You know, if you're gonna get into the business of content creation, the whole reason to create a video is because I want as many people to see it as possible. But it's not just about shooting the video, you got to distribute it. And then when you're done distributing it, then you need to multipurpose it.

Zac Shull specializes in repurposing content to maximize its effect on your audience. Be sure to check out his Facebook group.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This EpisodeHow to multi-purpose your contentWhat type of content is best for what site?What strategy should you be usingResources

Learn more about Zac Shull

Real Estate Marketing Dude

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So how do you attract new business? You constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas to real estate marketing. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them. Let's get started

What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast book. So we're chatting about today is repurposing content creation. Gee, what a what a surprise. I'm gonna show no, but we're gonna dial in repurposing because we have so many people that I'll just create videos and let them die to newsfeed. And I'm always like, what's the point of that? You know, if you're gonna get into the business of content creation, the whole reason like why create a video is because I want as many people to see it as possible. Right? That's usually why people take a video, you do videos to get more people to see it. But when you don't spend the time, it's not just about shooting the video, you got to distribute it, you have to distribute it. And then when you're done distribute it, then you need to multipurpose it. And that's what we're going to talk about today. How do you get more out of doing less? And how do you squeeze the most amount of content out of your videos? How do you squeeze the most amount of content out everything you're doing? Right? And it's all through multi purposing? So we wanted to bring on a guest today. This is what he does. He does a lot of this multi purposing for different coaches and people within the industry and what he does is he multipurpose is a lot of a lot of the content that a lot of these people are creating so they get the most mileage out of it. So we're gonna go through exactly get some tips from him on what he's doing, how he's doing it and why we're going to be doing it. So without further ado, let's go ahead and introduce our guests. Mr. Zack Shoal. What's up, dude? Hey, Mike, what's up, man? I appreciate you having me on. Absolutely. Zack, why don't you go ahead and tell our our peeps a little bit about who the fuck you are? And what you do, and let's get into this. Sure, man, that's not a fucking problem. So.

So I actually have my own podcast and Mike was just on, I really appreciate that. It's called coaches and content. And basically, we teach people how to get clients through content. And a lot of that's to repurposing. So that's on YouTube, all podcast platforms. And then we also we help you produce your own podcast, you know, YouTube and audio. And then we repurpose your long form content in the short content for Tiktok, Instagram, reels, Facebook, all that, because like Mike just said, you know, what, you make one piece of content, you put it out there, and then that's gone, you have to reuse it as many times as possible, you know, you want to make the most for doing the less, right. So that's what we do is we help you produce content, whether we coach you, or recorded for you or whatever. And then we take one piece of content, and we stretch it out, you know, 100 different ways. what do what do you think that? Let's start from the beginning here? And what are most people doing? Right now? Because most people, at least in my world, you're doing more on the podcast, but we're both creating content. I do more video sighs I create videos for people and we multipurpose those videos. You're doing this in podcast, but what most people that do, like what most people are lack of what do they don't do?

Yeah, I think that it's like what you said before they make a piece of content, put it out there. And then that's it. And it's like you're spending all this time and effort. So why not maximize your efforts? So I think that's the thing is they think that you can just post it once and that's it. When that's not the case, you know, you can repost it different ways, different different times. And I think people also don't realize that you can make one clip and post it on all platforms, you know, link, you know, LinkedIn, Instagram, real tick tock Facebook, even YouTube has YouTube shorts now. So I don't think people realize that you can make one piece of content and put it across all the platforms that are out there, because some people are on different platforms. Some people are on here, some people are there.

So and I always try to tell people, you know, I, for me, personally, my own personal brand is my strategy. And so I try to teach people is I start with Facebook Live. So I'll do like a five to seven minute Facebook Live. So that goes on Facebook Live. I'll download the whole thing. Put that on YouTube. Right, and then I'll turn the audio into a podcast so that now it's now it's on the podcast. So you have Facebook Live YouTube, audio of the podcast, and then you could take out you know, but the five to seven minute video, you can pull out to 32nd clips from that one Facebook Live. And that right there is what four different ways to share one video. On top of that, what you could do is which I don't do but if you had a website and a blog, you could transcribe the words from the video into a blog, turn that into a blog and then post a video and the audio on your blog. And then you can email that to your list. You could post that on social media. So the other thing too is you do a Facebook Live once and then you put it out

On YouTube, so a week later, you can repost the same video, but you just drive everyone to YouTube instead. So you're basically promoting the same video, then a couple days later, you could post that 32nd clip that you made, and drive people back to YouTube again. So it's really like, I tried to do everything with purpose, because it takes a lot of time and effort to make content, you know, especially if you're paying an editor, especially if you're super busy, do you really want to do everything with purpose and not waste your time. So that's really a great way to do it. That's kind of how you can repurpose something multiple times. I'm in the process of doing just that, like with this podcast, like I stopped. The podcast is killing my YouTube channels, I stopped publishing my podcasts on my YouTube channel. And I'm not using the video, I'm using just the audio for the last eight months, because I've been so damn busy. And I'm breaking my own rule like, now I'm in the process of cutting up my podcast and meteorite until like the 15 to 3045 second clips, and then that is going to be a lot of my reels. And that's going to be a lot of my tiktoks. Right, because I don't have time to I just don't have time right now, guys. I'm just like, super busy. And I don't have time to create content, but I know I need to do it. And I haven't really gotten into my short form game yet. But that's how I'm going to do it is it's all going to be repurpose stuff, right? Because everything will be repurposed on stuff that we've had, we have so many different clips to use, we're just putting the process together right now to be able to do that and have it sort of done in the background for me, so don't have to think too much of it. But you're right, this show right here that we're shooting is probably gonna be like 30 minutes.

I could probably create. So here's what I could do with this podcast right here, you guys, I'll create the show. There's a video format. If I wanted to take this video and upload it to YouTube, I could do it. There's one. The second thing I could do is I could take this 30 minute podcast and cut it up into 30 to 62nd clips. And I could probably get what do you usually get out of these? Like five? The seven? Yeah, if you if you wanted to, I generally do like two or three. But yeah, you could do you could do a lot. I mean, a lot. Yeah. So there's another five pieces of content, I can take those and distribute them over the next 30 days. I can take this video, and then I do put my podcast back on my website. So there's another piece of content there. I transcribe the podcasts that I put all the words on the website.

What else can we do? I mean, you could even if you transcribe it, if it's a video of just you, you know, you could turn that into a piece of email content, you know, a lot of people right, like long form email content, if more so coaches and stuff but you know, you could turn it into a piece of email content. I see a lot of people do that as well. So why is would you agree that content in general, like this whole word content is now finally coming in, in the real estate industry pretty mainstream. But five or six years ago, no one's talking about creating content.

Nobody. No one's really talked to ever about credit card. They're always like chase a chase lineage I am journey object chase a chase leads. Chase leads convert, oh, you're one more no way for your next Yes, shut the fuck up.

Like seriously, no one's talked about creating content. We're like one of the last businesses in the world to get the content creation. But concentration isn't anything new. You guys, this has been going around for the last 40 years. Content marketing. Real estate has just never taken it on as much as they are starting to embrace it now. And let's get through what content can be for real estate agents. So what is the content? What can you What would you tell a real estate agent, a mortgage broker and investor? Who is just doing a daily? They're working every other day? What can they be creating content on? What if they don't have a podcast? Well, first, I think you made a good point about the real estate industry, I think that people are just so set in their ways. And so you know, they're grinding every day, they're putting their head down there in the trenches. So it just didn't think about it. But I think the people who started making content early on, you know, like Chris Demacia, I used to work with Krista and she started doing video really super early on, you know, kind of like how you started your podcast super early on. So I think the people who adapted it early on are ahead of the pack. And now people are kind of catching up because they see that it works.

As far as content creation, I mean, it really depends on the person. You know, we used to think that tick tock was just people dancing, and like acting up and looking stupid, but that's not really the case anymore. It's all type of content on there. So I always tell people, you have to be who you are. So like, I'm not going to dance. I know you're not going to dance. So if you're not going to dance, don't make that kind of content. Don't force it because people can tell like, if it's not really you good, but I think really, you know, like you're the real estate marketing dude. So you have your brand, you know, like kind of what you're going to do. So I think it really starts with there is who you are, what you do, you know how comfortable you are sharing your life. Like, you know, I see you post up with your kids all the time. You know, some people aren't as comfortable doing that. So I think that's you have to start there first. It's kind of like branding and marketing. You know, you really want to brand yourself first. You know like Kanye, you know, Tonya and Michael for brand face. Say that all the time. Start with branding first and marketing. So they got to figure out

who you are what you do first, then you can start, Zack, I'm just a real estate agent. No one wants to hear from me. Well, if you're just a real estate agent and you're already messing up, because why would anyone do business with someone who's just a real estate agent? Like, right? I'm boring right answer. Yeah. Yeah. Like that's, that's boring. Like there's a million realtors out there. If you want to stand out, Well, you better figure out who you are real quick, because there's so many other realtors out there. You know, you really got to dig deep. And it's okay to be you. You guys like, Zack, you've done a lot of content creation for a lot of influencer type people, right? Yeah. And you've done a lot of the backgrounds and

you know, at any of the people that you've worked with in the past, have you ever has any of them ever been non authentic?

The one that the more authentic you are, the farther you go, you're a prime example of that, Krista is a great example of that. You know, when she would do videos where she would just wake up in the morning, she didn't have her makeup done, and I never heard on.

Yeah, she doesn't give a shit. Yeah, shouldn't give a shit. And she was saying it on camera. Like I don't care. This is the real me. Let's talk about that really quick. So I think I've done a couple podcasts

with Krista and like for this is breakdown the let's break down why that's so effective. So women in general, like how many women are going to one? Get on Facebook? Better yet? Get on video? Right out of bed. Right? But how many women can relate to that? All of them? Yeah, like 100% of women can relate to not being done up at 630 in the morning when they wake up.

But 99.9% of women don't have the balls to go out and do it on video. And the one who does they love

right? Because they're like that's so just like me. Oh my god. She's just like, I wish I'd had their fucking guts. Right? Sounds like Miss Piggy. Yeah, I did something Miss Piggy there. I'm gonna try that again.

Goats. But isn't that the truth though? Like when you see somebody do something that you wish you had the balls to do yourself? You love that?

Yeah, and I think that goes back to the know like and trust factor where they see like, wow, if she's willing to be on camera with no makeup, you know her hair looking all crazy. You know, I want to do business with her because she's She must be pretty trustworthy, you would think right? No one hired anyone. They no one ever hired someone they weren't comfortable with themselves. Right? Like we have you ever like like, would you go hire some dude that you're like, dude, this guy sucks. Like I don't want even talk to this guy, yet alone, get in a car with him and drive around and look for a house for the next two years. Two months. Right? You have somebody who's like kind of shady or like, you just get a bad vibe from them then Yeah, absolutely. You don't want to do business with them. But you guys this all comes back to content. What we're talking about here is that your content isn't supposed to sell your shit supposed to remind people how you sell your shit.

There's a big difference. Yeah, because if you do, if it is super salesy, then the opposite happens, where they're like, it's kind of like realtors are only posts like their listings. Like you, we get it, you know, you sold a house, you have a house for sale, whatever, but nobody cares. I mean, unless they really love the house. But chances are, you know, most people aren't gonna see that anyway. So the more salesy you are, the more you turn people off, that's for sure. Here's the number one most salesy message going around on social media right now, folks, when my parents bought their first house, their interest rate was 14%. To have interest rates at 6% isn't such a big deal. Like we should really look in hindsight, we're looking at this all wrong, folks. That's that's a sales message. Okay, that's not what this is about. Well, when your parents house was also at 18%, let's remind everyone that the fucking loans was only $200,000. And today, those loans are a million dollars. So the properties back then are were worth what they are today. And it's always come down to total monthly payment. And what a lot of people are doing right now I see on social is driving me nuts is they're just like, oh, the interest rates, nevermind the interest rates, you know, what people are really worried about right now. They're worried about the damn gas prices, they're worried about if they're gonna get laid off. The interest rates are one of the last things on their mind. But we're we're out there creating content talking about hey, oh, the interest rates, the interest rates, don't be scared to buy, you're just selling your shit. I guarantee you the person who's out there right now and talking about, hey, you should probably think twice about buying right now. And wait 30 days and see what the markets gonna do is the Glass Joe fucks up anything else? And if it does, maybe there, you're gonna have a better deal in the future. Right? So it's not so much about?

Like, that's real. That's real advice. Yeah, I think when you make content you really have to think about you got to realize it's not about you. I know we're realtors. You know, it's all about them. But it's not about you. It's the people you make the content for. So rather than being salesy, think about oh, how can I help people? So like you just said, you might want to educate people on what's going on instead of trying to be salesy and say, Oh, it's not that bad. You know, whatever. No, you want to teach them, educate them.

And what's going on serve them, you know, it's a three either educating entertaining and engaging content, you want to do those three. And that's really what goes a long way. And that also goes back to the know like and trust factor is, people feel like they know you, they like you and trust you when you're giving out free vital information, right?

Or you're muted, and you have to do a lot of it nowadays.

Like you can't just

like that's the thing. And that's where this multipurpose thing comes across. Like, this show right here will cut this thing up into what six or eight different clips, those six, eight different clips. And here's the other thing with content, at least with videos you guys are creating right now. videos that I've created, I'm gonna I'm gonna start recycling all my videos, because no one remembers them. This is one thing that people have already posted that video. No one remembers it, dude. Like you could create, you could do like six months worth of content, and then recycle that six months worth of content again, and I guarantee you like probably no one will ever notice on Facebook. Oh, you did that. We already saw that that one time? Like, do you remember what your best friend posted three days ago? No. Do you remember? What year? Are you married? No. You have a girlfriend? Yeah. Do you know what your girlfriend posted last night? No.

I don't care. Well, multi purposing content also gives you guys more content to go out there because we do have to be everywhere all the time. So it's, it's good to have a lot of a lot of little jabs out there is what I'm getting at guys. Versus

Yeah, I also try to tell people, you know, you want to mix it up, because you make a good point. Like I could post something today, and maybe only 10 People see it anyway. But I try to tell people mix it up between evergreen content and topical stuff, that at the Evergreen stuff you can just recycle. So if you do if you do a video now about mortgage rates, you know, obviously in six months might not be able to use that video. But if you do something about like, first time home buying tips or home staging tips, that's something that you could reuse multiple times. So you kind of want to mix it in with, you know, relevant stuff. And then evergreen and evergreen for people that don't know, it's something that's timeless, you know, like something factual, or a piece of advice that will never go out of style, like they can always continuously use. So I would always tell people to mix it up. What do you believe are the best types of content to multipurpose podcast is given for sure.

What other types of content? Can we multipurpose? Yeah, so I always say, you know, what, YouTube, I think the sweet spot is kind of like three to seven minutes. So I always I would say make a video. And the other thing I think people don't realize is like, right now we're on Zoom, you know, I use stream yard Facebook Live, like you don't necessarily need like this crazy setup anymore. You know, you can use green screen if you want. But even that, like you don't need a crazy setup, you don't need a crazy camera crew, like, as long as you have decent internet and a good, you know, good camera or computer. Like you can record stuff through zoom. So that's what I do, I use stream yard or zoom. So I would use that to record like a three to seven minute informative educational video. And then I've cut clips from that, so that you're making one long, it's all about the long form content, right, you make one piece of long form content, and then you can cut pieces up from that. So if you do three tips, three home staging tips, you could literally take all three tips and cut them up into three separate videos as well. And then the context of that would be it's three separate tips that you can use instead of the whole long form video where it's three tips. If that. Does that make sense? Yep. Like you could take make one video about three tips, and then cut that up into three pieces. And then it's one individual tip. And you would just have to edit it a certain way and write the captions in certain ways, or the context makes sense. Yep. See, there's a lot of stuff you guys that we have out there.

I don't think that

if you're in like, here's what's happening, I think that right now, you guys have an option opportunity. Let's face it, like last three, four or five years in the market. I've been nuts. People haven't had to work much to get business. Let's be honest. It the business has been very easy guys. Business was everywhere, people are just coming to us. But as the shift comes in, you're gonna have a couple decisions to make one of those decisions to make and what are you gonna spend your money on? Or what do you spend your energy on? And, you know, one of those things is you got to consider nowadays is content, and not so much on how you're going to create it, anything you do is content, right? You don't have to if you're not going to get on video, or you have a face made for radio,

even though I don't believe anyone does, but you might feel that way inside. Well, then great. You need to do something on audio, or you're gonna have to create a lot of social content, but everybody is in the business of creating content nowadays. And the faster you get to doing it, it's not going to happen overnight. But you're going to start realizing as you learn, it's learning how I learned how Zack learned here. Like when you first started creating content, it took me like a year and a half to get to understand it. You know, like back it was like 2013 2014 I was like, How can I create business? Just talking I'm not talking about

Real Estate, it was just mind boggling to me. I was always like, wait, what do you mean, I could do a video on a neighborhood and it's gonna lead to real estate business? Don't I have to be talking about real estate?

And then I realized it's just a giant popularity contest? Because no, the more you talk about work, the less people listen.

It's not about what you talk about. It's like that it contains one of the three which How do you put the three E's

educational, entertaining and engaging energy, energy, educational, entertaining, and engaging. So let's get that let's give them some examples. Some tangible stuff that you'll walk away with.

Education mentioned the community ones, sorry to cut you off. But I think they're doing you know, doing community video that the prime example of that, you know, as long as you're entertaining, you know, as long as you kind of make it fun and not boring, but I think that's a great, that's educational, entertaining, and engaging is go out in the community making these videos, those are one of the best videos I could do, you could do as our community tours, anything on site. But the reason why a lot of people don't do them is because they take time to do and people don't want to spend an hour doing a video. I don't get it. But it is what it is. Yeah, you know, it's getting so expensive to run ads. And people are not responding to ads like they used to, because we're so inundated with ads. So I don't really I mean, I believe in it somewhat. But like running, just running Facebook ads is not as effective as it was, you know, running Google Ads super expensive job with content, you can really attract people rather than chasing them. And it's significantly lot less cheaper than running ads, it just takes more time, like you were saying,

you either I forget what girl I was listening to. But

it's like when you start out in real estate, you don't have a lot of money, but you have a lot of time.

So at that those types of people, you know, you had to put in the sweat equity to get there, right. But you have other people make a lot of money in real estate, and they don't have a lot of time, but they have the money to pay someone to still get it done for them. So you got to look at which route you're in. I still believe though that regardless of what you do with content creation, you have to learn it yourself. Otherwise, it'll never work. And you have to do it yourself. It's something that you can't outsource 100% ever because you can't outsource authenticity. And you know, like, as we could create content for people, we do it all the time, we'll create well script, whether it was through your videos, but if you're not into it, it doesn't work as like you have to mentally be into it to that's why your content strategy, you have to be excited about what you're creating. If you're not it doesn't last. But I do know that if you're not creating, you're not going to last because somebody else is marketing your network. Somebody else is infiltrating you right now. And the only thing we have left and this entire business, I believe, is content creation and your personal brand. You don't have a brand unless you're creating content.

Yeah, I mean, unfortunately, it's not for everyone. And so you definitely have to enjoy it.

But I think more people would enjoy it than they realize. I think there's a lot of people out there who are scared to do it. And they don't realize how fun it is, you know, the the best part is, you have the best job you come up with the ideas, you edit it and stuff, but the best part of it is coming up with the ideas and filming it being on camera. And then, you know, if you're just starting out, I also agree you should learn how to do it, just so that you know and just so you know, people can't bullshit you with another video company. You might hire them and they might bullshit you and say it cost this much it takes this long. When you do the process yourself. You kind of get a better understanding of how it works, but it's fun. That's the big thing to it. I don't think people realize that they're scared, but what do you have to lose? You know, besides making yourself look like an ass but who cares? anywheres Yeah, dude, if you're not scared to show up to a listing appointment, you're not scared to get on video. It's just new. Like my first listing appointment. I was shitting bricks. I was like, Holy fuck, I gotta go get a listing. I was 24 years old. And I was like, Dude, this guy's not gonna take me seriously I don't even own real estate.

Didn't I did not go to the listing appointment though. I didn't get it. But I didn't go to I did not show up. I still I still went up to bat. You know? And that's what the same thing is with video. The first time I shot a video I was like, whoa, this weird, dude. I don't want to do this. This is This is creepy. You know, I'm kind of doing dude, what do I think I'm like Steven Spielberg are some just some dude in Chicago like, you know, shoot a fucking video. What are you talking about, bro?

But you it's not hard. It's just new. You have to be willing to be uncomfortable if you're not constantly, like, if I'm not constantly uncomfortable. I'm fucking not growing. Yeah, comfort comes from the comfort from the discomfort. Yeah, I've been uncomfortable as fuck for the last five years.

But I thrive in it. I love it. It's because I'm always pushing the envelope folks, and you have to be willing to do what others won't otherwise someone else will do it for you. So video and content creation is just one of those things. If it's not video, it's something else. It's podcasts. If it's not podcasts, it's become a real expert become a tick tock expert. Whatever it is. It doesn't matter but you have to get on this you guys I'm not I'm singing I'm

I don't need the alarm. We're not We're not fucking around over here. Yeah, I'm sounding the alarm is it? I mean, it's here. It's here. Like I'm in the process of building my own personal brand and my first couple of videos like I didn't want to do it. You know, I went, I'm in Philly. So I was at a public park, and I had to get the balls to do a live in the park. Once I hit record, I forgot about everyone around me. I did the video and I get people commenting to me all the time. Like, I love that video you did, blah, blah, blah. So you just have to put yourself out there like you really don't have what do you have to lose? You really don't want your pride. You're scared like put, you know, set all that shit aside and like, just go out there and do it. Because like you said, someone else is doing it in your market. And they're building their brand and they're becoming the go to agent in their in their market. And you're not so who's really winning in the end? Yep. And a lot of them are working with real estate marketing dude, just throwing it out there, guys just want to throw it out there. Hey, Zack, why don't you any other final thoughts? You want to mention here?

I think the other thing is, you know, tick tock really changed the landscape and of everything. So the point and shoot style is really what's big right now. So it's not really no excuse not to do it you have if you have a cell phone and you have Wi Fi, there's no excuse not to do it. And tick tock, you can even edit the video in the app or real Instagram real you can edit in the app. So just take baby steps. And it doesn't have to be anything crazy. You just have to start like that's what I try to tell people is just start and you'll figure it out along the way. I agree fail forward. It's the best way to do it. You learn the hard way. But that's the only way you learn if everything was easy, you wouldn't learn anything. And then you just skate through life. But no one wants to skate through life. I want to I want to explore it. I want to fall face first and then I want to figure it out. Zach, why don't you go ahead and tell everyone your info if you guys want to reach out to him? Sure, yeah, so you can check out my website at Zach So ZACS Hu You can learn more there how we can help your business video editing podcasts producing YouTube page producing. Then I also have my own podcasts called coaches and content that's on YouTube all podcast platforms. Mike was gracious enough to be on there that episode will be out soon. But we cover a lot of digital marketing live for entrepreneurs and agents, a little bit of lifestyle stuff but it's all about value and how to help small businesses grow you know whether it's social media, video editing, sales, whatever. So check out coaches and content oh man appreciate you Zack appreciate you guys listening to another episode of The Marketing dude podcast books if you want to start creating content whether it's you just need consulting services coaching help, or you want to actually do the work for you script editing, distribute whatever it is regarding video content creation blogging, inner multi purposing we can definitely help you with that and I would love to have the conversation. But regardless of what that is, you have to have the conversation with it's with me it was Zach it was somebody else it doesn't matter. Get out there and start getting on video use his time right now to start creating content, come up with a content plan and content strategy that you remain consistent on and watch what happens in the next six months. I mean, there's a reason why everybody who does video successful everyone who creates content is successful I've yet to see someone who's done any type of content creation consistently for minimum time of three months. Tell me it doesn't work if you if I've never seen it. I've never seen anyone create content for three months say Mike this doesn't work. Like I've never seen it and folks, it's going to work just do it. Double down this is the time to do it. Folks, visit us i real estate marketing That's real estate marketing and book demo with a dude I'll get on the call sure exactly what we can help you with there's coaching services or all the above. And we will see you on next week's episode. Peace everyone.

Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing We make branding video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule time to speak with a dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.

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