Subscribe Now Listen Later & Get Notified Every Week! Make no mistake, s Instant Offer service will disrupt the real estate industry and put agents out of business. But one man is taking on the beast and aiming to stop Zillow in its tracks with a rival service by and for realtors. That man is Greg […]
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Make no mistake, s Instant Offer service will disrupt the real estate industry and put agents out of business. But one man is taking on the beast and aiming to stop Zillow in its tracks with a rival service by and for realtors. That man is Greg Hague, of I asked him to come on the show to explain what Zillow is doing and why it s a problem, what he plans to do about it, and how all real estate agents and brokers can help.

Greg Hague is a real estate professional with over 50 years of experience in the real estate business. He s also a real estate attorney and trainer, and lately, builds brokerages. In short: he knows his stuff when it comes to real estate. And he s got a huge problem with Zillow s new Instant Offer trial. And here it is: by offering sellers an easy way to value their homes and get that instant offer (often a low-ball valuation from an investor), Zillow gets all the leads BEFORE they speak to an agent. It s the same strategy that Zillow s founder Rich Barton used when he set up and it s the same strategy that put travel agents out of business.

In this episode of The Real Estate Marketing Dude, Greg and I discuss in-depth why Zillow s strategy is dangerous for agents, and why it WILL be successful if agents don t stop it first. Greg explains the role of his website,, in helping to set up a meaningful Zillow competitor. And finally, we talk about what realtors need to do in order to protect themselves from being pushed out of business in the next two to three years.

Today s Topics:

What is
Zillow s Instant Offer service: what is it and why is it dangerous for agents?
Isn t Zillow s Instant Offer service breaking brokerage licensing rules?
Who pays for Zillow s Instant Offer service?
Why Zillow is being rightly compared to Expedia
How Zillow differs from online brokerages like Redfin
Why the National Association of Realtors is unlikely to help
How long will it be before agents will start feeling the pinch from Zillow s Instant Offer service?
What all agents can do to protect themselves immediately
How to join the Stop Zillow movement

Connect with Greg Hague

If you d like to contact Greg directly, you can e-mail him at [email protected].

For further reading, check out his article, Zillow s Secret Plan (via LinkedIn).

Be sure to visit and sign the petition!

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The post Meet the Man Behind Stopping Zillow appeared first on Real Estate Marketing Dude.