people who see your content will be moving this year and 100% of them have referral for you. So that means everyone always asked me Mike, what's the ROI in video? What's the ROI in video? First answer is hey, listen, you're never going to be able to determine that because you're not going to know what one video did. And what one video made someone actually pick up the phone and call you just like I don't know what podcast you listen to that actually got you to get off your ass and finally scheduled the damn demo with the real estate market you do so I guess they're blown up your brand and blow up your shit. That's what I'm talking about. Look at all the subliminal call to actions I'm throwing in throughout this podcast. I learned that over time. Why? Because I started at one point and I disciplined myself in the process and that promise you that's what happens when you get with video. No, it's not hard. It's just new. But just like in anything, the first time I drove a car, it was very hard. As a matter of fact, I don't even know how to drive stick shift. If I tried to do stick shift right now I'm shitting my pants, I don't want to do stick shift. But if I the first time I did it, it probably embarrassed myself. I probably embarrass myself the second time, and eventually, I'd be taking that Jeep on the beach, running through waves driving stick shift. So my point is, is that when you're creating content, there's absolutely no excuse for you to be scared of getting on video because guess what, you look like that every fucking day. And you sound like that every fucking day. If you're scared to get on video, you're scared to sell a house and meet with a client face to face because that's all video is. And this entire thing is just mindset. Don't overthink this process, or let anyone else get an away. Are there going to be some people who don't like your videos and haters? Yes, there will. But that means when you're doing it right. You're not think I have haters? Fuck you haters. I could give two shits about my haters. No one cares. You're not supposed to resonate with everybody and the second you embrace that and love it and realize that God made you as an individual human being and you're the only one like you in the entire freakin world. That's pretty damn cool. And yes, you have something to offer. That's what that means. So Will people not like your videos? Yes. Will people like your videos? Yes. Should you care? Absolutely not. If you here's what it comes down to and I'll close with this. If you truly believe in your heart, that you're the best lender investor real estate agent whoever the hell you are. Whether you're not even in real estate, I don't care best bakery owner. If you're the best at what you do for a living, it actually becomes your obligation to let the world know about it. If not, you're a fucking dickhead. Let me say that one more time. If you believe you are the best person for the job, it becomes your obligation to tell the world about it and serve them I have no problem telling people I am the absolute best at real estate marketing video content creation and repurposing in the country because I fucking am

and there's gonna be other people Oh, no, he's not No I am. Why? Because I think I am do I have competition? Of course I do. But if I don't create content How the hell am I gonna scream it from the rooftops? How am I going to continue to pay my employees pay for my kids and do all that stuff it's because I'm a brand and I'm not marketing my individual a marketing my brand the second you differentiate that is the second video becomes easy. If you guys have any questions about video getting started or anything call us up schedule demo, give us a shot. Real estate marketing dude, I've sold real estate for 18 years I speak real Turkish that's why it's easy for me to script edit distribute all of your content anywhere you're out in the United States. So if you even question it, at the very least, take all the free content on our site. At the very least hire local person but just do it. I don't care if you hire us just get on damn video because if you're not marketing your network and marketing your brand, I promise you somebody else's and that's the exact reason why you log on to facebook maybe every other month and realize that someone stole one of your clients or someone forgot your only real estate you're learning it's not their job to remember what you do for a living it's your job to fucking remind them remember that your personal brand embrace it, and scream it from the damn rooftops thank you folks for listening to their episode the real estate marketing Dude, please visit our website at real estate marketing do.com You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel if you like our content and like seeing our videos and also connect with us on social Facebook Instagram and I'm getting the huge tick tock channel finally set up these guys happy Halloween. Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing dude.com We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule a time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcasts. We'll see you next
