With a saturated social media market it can be difficult to reach your target market, let alone convert that audience into motivated sellers. The solution? There is no one size fits all answer whether you're layering that with cold calling, or the door knocking. Although, running Google ads, either PPC, Facebook and IG to target motivated sellers is a great skill to have under your belt.
Luckily, Esteban Andrade made it simple with his business Hesel Media. As founder and CEO of Hesel Media he strives to help Real Estate Investors and agents/brokers grow their business by finding motivated sellers, getting them under contract and adding minimum 2-5 contracts per month, all while streamlining their processes and systems. This lead generation agency is committed to providing more leads and closings to Real Estate businesses.

On this episode of the podcast, Esteban joins me to discuss how to target and convert motivated sellers online. We will also touch on how Hesel Media is helping real estate investors and hybrid agents be able to monetize inbound leads. Listen to this podcast to learn more about the data that is captured by these giants like Google and Facebook and how to utilize this information for your business.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This Episode

Options to give your sellers to attract more business.

Where the future of business is heading and how to capitalize on it.

How to hyper target and only get sellers.


Connect with Esteban

Learn more about Esteban and his company at HeselMedia.com or head directly to his calendar to book a free consultation and continue the conversation here.


Jam pack your schedule with motivated sellers


Real Estate Marketing Dude

The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)

REMD on YouTube

REMD on Instagram


So how do you attract new business? You constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas in real estate marketing. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust, most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them. Let's get started. What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast. What we're going to be chatting about today, folks, is how do you target and motivate? Or how do you target market and convert motivated sellers but doing an online? If you're chasing this audience, you're chasing this market, you realize that it's usually a multi pronged approach isn't a single one size fits answer for all whether you're layering that with cold calling, or the door knocking. But what we're going to talk about today is really just a digital side of it specifically on how we run Google ads, either PPC, and Facebook I G to target motivated sellers. So we're here with an agency today, they wanted to come on the show, obviously, they do this for you guys, you guys can learn more about their services at the end here. But I want him to walk us through how it's working. First, because that's really, really exciting. If you guys have not been following what we're doing here real estate marketing dude, we just launched a, a huge, we're right in the space like and because there's such a huge market with motivated seller leads, everybody is after them. And everyone's trying to take realtors out of the equation here. And the reason why we built the listing advocate.com site out was so that you can adapt a multiple offer approach or multiple option approach because that's where it's going to play in for a lot of the seller leads. When you're marketing motivated seller leads only about five to 8% of them are going to actually convert and take the cash offer that you're most likely marketing them with. However, it's like what do you do with the other 92%. And that's where having multiple options comes into place. Because as long as you can monetize the transaction, who gives a shit, which option they decide to go with at the end of the day. It's just a matter of how as you as an agent can spin off that business into other business, right? Like I don't care what option they choose, if I'm still getting paid a percentage to sell the property. I don't care if it goes through a cash buyer. Regular listing fixing list program, trade an option, you name it, so we're not going to get into multiple options. I just want to get into the seller lead generation stuff right away. So without further ado, let's go ahead and introduce our guests. I might butcher your name, but not the beginning part. You Hispanic dude. That's the one. Oh, yeah. We got it. We got another fellow Hispanic on the show. I'm the white Mexican, they call me. Last name Cuevas but Esteban and jurati that's a correct. Yeah. Andrea, you said in in Italian accent I love it. But yeah, go, we Nice to meet you do want to tell our listeners a little bit about who you are and what you're doing.

I Nice to meet you, man. It's awesome. Being here, listening, you know, just been listening to some of your other podcasts. And now talking to the audience here the listeners. It's, it's, it's an honor. So one thing that we're doing here, we're helping real estate investors and hybrid agents really be able to monetize inbound leads inbound motivated sellers, that would usually will come with the intention of selling their property because they're searching for you there they have the intent of looking out for a solution. Usually you'd have that solution. And they could also be targeted or retargeting on Facebook, just because we're able to use all this algorithm out there. So we know and Facebook knows exactly what your audience is talking about what they're texting, chatting with your friends or family or you know, business partners. Facebook knows all of that captures that and were able to target them, right, based on their search. What am I searching today, like as a homeowner that is looking to sell their property, maybe they see this market that is crazy. But they are going to go with it. They're going through some sort of hardship. They're looking at Google, and probably they're also asking you on Facebook group, or asking a friend on Facebook or maybe Instagram. And all of this data is captured by these giants, right? They're being targeted, they are going to show these ads as soon as they do a search on Google or as soon as they go into Facebook newsfeed or Instagram newsfeed wherever you are, you're going to be there showing enough or showing them that they work mindset. You can offer them options, you can give them the ability to, to sell their property, not only one way or right, but at the same time getting them on the phone. Right. So that is exactly in a very high level. What we're going to go through And go deeper, do a deep dive.

So sir about I like the term how using hybrid agent, our friends over at carrot, use a hybrid agent term a lot in hybrid agent, just you guys, if you guys aren't aware of that is that I believe also it's gonna be the future of the business too is that you're gonna need either an investor offer, the ones that are really smart are going to become the damn investor or at least partner with investors and whatnot as they find these deals. Because I think everybody needs a cash offer. And it might as well be you. I mean, why would you you're in real estate, you should be buying and selling your own houses down the road, because you're going to come across X amount per year, they're going to make sense. And when you already set up to be the investor, you can take advantage of situations. So let's get into it with marketing sellers, because seller, lead generation is what everybody wants. And traditionally, seller lead generation, if you want to generate a lot of listings, and you have to be the most popular person in the market to generate seller listings, right? People always say, Well, I want to get more listings, we'll get more fucking friends, get more people who own houses know what you do for a living? Yeah, that's usually common sense. But in this case, we're actually going to be marketing seller leads most online marketing traditionally, is for buyer lead generation, most companies and agencies will go out there and, you know, put out a list of homes for sale, not on the market, right. And that's how they generate the initial buyer leads. So how do we first off is, what is the offer that we're making online to target a seller and then we're getting the next who we're going to target? So let's do it one at a time. So who are we? What's the offer? What do people want motivated sellers want online?

Yeah, absolutely. And just, of course, to add on what you just said, a lot of other agencies or people out there will tell you, well, we'll get sellers out of the buyers out of the buyer campaigns. And yeah, that could be like a small percentage of it. But how do we actually hyper target and only get sellers? Like, how do we actually get only sellers, people that are looking to sell their property, regardless of their motivation, that's going to come down to one off. Now a lot of real estate agents, they know they need to start partnering up with real estate investors, because real estate investors will also give them a way to get more deals going. But you can also send them to real estate investors, these type of deals, if you don't know how to monetize it yourself, so that you guys increase your conversion on what's coming into your pipeline. So what is that off? Usually, let me tell you that homeowners, they want the most fast, convenient, top offer and cash sounds always smells good, right? Cash is something that people love, people will in their head will be like, okay, I'll have a big bag of cash for my 200k home, I want to go ahead and get see what what can I get what kind of cash offer. So we're we're having different offers, depending on how you would want to pivot during the conversation with this homeowner with this seller that is looking to sell. So you don't know yet what they're going through, they might be just going through a situation where they're moving out of state. And their best option is to cash out real quickly, because they cannot deal with this situation anymore, where they have to handle this home. So we're going to offer them to sell their tap receive a cash instantly a right to receive a cash offer probably in the fastest way again, convenience speed, that's what they love, arrive without having to

do any repairs on the house or without having to do any staging or you know, just preparing and for listening. So those offers that usually go into headlines, either on Facebook or in the face in the Google Ad from PPC all these types of benefits, right? That you are telling your clients that they can get by working with you is what we're looking forward so there's going to be different offers out there that we can give we can give them a cash offer and they received the offer instantly and that means that we're going to follow up with them and call them right away to to figure out what's their situation and see what how you can work it out. You cannot tell them and this is how hybrid agency and they do it is that here I just received your cash offer request I love to talk to you I understand was you know what's what's really prompt you to jump into a call with me because I can buy I buy houses and I can make your house be for sale or sell your house fast. Many different ways. One of those is we're going to give you a cash offer. But if that doesn't work for your specific property because we bind maybe three four houses a week or a month, then we can all you also give you top dollar for your property right so you you set the stage you set the tone with with the homeowner, what you can actually do for them right now. When you're getting them and if you have to disclose that you're an agent, always do that for sure. 100%. But always let them know that there is a an option out there other than just a regular listing, right. But why is this important? So hooking them with a cash offer, will will also bring homeowners that maybe they are considering an agent, but they're also considering other options. So what if you are the agent that hooked them right there? All right, what if you're that agent that is given them that option, that other option, and if they there, if they don't want a cash offer, cuz it seems like a cash offer doesn't work, then work with the guy and establish that relationship as as they would prefer a real estate agent. Of course, that requires a certain amount of, you know, sales and negotiation skills, report building skills and everything that you should be doing, for sure. But at least we'll give you that edge to talking with people before they make a decision with working with an agent, right, because don't want a cash offer. Now, another one another other offers, though, I love also giving is sell your property as is and get top dollar. Why is that because I know as an agent, you can definitely deliver a top dollar a top dollar agreement by selling in this market by staging it well, by making sure that that happens. But also as a hybrid agent, or as a real estate investor. ultimate reality is that you can create options creatively to take over these properties. And I'm pretty sure Mike, and all of you that are very, very, very, very aware of the creative options that are out there to take over properties. I want to call it set of finance, subject to lease option, all these kind of options out there, that you can also give them basically full full top dollar for their property because you're agreeing on terms. So that is also another skill set that our clients that our real estate investors and hybrid agents have learned in order to convert more deals into contracts more and more leads and contracts, right?

Yep. Well, so you guys, we guys got to really seniors, like cash buyers. Cash offers are usually what gets someone to raise their hand because most people who are motivated are facing some kind of problem. And they need an exit, easy solution fast solution. So when we're targeting different sellers, you're targeting the ones who are actually motivated because they're the ones who are most likely to get a cash offer, someone who's not motivated isn't going to want to take an investor's lowball cash offer, and you can assume that all cash offers are going to be a lot lower than a traditional listing offer would be because that's part of cash. There's a cost of convenience. And as is Yeah, I always like say, cash offer close on your timeline. The buy it as is in save 1000s on closing, traditional closing costs 100%

all those banks. We cover what we need convenience, speed, right? What's the best type of deal that they can get out of their home that they have. And they may not know exactly what they could get, you know, you You didn't know that their property says something in Zillow, but they don't know that the property requires 30k and 20k. In repairs, they don't know that because they're not real estate experts or they don't they're not didn't know about any of the fixes that their property to do,

or anything. Let's apply this to the current market now. So I'm an agent, let's just say I'm in the Midwest, I'm in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, whatever. And I'm marketing cash offers. Well, if you're in a market that has like Zillow buyers, or like open door, for example, those markers are paying 107% of market value, right? Yeah, like so like, and they're doing it fast as is so like partnering with like one of those types of eye buyers in this case, and not just having just one or the other because you should also have your mom and pop investors with you guys as well, because sometimes those deals will work for them. Whereas sometimes the eye buyer deals will not work for them. So different investors will be willing to pay different things. But imagine if you have four or five different cash offers, and let them shop with that not too many agents can walk into a seller and say, Hey, I could get you five offers from five different parties within 24 to 48 hours. 100 a day and powerful to say. And the key is you're right is it's not what getting the call is half the battle. Right? That's usually the hardest part. But then the second hardest part is okay, what the hell do you do when you get there because the conversion is had in person or even on the phone? And it's what do you do when they say no to that cash offer, which is how many what percentage of the time I was like sick 95 over 90% of the time, they're not going to take the cash offer, but doesn't mean that the conversation is over. That's when you split them off into something else where 100%

that's when you pivot, when that's when you are also set down to, to be able to give them a different option and also follow up with them. Right, that's, that's the other part of the conversion like conversion, as as much as much options and as many options and as many follow as much follow up and nurture that you give to this client after that initial conversation, or the maybe they have rejected a cash offer is what's going to give you the ability to be able to convert more, all right, it's, it's, it's, it's definitely a numbers game, but it's also is like, what kind of what type of solution and how, how much are you going to really willing to, to give this client to solve that problem that they have? And to and to really monetize it anyway, anyhow. Okay. And then they like Mike was saying, hey, look, right now, real estate investors are also partnering up with hedge funds, like open door, like, Yeah, because right now in this crazy market, that things are going over, like over 20k 30k 40k of asking price. Right now, you you have a real estate investor that, you know, maybe he's doing, maybe doing deals in Ohio, or Michigan, and locks up in their property, try to find a buyer. Okay, but they know that open door will buy at 107%. Alright, so they're gonna offer it to open door and they'll probably buy it. So right there, you also have a deal. And like you said, like, hey, what if you actually can tell your real your your homeowners, and this is also an a copy that we use in our ads, by the way, we say something like this, we got good news, guys, we got good news homeowners. Brian, now we have multiple buyers that we can give you that we can give a cash offer for your problem property, or for your house, and be able to buy it in any condition as his no matter the situation, and will list down a series of benefits. All right, we'll list down a series of benefits of working with a real estate investor or receiving a cash offer or just a hybrid agent. And then we tell them hey, but you know what, you know, what's bad news about it? Is that right now, it's right now you've only heard about it just right now. So take action, and click on the link below to get your cash offer and receive this multiple cash offers in an instant. Right? That's when you guys come in. And you guys are able to get them on the phone. No, we.

So cash offers folks, that's your number one ad. Let's go on to the next part. How do we targeted with the fact we put in these messages in front of we're not using Every Door Direct Mail, we're not going to go to your everyone's neighbors. This is where everyone messes up, I think if we just walked you through wasn't really rocket science. Okay, I have a cash offer for your house. I know you need to get out fast. Here it is you want to get it or not? Very simple, right? There's nothing really that complicated about it just you got to learn how to do the nuances of ads and run your own ads and all that. But to me, that's pretty straight up. Who be targeting is the question. Who do we find these ads in front of? So if you're targeting on pay per click, what are you targeting keywords you're targeting? And are you let's do that. I have another question for you after that one.

Absolutely, man. So for example, pay per click, pay per click is going to be big, you know, PPC, Google AdWords basically, we can also use other platforms like Bing. But we're going to place ads, right that are based on words, phrases, based on a call to action that is that our words, we're going to place them in front of people that have searched a specific keyword or combination of keywords in the search bar. So we're talking here, for example, I need to sell my house fast. Adding fast to I need to sell my house will give us the determine us that this person really wants to sell the prop their property for some sort of motivation, right, the need to do it fast. They're not just they're not just kind of like shopping around and trying to trying to see what's the best option out there. They need to sell their property fast, or they are only typing cash for homes in Detroit, Michigan, cash for homes in

I don't know, Columbus, Ohio, all these type of keywords that now Google will capture a right will understand that someone is is actually doing a search and we'll put you in front top for the top four searches are always going to be ads unless you have some crazy ad blocker. But the top four, it's always going to be ads in the mobile and in your desktop. So that means that you're right there. You're in front of them doing a Google search. Okay, in doing a Google search, you're in front of motivated sellers, the nice To sell the property fast. Why, because of the keyword. And there's many other keywords, there's like hundreds of keywords that you can use in combination that people use to search, right? So for example, how do I sell my house without making a repairs? Right? How do I sell my house yesterday, or things like this? Alright, keywords and combination of keywords that people will type will go to your website. And if your landing page says, and a properly funnels done for them to submit a form or a survey, after you guys ask them the question of who are you? What's your name? What's your phone number? What's your email? And maybe what's, what was that? What is the reason that you're looking to sell that those are questions that you can ask, you submit that it will get to your CRM, you'll follow up fast, okay. And that's very, very key. Why? Because people that are doing this keyword search in Google will ultimately have a pain, they're usually more motivated. Usually, these people, they have the intention of, of going out there, all of a sudden, now they're, maybe they thought that foreclosure was not going to come, then three weeks past. They're in pre foreclosure. And they're coming in here, typing that fast, right? neat, I need to sell my house fast. And now you got to be able to know that these people are probably not only going to go to the first search, but could potentially also go to the second search, which is your competitor, and maybe also go to a third search. Why? Because the need to solve the problem easily as quickly. So that's why PPC, whenever you come as PPC you got to come in a lead comes in, you follow up fast, super, extremely fast, like 20 seconds fast. Hopefully you have a CRM that like we do that that sends a text message right away to unleased, let them know, hey, look, I'm right here, and also an email, right. And you could potentially also forward a call to yourself so that you can give them a call right away. Right. Or if you have a team of call center that can call this person and prequalify. That's awesome. But PPC is you need to be such a speed, lead and such urgency for that lead, because of what I just mentioned, competitive competition, motivation of the lead. And you will also need to be at your best core consultants stage. So that's where you come in, you're not just a salesperson, you're actually a consultant, because we don't know what's going on. So you're following a script where we understand, hey, what's your motivation or the condition of the property? What's the timeframe that they're looking to sell while building report introducing yourself, of course, but you do, and be able to tell them either now offering a second call, or a natural solid solution in a second appointment that you guys can set that could be appointment that is by the phone, virtually? Because we don't need to do it. We don't need to do what a home appointment anymore, even after COVID it's been easier. But you can also do a set an appointment after that, to discuss options in the property. Like in house, right? That's how that's the magic about pay per click.

And are you finding the initial lead on Google and then retargeting on social like IGN Facebook? Are you fighting? Are you finding the leads on Facebook? Are you are you doing all lead? And let me just paint a picture for it first answer a question. And I'll paint the picture for the audience.

Yeah, so. So for example, guys, you guys can also target. People on Facebook, after they have visited this website that they probably have, maybe they haven't taken action, maybe haven't submitted the form. And they go ahead and they go to facebook or instagram and you were popping rather as retargeting. We're going to retarget them with another, another ad copy that is going to let them know that, hey, we're there again. But we are looking to buy more properties that are on the area, here's what I can do for you. Here's the benefits. And absolutely, of course, layout, what are the steps that they need to take in order to get this going. So it could be a button in the lead form or in in the in the ad that leads to a landing page. And you again are capturing them right there? Or you can target people from Facebook and Instagram in a cold approach. What does that cold approach approach mean? That they've never seen you before? Right? They've never actually seen you. But Facebook is going to target based on the keywords that we actually put in the ad copy. Right? We're going to target them based on the interest and behaviors that we're going to put in the backend of Facebook so you can put for example It could be financial interest. It could be things like cash out refinance. It could be things like you, maybe they're looking for real estate, real estate broker at some point, maybe there are, they're actually looking at Zillow at some point, maybe they are looking at some other financial interest based on their, their Google search or based on their activity on their phone, or whatever that Facebook captures. And you can cold approach them. But these people already fit that criteria that you want. Because you're using keywords such as financial hardship, such as divorce, moving out of state, maybe lots of repairs from your house, or not, you know, not, or wanting to sell their property assets. So this keywords that Facebook is also able to read will place them in front of the actual people with that have had that criteria.

So which do you guys see more success in like going cold on Facebook or following them around on Facebook?

So we actually do both, we usually start usually Facebook is way more is cheaper than Google PPC. Let me tell you that. So we usually start with Facebook. And we start with both. So we were going to target in doing the cold approach of right on Facebook. And I say it in quotation marks because we're literally going to target people that have a Facebook algorithm and Facebook, machine learning is so smart now that the ad copy that we do, and the creative that we actually put is only going to be seen such a dog whistle is only going to be heard by the by the by the dogs, right. So these ads are going to only be seen by these homeowners that are looking to sell their property.

Let me ask you a question on that real quick. That's what a lot of people because of the special ads category, and like real estate agents right now, like how do you target on Facebook from a cold perspective, because you can't really target? And I think a lot of people get shy because it's so wide and narrow. Yeah. That I mean, it's so wide that like just say I want to target San Diego. So my audience can be like 1 million people after I use this super rare, like interest targeting? Yeah, and I think the question a lot of people have is really like, Is it worth it? Or is it better? Like what I'm seeing people do is I don't know if this is right or wrong, but finding the lead on PPC and quadrupling x, it's intent based, and then following him around on social media, but you're seeing you guys are doing both.

Yeah, absolutely. So we're actually doing, we're having a great synergy with both. And a lot of a lot of the things that we also do is that either we have a master website that a lot of leads come in nationally and and a lot of prospects come in nationally, homeowners are right that we are improving data that that data is from homeowners that we're looking to sell. And we create a basically a look alike of those audiences. And we tell Facebook to target that look alike. Or as you're running Google PPC, you're retargeting these people, these individuals, so it is definitely worth it to start going at it with both ways. However, Google PPC Google Pay Per Click is way too expensive. Right? Let me tell you, it is high cost per lead. Right. So you'll be seen about one depending on if you're targeting locally, like local markets, let's say San Diego, you're going to be seeing higher than 400 300 $400 per lead get even more than that.

And that's because it's not that Google's too expensive that there this is a competitive keyword, because every competitive keyword that I buyers are going to have to this key keyword real estate investors are going after this keyword like a lot of people are going after therefore it's more expensive, right?

Therefore is more expensive. That is correct. And as a matter of fact, that's why we almost always tell Hey, you have a budget to support it. Sure, let's do Facebook and Google. But if you use your low end budget, you still want to generate results. Let's do Facebook. Alright, let's do the way where we're reaching out to these people on Facebook. You're going to be seeing that in a in a market. Let's say let's go to the Midwest, once again, Ohio, Michigan, and a market like that. When you put let's say $50 a day on Facebook to just target motivated sellers. You're going to see a cost per lead of about either 30 or 30 to $60 cost per lead. And these are homeowners these are leads that are homeowners that are looking to sell their property. Okay, they're looking to sell their property. Now, if you have to go to Detroit is much, much cheaper than that. But, hey, I'm talking about like, in general, right? The whole state, if we're going to California, if we're going to San Diego, oh my god, the CPL goes through the roof. Why is because again competition like, it's also the home prices don't doesn't help much, and the cost per lead will be pretty high. Okay? That does not mean that even though you're paying like higher higher cost per lead, that you're not going to get leads, you're gonna get leads, you're just gonna have to pay more for it. Okay.

I'm sorry. I mean, it's relative people will pay for because you can make more money on an $800,000 house, and you can have an $80,000 house 100% 100%.

Like, I believe in California, like you can easily do 30 40k deals plus easily compared to Michigan or things like that, right? So what I do really recommend is that if you're, for example, a real estate agent that is considering to be a hybrid or or if you are, for example, a real estate investor, that is also considering getting their license, right, I really recommend that you both work with, with your, you know, colleagues, colleagues like that, because you're going to build, you know, you're going to be able to, to convert more business, if you don't want to learn the skill. And I think you should have converting deals through creative financing, or through cash offers or other options that you can do, then get a partner get someone that is boots on the ground, okay, boots on the ground, in your local market or in markets that you're covering. And you should be able to convert like that. Why? Why are Why am I Why am I pushing this way more and more? Why? Because here's the thing, you guys are looking to do cold calling, and maybe SMS, cold messaging, and all of this. And all these methods have been working for a while really well. But now carriers are proportion heart really hard into these methods. And they're blocking, or they're, you know, they're requiring people to register their business with their number, they're requiring people to change the way that they message things. And in a few months, I may see, we may see a huge drop on all these SMS marketing platforms. And we got to start doing more inbound. All right, more, more about online marketing, more direct mail, you know, being able to do maybe radio ads, all this kind of stuff, just because of this cold outbound approach that still work made go away because of carriers. Right. But hey, that's another topic. What I really would love to, you know, a strategy is that, we definitely should, we definitely should be able to work with real estate investors, if you're an agent. And if you are a real estate investor, you should always definitely reach out to a real estate agent. So that you guys have that hybrid synergy. Okay, and

you could share costs. I mean, to me, that's the obvious. Lead generations inexpensive thing you guys like any business, there's lead generation, and there's marketing and attraction. Most times on the show, we're talking about a lot of marketing and attraction stuff. But thing with marketing attraction, it's not targeted, it's just going to come to you based upon how big your audience is, and how many people are constantly seeing your shit. When we're talking about lead generation, we're putting our offer directly in front of somebody that may or may not need it. And we expect them to take a direct response for it. And lead generation is more expensive. There both ways to generate and acquire clients. But, you know, if you're going to be chasing motivated sellers, you're going to be in the lead generation route. And everybody should be doing a little bit of both. It makes sense what you're saying about text messaging, so just a cap, we did a couple shows, I think a couple shows ago, we did text messaging and whatnot, it was a really inexpensive way to basically spam a bunch of owners as long as you get their phone numbers, which isn't hard and work but there's a lot of laws coming out that that might be cut up. So we're seeing need to have to go back to the more traditional ways like direct mail is always number one for real estate investors traditionally. Right? Right. And then cold calling still works. But you know, a lot of people on this Do not call list and all that other stuff. You saying like the carriers are cracking down on the outbound ways you can actually call it spamming cold calling whatever the hell to interrupt somebody. So people are going to be forced, possibly if this all goes through to start taking some more inbound active approaches, which honestly is just a lot more work and cost more money. Really, right. That's what we're talking about with this online. That's correct. That is correct. Let me ask you a question. I have one. So you're saying if I target interests, I just want to target interests and people If I target interests, you're saying that the copy that I write, and Facebook smart enough, so the copy I write in the ad is super important because Facebook uses that ad copy to put our ads in front of the right people 100% 100%.

So, Facebook, as it gets smarter and smarter, and also gets more restrictions with specific categories such as employment or housing, right. As we get more into that, we need to be able to be more creative with our ad copy. And usually our ad copy needs to have a specific keywords that you would know that this homeowners would be relatable to, would automatically have some sort of call it connection, call it some sort of synergy, some sort of will be able to read that see that. And we'll be able to be interested in reading more on the ad copy and click on the ad so that they can take action. And Facebook knows based on the keywords that you put who to who will be most likely to see that ad based on those keywords, but also knows and reads the picture that you're going to be putting the ad, that's why we get to be very, very obvious in our ads, or right in our ad creative of of who should be also be placing this. So for example, one of our offers right that says homeowners sell your property assets and get top dollar. So you're gonna place either a okay looking house, okay, with a circle banner that says sell your property assets for top dollar. Or you can also say another banner or another way, either in the top or in the bottom or in the middle. And you can say, sales your seller property as is and get cash, right or get a cash offer for your property. Instantly something like this, that is obvious that Facebook is also able to read and that you are also going to be able to also create in Canva, or something like that, and they read the text on the images, or they are they able is able to interpret the image is going to interpret the image, that's for sure. So one thing that we used to do before and we used to do, we used to get like low quality leads, is we used to have for motivated sellers. So for buyers as a as a real estate agent for buyers, having a grid of homes, works great to get buyers attention. But for homeowners that are looking to sell their property, if you if you do ads that are like a grid of houses, even if it has a little banner, people are automatically going to see hey, this is going to be a list options of houses that can buy. And whenever those that, you know those pictures used to used to be used to be placed in front of these people, we would get a lot of confused buyers, which was people that thought that hey, I thought that you were selling that house because the grid looks like that. So Facebook plays in the wrong thing to the wrong audience, right. Because of how I was and if also Facebook Places it in the marketplace. Of course, it's even more obvious whole marketplace and selling these four houses were have options to sell all these houses. So it was it was something that we run in the past that we corrected, we went ahead and created more of us a little bit more branded, a little bit more like on your face. This is obvious how I'm telling you I can buy your house or where you're going to sell your property essays for cash. more of an obvious approach. Okay,

make it stupid simple. Is it fair to say like stop trying to be too creative? You dumb it dumb it down a little bit? Because a lot of times people would say like just say hey, sell your house fast out. Versus like trying to be all creative and come up with copy. I find myself guilty of doing that all the time.

Yeah, and you know, what the coming up with copy and being all creative, works amazing for b2b for b2b which is a business to business at all right? If you're if you are a coach, if you are selling course, if you are hiring for for all their agents to come and join you something, whatever that is, it's good to be creative. But for like things like days where you're going b2c or right, where you're actually targeting, you know, regular people, they need to make sure that you know, it was straight to the point where giving them exactly what they were offering. And and they want to they just want to like read through it and like Exactly. You want to make sure that it is exactly what well, what they want to read is exactly Actually what they what they are intending to get at the end, it's not it's not too much of a creative ad copy or storytelling that you that you can that you can get. Right? It's, um, it's, it's, it's a way, it's a way that we have to learn our ways to, to target homeowners this way, right? being stupid, simple and super straight to the point. All right.

Make sense?

Any other tips that you have here, you mentioned some stuff about speed to lead, you guys should know that already. You know, speed to lead, you gotta follow up with the lead ASAP. Like that's, you know, common sense in real estate, especially for an opt in, you guys should know that if you don't go back to the basics. Yeah,

100%. But let's do let's do a, let's do a an exercise. So, for example, someone just came in from a Facebook ad or a Google ad, right? Now, this person, first of all, does not have your phone number as a contact, because you didn't call call them or wasn't not your referral or just didn't have your numbers contact. So you want to try to call them right away within five minutes within seconds. And they may not have that you saved in a contact. So there's smartphones, maybe are equipped to filter the first phone call, right? So what you want to do, and this is a technique that I use is as as carriers and smartphones get smarter with filtering calls, do you want to do double that double tap, triple tap four, quadruple tap in order to get this people on the phone. So if someone doesn't have your phone number, right, but you know, they've, they've given you some sort of intention to get an offer, you're going to double tap, triple tap, quadruple tap them, and you will get them on the phone while giving you the permission to give them a call or to text them or to get, you know, get a hold of them. So your job is to do whatever it takes in order to do that. And there's a lot of people that are against against that. But hey, this is not a harassment approach. It is a you are needing help, I am making sure that use my customer service super skills to get a hold of you. And you know, and being able to solve this problem. So having an approach where you call these people on the phone 234 times is huge, but also having a CRM that automatically within minutes or one minute or, or 30 seconds, text them to up to spark a conversation. Now why is that important? Again, Google PPC, it would be a competition, right? Now, they probably are going to the first one second 1/3 one. But if you texted them within 30 seconds, they're going to be like, wow, this guy's on top of his stuff, or this woman is stepping on top of his stuff, right? So you're gonna set up a CRM, right? That it has automated follow up, and can potentially go into a drip until you get this person to spark a conversation, these messages that you're doing, that you're sending are going to spark a conversation rather than being yes or no. Okay. And also, we can also set up emails with the same thing more formal, more like educational for sure, that continuous drip, that is going to be very huge for inbound leads in order to get them on the phone. And this guy's with this same approach we are achieving without even touching. Or let's say it's Sunday night, and someone came in, we are achieving is 60 to 70% reply rate, which means that 60 or 70% of the people will reply to this automations right. Now, once you start calling them back, of course that you know that reply rate or or callback rate will increase. But you also got to understand that some people are not going to be available for you or you're not going to be the priority of them. Until you get them on the phone and you explain to them who they who you are and what you can do for them. So always follow up and have the mentality the mindset of if I don't get them on the phone, if I haven't spoken with this person, it's still still I cannot still say I cannot say that it's a bad lead. It is it is going to be about lead after you have a conversation. And you figure out that he was badly not before you. Conversation

reima I'm sharing right now. So here's like a good example. This happened to me this weekend. So this was a word I opt into this. Oh, okay. So a friend of mine recommended this group for dads on Facebook and it's called the dad code club. And I'm like, Oh, that sounds interesting. And it's just about like dads like this. It's Same concept you guys, but you know, this is just more socially, oh, it's for busy dads that are entrepreneurs. I mean, this might be cool way to blow off some steam. So I end up joining the Facebook group. But immediately upon joining the Facebook group, yeah, I got the email, but I also got the text and to be honest with you, I forgot I opted in for the Facebook group until he started sending me the taxes. And that were automated, obviously. And he's just he sent one, two, I've gotten three in three days to the same day and then one the next day. So since day three here, and he just says like, Hey, I just want to make sure that you got into the Facebook group, and you got it all in there. Like I forgot I was even in the Facebook group, I forgot to add it into the Facebook group. And it was only a matter of minutes, because I'll sit on the couch like hanging out watching TV bubble I opted in and like oh, yeah, okay, now I answer these questions. I'm like, Oh, I guess I'll see that group when they approve me to be a member. And I didn't even what got me to go look at the group for the first time was the text message. I'm like, oh, I'll see if I'm approved yet. Then I went into the group. And now I'm engaging in there. That little touch was very important. That's what he's saying here is like you got to engage the lead to start the conversation, because without the conversation, you can never start building the trust. And if you can't start building the trust, they're gonna forget how many times they who they opted in within with what, boom, right off the bat, because they're in their minds already elsewhere. So that's a perfect example. Yeah, absolutely. Well put, dude. Well, well put any other final thoughts you want to mention? And then we'll go ahead and give you the floor if people want to reach out to you guys see some of the content you have on your site?

Absolutely. Hey, you know what? If you know if right now, if you guys are looking to get into inbound motivated sellers, I suggest that you guys started with Facebook. And then later on Google, whenever you guys have an ROI from Facebook, Google is always going to be a higher intent. But Facebook gets the results as well and gets those contracts going. Okay. We we take care of that for real estate agents or real estate investors and real estate agents or hybrid. Okay, we take care of that. And yeah, as a matter of fact, we also help real estate agents that are only looking for buyers and regular sellers without having to do the motivated seller approach. Right. Same thing, book appointments or do live transfers with this individuals because we will be helping with the follow up, right, that follow up that I just told you guys, that continues for like two months. Our team Call Center does that. Okay, so that's huge. And I recommend you that you guys leverage video on on Facebook and Instagram, you guys are going to leverage video right now right there, you're building reports on the video, little video that you guys created. Right weight right there. It's a it's a it's a mindset thing. You've you make them seen your face, you make them seem that it's a it's a human thing. And right away, when you get when they get the person on the phone. When you get the person on the phone, they will have more of a familiar approach. All right, and this happens with a with a client of mine that is in Jacksonville, Florida. He sends me videos like every two three weeks new videos, we put them there we chop them pieces, and like he's well known in Jacksonville. And now every single time that and ever since we started just only running videos, right every single time they were running a lead and and a lead generation, lead generation and conversion campaign. People will be like, Yeah, I saw you in the video. I've seen two three times. And now I'm actually just, you know, looking to sell my property. Let's get this going. And we even tested you do that too. And even more people said, hey, yeah, so I've been seeing you for a while on Facebook. Now I'm in YouTube. I'm happy working with you. So that that is a great way.

All right. If there's someone who sees their agent ever, like wow, this guy could probably do a really good job of marketing my house if he could do half as good jobs, how he markets his business. So it's a lot of positioning. Mr. Vaughn once you go tell everybody where your guys's websites at and how they can reach you.

Absolutely. So our website, type in Google have the intention to search it and www dot Hessel media.com h es el media calm. But the way that you guys are going to be able to reach me is Mike is going to definitely going to give you guys a link where you can have a direct booking where I will have you will have my calendar, right or my team's calendar where you guys can come and talk to me directly and see if there's anything that we can, you know, give each other value right that we can help right here. So I love to get on a call with with any of you that is listening here. Love to really explain to you how we're doing things and maybe hopefully, work together. I expect that you will see that calendar in in Mike's Mike's description area.


You guys could click on the show notes for the website at real estate marketing dude calm if you want to get his calendar and explore it a little bit further But folks, we appreciate you listening to another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast a lot of stuff we talked about today as a lot of this is brand new a lot of this is conversion. If you need help with any of that, whether it's doing your videos, contact real estate marketing dude or it's developing your listing strategy that gives you the multiple options to convert some of these seller leads, then visit listing advocate com either way, we're all about doing things differently through marketing and branding that brings value out and most importantly if you notice what he said at the very end of this conversation, was that people want to get an idea to know who you are before they call you and who they're about to do business with. And that's exactly what video does for your business. it humanizes your brand makes you more approachable and personalizes the communication without you actually having to be there. That's why we do video so you know where to find us if need be. Feel free to visit us real estate marketing do calm and connect with us on social please guys and keep leaving those reviews. We love reading them. Thanks so much for listening another episode of the Marketing dude podcast. We'll see you guys on next week's episode as demand. Appreciate you do it show and thanks for all the nuggets. I love being here. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Go listen to some of those nuggets. He dropped a lot. I have a page full of notes. I'll be adapted into my own ads if you haven't realized I was asking them certain questions for a reason. So go listen back. Trust me. There's a lot of nuggets in that. Great job dude. I'll see you later. And thanks, folks for listening to the episode. Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at www dot real estate marketing dude calm. We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.