The thing with real estate is, how do you market your business? I don't believe we're in a sales business. I believe we're in a service business. Our guest today is gonna lay up what she's doing. One of the things that is her claim to fame is that she does things differently. She's not scared to put it out there. She's authentic. She's real. She's raw. She just tells it how it is, and that's what we need more of in this business. We don't want any more fake fake fake fake fake it till you make it type of brand new marketing and all that. We want real and authentic shit. So we're gonna let her school us today about secret to her success and how she's gotten over $700 million in sales.

Maria is a real estate agent, executive and expert, innovative entrepreneur, investor, speaker, visionary, trainer, thought leader and philanthropist with over 25 years of experience.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This EpisodeHow to make your content stand outWhy being authentic is better for your businessWhat content you can offer your audience


Learn more about Marie Quattrone

Real Estate Marketing Dude

The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)

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So how do you attract new business? You constantly don't have to chase. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas a real estate marketing dude. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust most importantly, refer. But remember it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them let's get started

What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast. Folks what we're going to be doing today people have been asking me Hey, dude, why don't you have more women on once you have more women on? Why do you always have all these dudes? Why are you having a sausage party podcast? Well, we're gonna bring on a killer women today that is going to share with you her secrets of success. Not only is she own her own office right now, but she's been in real estate for 28 years, I thought I was the only person who could say I've been in this business for 20 years. Well, she's got

no 18 years of real estate 11 years in marketing. So marketing sales,

love it. That will this is what we're gonna chat about is like, you know, the thing with real estate is like, how do you market your business? And I don't believe we're in a sales business. I believe we're in a service business. And I've always been known to like, do things differently, stand out, Chase attention, don't chase leads, stuff like that, man, she's gonna lay up what she's doing. One of the things that sort of has her claim to fame is that she does things differently. She's not scared to put it out there. She's authentic. She's real. She's raw. She just tells it how it is. And that's what we need more of in this business. We don't want any more fake fake fake fake fake it till you make it type of brand new marketing and all that. We want real and authentic shit. So we're gonna let her school us today about secret to her success and how she's gotten over $700 million in sales in her career. It's a lot of business guys. So without further ado, let's go ahead and introduce our guests. Mrs. Madea Quattrone did I say that correct?

You did. So Italy, though? We would say quick, Joan,

I was gonna ask you're either Italian or you're Hispanic. And I was gonna guess one or the other. But cut Oh, no. Okay, cut there. Oh, no. Tell us everybody. Tell everyone who you are, where you're asking

me my slide here. Thanks for having me on the show today. I appreciate you and your time. So yeah, I mean, real estate is all about marketing, I don't care actually what business you're in people who need to know who you are. They need to know who you are, and what you do, and how you can help them. So first things are, you know, you start with the basic things, you can start with marketing, marketing yourself, just by picking up the phone and talking to people. Mark, this is how I started. I started by picking up the phone and talking to people, and going to networking events and marketing myself at networking events, doing the simple things consistently over and over and over again, following up with that person that you met the night before, at the at the networking event. Right, doing those putting those little touches, I always remember something special about that person. Whether is, hey, their kids go into Howard or, you know, they, whatever they do for for fun, they they got a lot or whatever it is, there's always something in the conversation. I remember and I always revert back to that, as I'm getting to know somebody. So the basic principles of marketing are get people to know who you are. And you can start simply by picking up the phone and by meeting people face to face. How can you do that now even more authentically, right now video? Getting on video giving. So what can we offer? I will just do real estate things. I talked about being inspirational.

Everyone thinks we have to talk about real estate though. What do you mean? Do you mean I could do a video and not talk about interest rates houses are just sold or how many fucking houses I sold last month or how much money I made. I could actually do that and generate business and real estate you got to be kidding me.

Right, so our core value one of our core values here at M QA is to be the solution. That's my personal core value and top of integrity and a lot of other things but for this talk today be the solution. And so I started this podcast called The the solution because here's why. It was March 20 2020 The governor shutdown boom, boom, boom real estate here. Couldn't go out of the house to go sell real estate or go to networking. So I'm like, Oh my gosh, what are we gonna do? Guess what everybody's eyes were social media. Yep. everybody's eyes were in social media. Social media went down from like, 20% like that during the day that 80% Everybody's on social. Yeah, guess what? All my colleagues around here. Nobody was on social say nothing. Yes. Well, I said it To be the leader, and I'm going to step up, and I'm going to be the solution. Because our clients have hired us over the years, especially, we sell expired listings. Why? Because we're the solution for them, because they haven't been successful in the past for a variety of reasons. And hey, y'all, it's not always the agent. And I don't actually blame anybody. But I come up with the solution on how we're going to do it. So it's March 20. I'm like, oh, no, F. At WTF. Freaking out. Yep. So

it's about that time really quick. Yeah. And I said it here on the show, we said the same thing we go listen, this is when you double down on brand, because this is when everyone's gonna be glued to social. And I'll be like, we lost a lot of our clients at that time, because we're creating videos, but the fear went through the industry so quick, that the truth is, is that all you guys who are still listening to my show that quit, you just made a major mistake, because you just lost a shitload of attention. Everyone who doubled down on video during that time, literally had a 4x from the year prior. Because it's all attention based guys. And you have to remain present. It's not about what you create. It's about that you're consistent in presence. And I agree with you, I agree that I think this whole business is just about having conversations, constantly and constantly reminding people where you're at and who you are. And when the networking goes away. How do you have those conversations, you go to social and you do it on video, because those videos are still playing while you're sleeping. And they're always working for you. But whether it's video or whether it's not what we're getting at, folks, is that you have to be present. Alright, look, if you Maria, are you married? I am if you stop talking to your significant other for the next month, what's going to happen to your relationship?

Don't very much it's good.

I have nothing at all. You know,

you've been zero is gonna happen. So guys, what do you think go for like a debt? Not even like a half a day without talking? Maybe like a day? But no, I mean, come on. You have to talk to people. Until

Why do agents agents stop talking to their databases? Like when I moved out to California five years ago, I was shocked at like the way that I saw some agents actually treat their clients and how they interact with them. And folks, like you don't spike the football on a transaction a day of the closing table, you spiked the football on the transaction, the day you get your third referral from that person you had at the closing table five years prior. And we're not playing the short game. We're playing the long game here. You have to remain present since like Maria, let me ask a couple questions. You have a bro, how many agents are in your brokerage? There's about 15. So 15. Besides you I know you're probably the top of your killer, who's the other top agent besides you? What's your volume like?

So we run our office like a team. So we work together. So Dara is my listing partner. So she does a lot of the listings now. Probably, I'd say the lion's share. And then we're grooming some other agents to step up into the listing because we believe in listing listing listing listing, I get buyers organically. So I'm trying to focus on you know, we opened up another business, I'm also building that so and we're recruiting people into our company so that we can help them grow. So I've actually stepped in a little bit more of a sales manager role training. A little bit on the recruiting side, I have like a help on that actually. And we also have a scholarship program. So we're bringing new people that have never been in the real estate industry, we specifically look to bring in women and minorities. And we have a program for them. It's called the M QA scholarship program. And it is from the moment that they we agreed to we're going to be partnering up together until they finished the boot camp, we offer this entire package. So schooling mentorship during schooling. And then we have a two week program called rise in Real Estate Academy that is here on site that they go through. And then after that, they are position to have the basic knowledge in order to conduct the buyer Strategy Session, show houses and basically write the offer but to get the offer training is going on going because that takes a while to figure out so we we gear them up, they actually are making calls on day two. In our program, we used to do it a little bit later, but we found that quicker is better. We want people to get used to talking to people that's why I lead with you have to talk to people I we could do all the marketing in the world and if we didn't talk to anybody, right it's a waste of money, waste of time. So like going back for a moment to you know, 2020 the podcast was born be the solution because As I couldn't go anywhere, so I didn't see any people. I was heavily involved in sales at the time. And I was figuring out what we're going to do for who knows how long in our case, it was 10 weeks. And every day for No, three days a week, I went live on Facebook. And I never did that before in my life. And I had been interviewed over the last two years about 150 people, which, you know, for somebody who's not there, like full time gig, kind of a lot of good amount of people to get good at listening. Yeah, so there's more things that happened because of podcasts. So then what do we do with the videos, right? So I'll make a video about, hey, this week might be the solution messages. And during the times the hardship that we went through many people with being sick family members, sick people dying, people are really on a ledge, right? So I came up with every week with an inspirational thing to talk about, of it. And I talked about, you know, family, and I talked about perseverance and, you know, just continuing to go on, you know, to keep going keep going in all different topics, but like geared around being inspirational, and

it's all based around. So a lot to unpack here, guys. Let me just so here's, here's what she's walking you through is you one creating content to have conversations. Okay, so we're talking about content creation, and being consistent with that. And even though someone might not necessarily be talking back to you, when you're creating videos, you're still having conversations, because someone on the other end of those is listening, even though you're not responding back. However, it's very hard to do anything in longevity consistently without first determining what the hell you're doing, or what your strategy is. So she comes up with a concept called be the solution be the solution be the solution. And basically, every bit of contact content that she creates, has a theme associated with based upon being a solution. So the problem that a lot of people have when they're coming up with their content strategy, as the real estate coach will tell them go out shoot videos, and then they'll go out shoot videos, but they don't really have any purpose or meaning, or do anything to enhance the brand. It's just a way to start a checkbox, check the box, because your coach told you to do. So she's taken it up a step, because the truth is, if you're going to create content you better well, we might as well make it impactful. And Maria, I'm guessing we just met about 20 minutes ago. So we haven't talked before. But I'm guessing that she's an avid reader of inspirational stories, she probably reads a bunch of biographies. But a bunch of different people have gone from zero to hero, my guess is that Maria probably was a zero back in the day. And now she's a hero. And she has a work ethic from somewhere some way shape, or form. I'm not sure where that came from. But you can tell by her personality today, it means something. And folks, each of you have the same thing. It might not be the solution. But it is something that makes you unique, because God's only made one of you. And that's very damn cool. Right? Everybody has a personal brand. The problem is that nobody's ever no one embraces it, because you're so worried about what everyone else is gonna say about you. Maria here doesn't give a shit what everyone else says about you. Maria knows how to inspire change. And she's marching to the tune of her own drum. And because of that fearless ability to create content, Marie, I'm gonna go out on a limb. People were probably reaching out to you at this time in 2020. Being like, these are the private messages you guys get when you start creating content. I got them. I've been getting them all week, I'll share with you what I'm doing now. But Maria, thanks for you know, I really needed to hear that today. Thank you so much for just sending that message over. Hey, Maria. Hey, guess what, you know what I was even thinking about my kids learning center and how I can improve that. But just because you did that video, thank you so much for for doing that video, you know, I'm stressed out, I'm worried about losing my time. So tell me what happened when you start creating these videos

I got so what happens not only just creating the videos, but then we send them to not only post them on Facebook, and do the lives on Facebook, which are separate. That's different. Also sending it out to our database of 14,000 people or so. So what happens is the people, some of them may not respond, but I know who opened it. And a lot of people did respond to it, especially during that time saying, This is awesome. Thank you so much. You know, I'm inspired by you, and I can't you know, thank you for stepping up all kinds of things like that direct messages, text, put post on the Facebook, you know, video, but a lot of it. A lot of it was you know, privately, and even people telling me when I'm around and about like I see yourself, you're everywhere, blah, blah, blah. So one thing though, that I want to mention is really important. So one of the things that we talk about here at M QA is that the money's in the database all the time. All of it, it's a goldmine. And when people, agents join up company, they it's plug and play their plug in right in right into our database to follow up boss and all the other systems you use. And they're calling people that already know us. Because guess what they've gotten. If they'd been in a database for three years, or close to three years, they probably receive 140 ish videos from me. So what happens? Mike is, I'll be at my office, and there's people coming for settlements, and the really cool Maria. Yeah, I watched, I've seen all your videos.

Are you like who? Who are you?

I'm always I'm always very gracious. And I say thank you so much for the opportunity for us to work with you and your family. And so they know already the brand. So when anybody ever calls, I say 9.8 out of 10, maybe 9.9 out of 10 times that people are nice on the phone. Because they're like, oh, yeah, that's Marine, we're not ready yet. Or maybe we'll sell this or we got investors, you know, oh, did they have this or that or whatever. So you're using this as a platform to sell your brand without selling it by giving the community information. So it could be a market update monthly, it could be solution oriented, like these are be the solution podcasts and talking about motivational or inspirational either or both, by the way, not just as free servation as well,

you were saying you guys is without a brand, you're just a salesperson chasing the next Chuck. And there's nothing different between you and somebody else. But the only way you could create a brand is through consistent communication to the same audience over time, because of Maria, when Mia, those same people that are having settlements in your office equally walk right past, you not know who the hell you are, the difference is in brand. And that brand brand brand brand brand is the only thing we have to compete against every everybody else. People aren't like in your market. They're not like hiring a real estate agent. They're hiring Maria Maria's team because of what her brand, or what they believe her brand can do for them, which is probably stress free real estate transactions. But she doesn't get the opportunity to have that conversation without first being top of mind or creating content. And you hit it right on the head. What she's telling about is the database, it she's 100%, right 10 to 15% of the people who see your content will be moving this year, and 100% of them have a referral for you. It's just a matter whether they're going to share your name or not. And the more memorable, the more authority you have, the more bigger your brand is, the more likely you are to be introduced to those conversations. And that's called attraction, guys, which is what it is, but you can't get there without first creating content. And content takes a lot of different shapes or forms. We're talking about video right now. But content creation has been around since the dinosaurs ruled the earth. Back then remember, back in the days, it was just direct mail, I started off with direct mail, I used to farm my database, I still do find my database. And I just say Don't forget to exist, it's not about the content that I care so much about, it's more about keeping my face in front of them. And a value added way that hey, don't forget I'm in real estate, oh, by the way, is something you can add value with to deduct your daily day.

Indeed, so when the other thing that's really important when you are working within the database, and let's just say that's how you're working your business, is that you can create in most database, at least in our follow up campaigns. And the follow up campaigns in our case are mostly 80% video. So you may be a seller who's going to sell and three months from now. And we want to inform you of different things that you should think about maybe when selling your home or the marketing that we do or you know, how to increase your home's value for a little bit of money. Or if you're a buyer, you know why buying now is critical, versus you know, what's going on and also what's going on in the marketplace and what to expect over the next five years in regards to the market normalizing but it's still gonna grow over the next five years 19 20% which is a healthy growth after, you know, this year, which are probably more like 79. Who knows. But if we're at three to four, that's normal. But if you're not, if you're a renter, you're out of the game. So videos about all these different things and putting people on these proper, what we call action plans. And so here's another touch and another touch and you're educating them. And you were there's no ask involved. No, it's rare that we do an ask and the only answer usually that there is, is would you like an updated market analysis for your home? Yeah.

Or do you know anyone else that needs my help?

Yes, on the phone, we usually do that usually get on the phone. We ask that question,

why through your guys's touchpoints and the different channels you guys are using overall. So let's just say I'm a new agent. I'm in the Philadelphia area. I'm like one to two years in business, but I'm only doing six to 12 sides a year and I can't break it up. I'm listening to one of the gurus, they're telling me that I need to pick up the phone and call a bunch of people I've never met before or go knock on some stranger's doors, or go buy very expensive leads. What do I do in your system?

In our system, if you joined our company? Yeah,

walk me through it. I'm gonna see all the touch points.

While the campaign is happening, there's, we have about 20 different campaigns that run because they still in what type of opportunity, they are past client, active client. Buyer, short term buyer, long term investor, multifamily industrial buyer, commercial development buyer, commercial development seller. So that's we have a lot, a lot more than the normal people do. Because we do do commercial real estate as well.

What about just past client, like stay in touch type stuff, let's pretend I'm not buying or selling? And because we got to be top of mind first, right? Otherwise, we don't get the tab that a conversations about being a commercial buyer and investor any that still have to remain present? How are they staying in front of their databases that are generating the calls to become and talk about commercial property or selling the listing or something like that?

Well, we have we do inside sales. So we call into the database every day. And like I said, they get these weekly, those videos or weekly, they go to everybody. So that is an overall company message that goes out, then you have the action, then you have the action plan, segment it per the source of business. So those action plans are running. So every time we have a new person come in to our world in art, we put them in a database, and they go into a bucket. And the bucket works the opportunity until they're ready. And in the meantime, the agents will touch base when they're told to touch base for the action plans and tasks and follow up boss.

And it's probably like a text, a phone call talks an email, what's the combo of touches Video,

Video, an email, and then our text when we do texts? There's not there's no automatic, it's texting for specific reason. Like we'll have a day we'll do you know, we might do 50 tax to sellers saying Would you like an updated Mark analysis? But that's not we're not blasting anybody with anything like that. It's good one. It's yeah, you have to be careful with that kind of stuff.

Yep. I like it. I like it a lot. So you're creating with your team, you're sort of creating the core content from the top and then syndicating it down to and then your agents are curating it to their networks and their databases, but you're centralizing the branding and the communication as a team, which is really smart. And that probably is what keeps them consistent.

Yeah, so everybody uses everybody uses the same thing. So we have one buyer presentation, one listing presentation. Everything is the same. Everybody uses the same. That's why our agency runs as one big team office. I don't believe in having 50 different agents doing 50 different things. That's problematic.

And I have a brand doing that. It'd be like McDonald's having 20 different types of cheeseburgers. People go there for some cheeseburger.

You'll see some brokerage that has brokerages I won't name any names that have every person can have their own type of

sign 99.9% of

them. Yeah, and but even though to the brands is x, x Yeah, initials. Yep. And then there's a pink one, a yellow one a black and white one was at least with REMAX right, we just have we do say brand specific and that's important. People know that REMAX brand even though we our own our own brand here in Philadelphia Maria Quattrone associates you know there's nothing not too bad to be on the back of a giant Yeah,

I agree. What um, so let's go let's go what's coming down the pipe? I think you're 100% right on what's gonna happen with client generation going forward? There's a lot of changes happening Do you believe Yeah, let me second the young packs I see already dirty. What's gonna happen like how are agents gonna find their clients because before is more like there's so many different ways to find clients but remember guys What worked 10 years ago doesn't work anymore, or as good as it used to so probably Maria around same time we both got in I started oh two. I was told to cold call a lot and that's how I got my first few sales but cold calling today isn't quite what it was back then. At the same time, we didn't have text back then today you do. So what are gonna be the sources of business with all of this stuff coming down the pipe, you have ibuyers bleeding, the drowning the airwaves about how realtors are a big waste of money. You have commission compression that is for real, it's happening. You have a lot of alternatives and selling, depending on where you're at in the market, maybe not so much in Philly Metro, but the eye buyers, the open doors, offer pads and all of those these world, they're gonna be in every market guys, like trust me, we see all the shit coming down the pipe, and we know exactly what's coming. There's a reason why we're adapting now to be ready for those messages. So what what is an agent gonna do going forward? Where do they hang their hat?

Build a personality brand? Yes, I agree. Feel content, build a personality brand. Make sure everybody knows what you do. Spend your money and time. Do you know what we call? Dedicated, dedicated, intentional, intentional content. So you're spending four hours, six hours a week, blocked out three could be three hours, where you're building intentional content, you're building an arsenal content, hire a VA, to edit your podcast, start a podcast, I could teach people how to do that. Starting a podcast. Right? What other things can you do to build your brand? Everybody who's an entrepreneur should have a podcast? Would you agree, Mike?

Yeah, I think everyone needs to have content like it, whether if it's gonna be a podcast, it's gonna be a video series. It could be a blog, it could be a meme series, but you have to have content. If you don't have content. No one knows who the hell you are.

It's so easy to do with so you don't even have to have original ideas anymore.

No, you just you follow Maria's feed and just copy what she's doing and put your own spin on it guys, like,

go into one of these large Facebook groups or with all the complainers and see what they're complaining about and do a video.

That's actually probably that's how you get the solution content? No, because that's a good idea.

You guys, not because it's like more thought. It's a little more thoughtful. And it's not real estate related. So it's for all humans, not just people in the industry. But we do produce content for agent attraction now as well as consumer attraction. Yep. So we have videos for both. And then we have videos just for everybody.

Yep. You have to, and like, let's just get you like inspiration, we'll get out of your brain just we give some people some other things to think about. If you're like a health nut, like give me workout tips, like, you know, like, if you could be a lender and you can be super into fitness, well, you probably have a healthy way to finance a house. But you could still give like, give me your protein shake recipes in the morning, nobody cares. But you're always going to attract the same people. And that's where you have to build an audience. Because regardless of what you're talking about 10 to 15% of the people who do listen to what you're saying are moving, and all of them have referral for you. So it's just a numbers game. The guru's tell us to go out there though, and just chase like prospecting calls. And you guys, this is just a different way of looking at our business comes to you. So let's go with something everyone's familiar with. If I hire guru coach, they're gonna come up to me and say, You're one more know away from your next Yes, just keep hammering that phone, Mike, just keep hammering. And that's true. Like, if I throw enough shit at the wall, something's going to eventually stick. When you're talking about content creation, though there still is a number or mathematical formula there. And it's the numbers I've been saying earlier. If you're out and creating content, if you're creating a video, that means 10 to 15% of the people who see your video on your Facebook, feed your IG feed your LinkedIn feed your email list, your YouTube channel, whatever it is 10 to 15% of people who see that content they're moving this year. That's a mathematical fact, it's not nothing that we can change. Most don't know it yet. Some will die, some will be relocated some of this and we'll do that. We don't know when a move happens, life situation happens. And they raised their hand and 88% of the people who meet with the first agent, that's who they end up hiring. That's why this stuff matters. But that's not why I'm marketing it. I'm marketing my database because 100% of them have referral for me. So let me give you another example. I just onboarding an agent onto our team. Traditional sales agents, what I typically see always selling, selling, selling spending $2,000 A month sending postcards to a bunch of strangers. I'm like, bro, I would rather just gift 20 People $100 each have a gift and you'll end up with three or four deals. Why are we trying to talk to strangers? Why don't we just nurture the people you already have? And they'll give you direct business. But he goes, Mike, I don't want us. I'm not going to put these people on my email list or my direct mail list because they don't have any money. I go, Dude, you're missing the entire point. We're not staying in front of them for their direct business. We're staying in front of them for their referral business because everybody has a referral for us. You'll just happen to get their direct business as a byproduct of that and that is straight mindset. If I'm constantly messaging people with the intent of selling them something it's very hard to stay consistent with my messaging. But if I'm constantly messaging people adding value like Maria is, with the concept of I'll be the solution and giving friendly advice. It doesn't matter because of the audience that she's built. What she just told you guys was 14,000 people in her database. 1400 of them are moving each and every year 1400 1800 of them, and then probably about 20, well, all 14 of them have referral. So it's not about reaching and hitting masses and masses of people as much as it's about resonating. And really owning that core 200 250 people that you already know, like, trust and love you they invite to your wedding or funeral, or that you did say hello to the grocery store. Strangers

you want to do is to get to be the news to get in front of the news. So, you know, when the LA Times I think it was today or yesterday, there was some BS about the world's ending real estate's gonna crash blah, blah, blah,

big bus script you could do right now is look is the Philadelphia real estate market going to crash?

Right? So you want to get in front of it. You want to last week when the Feds announced a rate hike? Immediately, I did a video about it. The video was the Fed just announced the rate hike the first time and 22 years it's been half a point. What does this mean? Hey, it's we're in a courtroom with M QA blah, blah, blah. What does this mean to you? Well, guess what? The last time this happened was And it was 22 years ago. And you know what happened? Interest rates 3%. And you know what happened after that happened? Interest rates came down. Yep. So the part of the world went into recession, but the rest of it, real estate actually raised in value. Right. So I did this video, but I did it immediately. You have to be an action taker. You have to be an action taker, you cannot wait, you have to get on in front of it. So, uh, you know, you want to get your market update out, you could do a weekly minute update. About you could do it about whatever's going on. Open up the Wall Street Journal. Look down the page, look in the real estate section. For ideas. Put it in Google, you can go to answer the See what topics that they like that they want to know more information about. Go there. Do the video. If you use you can use big view. You put it right in the teleprompter. Write it up, put it in teleprompter, put it on your you can put it on your computer, you can put it on your iPhone or whatever phone he has. Put it up there, put your ring light on. That's it. You got a video done. Take it upload it you can either put it to Jarvis AI now or if you translate the thing make sure you got captions on. Because most people we know that 70% of people watch the video with the video with the sound off. We also know that one minute of video equals 1.8 million words. The impact of it is 1.8 million words. It has on somebody the 400 that 400% greater impact than 1.8 million words.

I like it. Yes, folks. Dude, you guys got a great content. I mean, I don't know it's not a nice way to put it. You're in the best industry to create content in. Everyone's always interested in some way shape or form of it. It doesn't always have to be real estate either guys, like if you don't wanna talk about risk, they don't most of our clients don't ever talk about real estate. But you can if you want and it just matters on what you're passionate about. What matters is that you're passionate. If you're not passionate about whatever you're talking about, it doesn't work when you're on video and you're smiling it always works I don't care what damn business you're in. We're gonna Why don't you go ahead and tell everybody if they want to learn more where they can find you and all of that we'll get this thing laid up.

Absolutely, they can find me at the the solution podcast or so by MQ on Instagram. And my name Maria Quattron on Facebook. And you can reach me if you want to give us a call 215-607-3535 for your Philadelphia Metro market connection

if you're a badass woman in the Philadelphia area because it sounds like this is a woman only team correct

no we do have men to take on man well

if you're a man that can keep up with these women Okay? Which I don't think you can they're probably run fucking circles around you call her up and maybe she's looking for some more team members in that area and obviously she has 1400

people so if you want to have business we have it for you. If you're hungry, you can easily turn your first year business year you can make six figures no doubt and I'll back that up with money.

Love it, love it. Love it and thank you folks for listening another episode folks if you need help getting on video we script at it and distribute your content. Put you on the map tell you what to say teach you how to do it and then multipurpose it to your channel and everything else that you can imagine for it. This is not rocket Science I believe it's a popularity contest and if you want to create get more popular, start creating more content videos just the most impactful way that you can do that and we can certainly create a done for you for a solution for you on that just visit our website at real estate marketing real estate marketing and connect with those aren't channels. Thank you for leaving your reviews, keep them coming and reach out to us. If you have any interest about how any of this stuff works. Reach out to Maria, please feel free to reach out to us schedule a demo, visit my website. I'll follow you around the internet until you do and we'll go from there. Appreciate you guys listening. We will see you on next week's episode peace Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule time to speak with a dude and get you rolling into your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.