I think we need to go back to the basics and I got a really cool story. Last week I was at an event in Kansas City and met a lot of cool people, including my new friend, Andres Bustamante, who is killing it. He's got a killer story about how he started real estate in college and over game a lot of adversity, and now he is a realtor for a professional soccer player. Check out his website and his Tik Tok and Instagram accounts; andresbustatx.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This EpisodeHow at 19, Andres helped college students as a leasing realtor.Why new agents should join a team.How to take ownership.Resources

Check Out His Website

Real Estate Marketing Dude

The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)

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What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast, what we're gonna be chatting about today are I think we need to go back to the basics. And I got a really cool story. I was in Kansas City. Last week doing an event, met a bunch of cool people were things I like about doing these events. And one of them, this guy, this kid, guy, kid, whatever you want to call him. He's a young realtor. But he's a killer reminds me a lot of myself. When I started not only are we both Hispanic male. But we hustlers you know, and we both started real estate at a very, very early age. And when you start real estate, just like right out of college, and none of your friends are people, you know, I've actually owned or bought a product before, it can be intimidating. I know how I overcame it, he's got a really killer story, and how he overcame it. But what we're gonna do is share his story because today, he's 26 years old, and he is the realtor of a professional soccer team in his market, and he's crushing it at 26 years old. And this is a relationship based business you guys regardless of what the hell you say, if people like you, they will use you. That's what it comes down to. But to be like you have to be trusted. So without further ado, we're gonna go ahead and introduce our guests. He's going to share his story exactly how he landed this account, where he started the trials, the journeys, and all of the above. And a lot of you guys are going to relate to this. So take notes and pay attention. Without further ado, let's go ahead and introduce our guests. Mr. Andres Bosa monk dead and I say, Hey, you

got it, Mike. Thank you, brother.

Why don't you tell everybody? Who the hell are you? Where are you from? And I got a whole kinds of questions for you.

Perfect. I'm from El Paso, Texas. And really, the real estate side started when I was 19. I just got into the University of Texas at Austin, go Longhorns. And I needed to find a way to pay for college because I didn't want my parents to pay for college. And I really want it to be like independent from any of that having to rely on someone. I wasn't going to do an eight to five though I did not like having a boss. Sure. So what better way to make my own schedule and make as much money as possible. Then real estate. I got my license at 19. I started doing leasing, which is when I would find apartments for students. There were a ton of students, I was a part of a lot of groups, I'd find apartments and those apartments would pay me because I brought people over. That's how I got my foot in the door on the real estate side. My mindset was really look, I'm just going to do leasing. I'm not like worthy of being able to make a sale or any of that sort. Why would people trust a 19 year old? That's in college? Yeah. Then when I was 21, I had two years of experience under my belt, I got a call from someone that's like, Hey, I'm this and they'll let me know that you can help with real estate. And he tells me right away my budgets 1 million to 3 million I said holy shit in my head right away. What started in my head was like, this is not going to happen. I'm not going to be able to close. I'll just throw it to someone else. I just told them Yeah, I know exactly what to find. And I hung up and I was like I got nervous I was what the hell am I going to do? The thing with that limited mindset and I partnered with one of the best agents that have just giving it to him I said I'm going to learn as much as possible. And you're going to take care of like handling the transaction with the other realtors Isn't that all take care of the relationship building. Long story short, we sold a $1.1 million condo and then after that you think okay, I'm this No, no knows a lot about real estate and this and that. But in my head, I would get more clients from referrals from him. But my subconscious mind said no, I can't do this. You just got a one shot at this and you got it and that's that. So I didn't really make any other sales. I kept doing leasing. You know, that was my whole college. I was able to pay for college through leasing. But I only did that one sale, even though I had a ton of opportunities. It was a mindset that really got to me at that time.

So good. I agree. I had similar situation. First of all, congratulations for putting yourself through college. That's impressive. This is this is this is what the Mexican population breeds right here. Okay, guys, we work hard, right? And this is very simple, right? That that same philosophy is instilled in me as a kid. And if you work hard, it's going to happen. I don't know when I don't know how long it's gonna take. I don't know the trials are gonna go through. But if you keep your head down and you keep going forward, it's going to fucking happen. Okay, so let's go through Whoo, that's 19 years old love it. Most people, if you're listening to this, you're on the treadmill and you're young, like, do I think I should get into real estate? Should I not get into real estate? What should I do? Or this is equivalent to you could be 35 years old and go into your first listing presentation, you're gonna have the damn same for the same reservations as we both had, we first did it. Andres just tells you didn't have the confidence to go out there. And it's true. If you don't sell houses, like, you're gonna get a million dollar house. You're like, bro, I don't know what the hell I'm doing. But those people are calling you because they like you. You have a relationship with them. And you learn like I did not go to my first listing presentation because I was scared shitless I went to my first listing presentation. Yes, I didn't sleep the night before. But I went in there and I didn't get it. But I got the next one because I wasn't scared to go ahead and put my head down and just see what happens. And this entire business is mindset. I agree. It's can this has a lot of ups and downs like peaks and valleys of real estate's very easy to get burnt out, isn't it?

Oh, yeah, my gosh, I remember just all the leasing, leasing is the best way to get your foot in the door, because it's lower stress. And a lot of people don't take that into account. They want to go all by right away by right away. That leasing is probably the best way because it's less stress. You have conversations with property managers, you get to see contracts, the Apartment Association contracts, and then these people eventually will become buyers. Most of them are they know people, like the person I helped lease. She leased a $900 a month apartment. She knew someone that was going to buy a million to a $3 million. Condo, yes, huge referral, and it's a warm lead. It's not a cold where you're cold calling, right? Yeah, that's the beauty of real estate.

Here's the beauty what he just said, folks, there's so many times that I'll give you a really good story. You are always focused on the relationship. So many agents will go out there and be like, Hey, dude, well, you know, a $900 rental what I'm going to make $450. And I'm going to split half of that with my brokerage, I would pay $250, I would pay $250 for the relationship because everyone lives somewhere in 10 to 15% of the population will move this year, but what 100% of them have a referral for you. And when you're playing the long game in this business, it's not about spiking the football, when you get paid the commission check you spike the football when you get your first referral or source of business from the one person you sold seven years ago. That's the long game in this business.

And a lot of a lot of people, it's pretty interesting. A lot of people see it just transaction wise. Yeah, what does that person bring you and there's a big dollar amount to what that relationship will bring. It's a big misconception or like you were saying, Oh, it's just a $500 check and this and that. What does it bring you in the long run because those relationships are so crucial to nurture on that it can be a hundredfold exponential, to what it will bring.

So there is a back in the short sale days, I had a similar situation, very similar to this. And we used to do a ton of short sales like 3025 35 a month. So we were the number one team not only in Chicago, but in the country. And so we'd get a lot of referrals right and I get a referral from a good friend of mine. That was his old roommate. And this referral ended up being a $15,000 short sale on the south side of Chicago. Have you guys watched the fucking news lately? All right, it hasn't changed. Okay. Southside Chicago, this is the hood. $18,000 Short Sale. Okay. Mind you a short sale take 90 120 days i We negotiated over $200,000 a debt. It was a tough deal to get done. But we still got it done. We lost money doing the deal. Okay, we made at the end of the day, you had a short sale negotiator to pay. And what do you what do you think 6% 3% on $15,000? How much is that it's probably like $900 is our commission check half went to our agent. The other half went to the brokerage I think we walked away with a net of 150 bucks. So we lost money on the deal. But why we took it on was because I don't believe I believe it's our job to serve others first and foremost. And sometimes you won't make as much money off of a transaction. But this has happened several times over the course of my career. Three days after the closing, the same seller calls us he failed to tell me that he owned three other properties throughout the time, because he just wanted to get this one off his hair. And right when we close two days, he's like, Hey, Mike, I want to tell you about this. But yeah, I got a $400,000 condo and Bucktown I got a $2,000 condo up there. And then I got another $300,000 condo up here. Not only did we list those, and none of them were shorts, so they're easy deals. It's just a regular transaction. Once you do a ton of short sales, you do regular transaction, you're like this fucking piece of cake. And so what ended up happening was and then not only that, not only to give us those listings, but he became my number one referral source for the next 12 months and he won our award that year. You guys you don't behind every sale there's another transaction and the people that you help in the times that no one else will help them are remembered for the long haul. And that person becomes part of your sales force just like it happened in the story. I just told you just like it just happened and Andres story if You serve people, right? They will return to you. And it's no differently if you go to a good restaurant or you go back. Yeah, of course not a service. Yeah, if you if you go to a restaurant and then you find a hair and your food, you go back. So agents could fucking put hair on your food and your services and quit being shady. serve everyone the same way quit discriminating over purchase price. I can't stand that's the biggest. I hate that when an agent says that. Another one. I'm not showing that house. They're only offering two and a half percent. I want three. Oh, I actually, if you do that, like stop doing that.

I never look at what anyone offers. Here. Yeah, I'm just like, I'll just whatever. Yeah, you know. And then it's how you make people feel. I know you talked about that. It's so important. How do you make someone feel you know what you do for them? Okay, obviously, that's important. How do you make them feel?

That's all they remember. At the end of the day? Yeah. Yeah. I love it. Alright, so you started off in leasing. I like that you probably learned a lot of the landscape, the streets, the back rallies. And, you know, remember, we were selling real estate guys, we're not selling the freaking houses that we saw the community those houses resided, okay, if you don't know the community, you're not going to be good at your job. You don't need to know the process of real estate that'll come to you. But you do need to be an expert in your community first, and as long as you can position yourself that way. Everyone will think you're an expert.


what happened? Let's get out. You get out of college. And you're like, What do you major in

international business? I don't use that at all. My minor. Yeah. I don't use any of what I majored in. And to tell you the truth, I didn't really learn much from it.

When I went to college, I learned how to like, do my laundry interact with people of different races and all this stuff, socialize, and I learned how to generate relationships, which is the best skill I ever learned. What I didn't use was the Boolean class. The wine class, I took a class on frickin geography and weather. I'm like, Dude, you think?

I always thought that was hilarious. Yeah. And I actually talked to my dad yesterday about it. And it's crazy how we're both from Mexican backgrounds. But one thing that is very relevant is money is bad. That I was ingrained with that. Now, obviously, I don't think that but I remember every time Oh, that guy's rich and Spanish. Bad that. No, that's not good. The second one, I talked to my dad about this yesterday. And he was like, You should go back to college. And I think college really helped you? Yes. It helped me rebuild relationships become more street smart. But it was like, I told him I didn't really need College, though, outside of that, and he was like you did trust me. So it's funny how. It's way. It's still different, you know?

Yeah, comes back tenfold. But you didn't plan on going into real estate, right?

No, I did. And I just needed to find a means to pay for college. And then not having a boss and on my own time,

and when you graduated, what happened? And then how did you transition into and you're like, dude, I'm gonna do this like full time. This is dope.

I graduated with a lot of uncertainty. I had a full time offer for JLL. And that was my dream quote, unquote, job.

What's jaoa dol is

Jones Lang LaSalle. It's one of the biggest commercial real estate apart from CBRE commercial real estate firms. And I had interned with them. Ever since I was a junior. I was like, this is the job I want. But I started reading about mindset books. I read The Power of Now the Miracle Morning, started looking to bigger pockets. And when I graduated college JLL was like we want you to work for us eight to five financial analyst in Houston. Apart from the shitty weather in Houston, I was like, I don't want to do the eight to five. And I told my parents I'm not going to accept the offer. They were like, are you crazy? You've been working two years for this. Me dual stay and

sent you to college. You're the first.

Yeah, I was like, Oh, shit. So legit. That's what they told me. And I had a lot of uncertainty. All of my friends were doing eight to five. Nobody else was doing real estate. So I think I read The Power of Now in one day. I was like, Screw it. Fuck what everyone else is doing. Like I don't want to do that. I'm going to stick to real estate. I stayed with the leasing company. I moved to Austin. I only made one sale. It's like okay, maybe I keep doing leasing, leasing, after college. If you already have experience, it can get pretty stressful. So I did four months of that. Then I said I need to find a mentor. I need to join another team and stick to sales. Because I hadn't made any other sale from the time I had graduated. That's seven months. Listen to a bigger pockets episode do of course it was on that episode. And he said if anyone's in Austin, hit me up, immediately send them a message. And he said Hey, call me back next week because you got to level those calls out. That's how you'd bet people call them back the next week we meet up a month later I joined his team and then that's when it started picking up first month I made a sale, that it took six months to make another sale. But then I started making sales, maybe two that year, like two per month or three per month, as a first year full time. It will take a while man took a while. Yeah,

this is it's, you know, like there's a reason why 87% agent's failed or five years, it's most of them come into it thinking it's a sales job, but it's not. If you're an entrepreneur, and you're building a business, even though you might be at a brokerage or part of a team. Ultimately, you're still an entrepreneur and no one. Like regardless if you join a brokerage or join a team, the worst thing you could do for any of them is make them money. And it's also the best thing you can do for him. There's really no lie extra liability to have you on a team because you're 100% Commission, right? So yeah, you gotta sweat, you got to put in the work. I it took me two and a half years to make real estate marketing to profitable. Right, and we're on your three, this is a fucking grind goes. Like this is any business as a grind, right?

Oh, yeah. And it was Dude, it was probably relate with that. You're like, oh, shit, so much uncertainty. But I did have my own time. And I didn't have a boss. And I knew I knew. And I know I'm going to be very successful. Because I'm putting myself in that alignment. Even though it takes time. I was just like certain of it. And I would do my miracle morning routine. And I was like, Dude, I'm going to be successful. One thing a lot of people have to realize as well about real estate is that our job is threefold. We're storytellers, which is so crucial. Problem solvers. And we're educators. Those are the three things I tell any new agent, it's like, Dude, you have to be great, or start learning how to become great at those things.

Yep. Yeah, the the expertise in running comps and all that no one cares. Like you do that after you get hired, but you don't get hired unless you have those first three first 100%, you know, and people expect you to be good at that being really good at running comps, or knowing your market doesn't earn you the deal. The relationship does every time. So I'm here to do tell me. You landed Oh, real quick. Where was that business coming from?

My my business was sphere of influence. The first ones 100%. Yeah. From UT Austin from people that knew me and trusted me. The real business I started get was when I bought bought a home myself and told my story, because I had, I knew I was going to target I knew what my target audience was was house hackers, people that just graduated, that think you have to put 20% down meaning that they're not educated, that are thinking that they're going to rent for a long run, people that aren't educated and with those things, that's my target audience. And how, what is the best way to get out your target audience and help them by doing it yourself? So I bought a house, I lived in it for free. I had a lot of uncertainty. Can I buy a house? Can I afford it? Are there ways to do this? I just graduated college What the hell's where am I going to find the money? So I put that story out there. And a long post on Instagram shared my story made it as relatable as possible to the audience. Facts tell story sell. And I didn't know what to say, Oh, I close know what's the story behind it told that story. And then that's when I felt a big pickup. People are like holy shit on this. You did this. I'm not the same position, I can do it. That's when it really started to pick up. It's great

to businesses right in front of you guys. And it's not even that you are relatable. Like your IG friends are just like you, your Facebook friends, they're just like you and you attract like people. So in 10 years from now, whatever story you're telling, I guarantee they're going to be people around your age. People always ask me this question, Mike, I want to sell luxury listings. Well go start hanging out with a bunch of people that own a bunch of expensive s houses. That's how you start. You have to put yourself in that room. I don't meet on dress. He's 26 years old. He's flying around the country doing events and speaking and stuff. Because he put himself in that room. I don't meet Andres last week, if he doesn't put himself in that room. How did Andres get in that room? I believe you join a mastermind you probably invested into that mastermind. You put yourself around other people and you made these relationships. The truth is that most of you guys don't have the balls to spend money and invest in yourself. That's it. That's the sad reality of this you guys. And if you're not going to believe in yourself, I can promise you that no one else is going to believe in you either.

I can agree on 100% with that.

So we start rolling. You landed a big contract. Let's get into that. Or big deal. Like you're like the agent for the soccer team and whatnot. So walk us through the process. Awesome.

The process started when I was in college through doing leasing and meeting the Spanish dude that was friends with my roommate. He started following me on Instagram after he came over for like a week and we're just hanging out partying, this and that college stuff. Sure. He followed me on Instagram and I post a lot of real estate stuff on Instagram. So All, whenever he thought about real estate I was top of mind even though he was in Spain, which is pretty insane like what the hell a dude from Spain. And one of his really good friends is was a coach for the Qatar national team soccer. That guy was moving to Austin, who was the first person he thought about with real estate me. So it was like undress. This coach from Qatar is moving to Austin to help with a new team. They had just they have just started two years ago, actually 2020. And I want you to help them just get to know the city, I did a great job of telling him about the whole city showing him around, I took a whole day off to show him around. That's the beauty about being in real estate, you can take those days off, not really take a day off, but you have the luxury to do that. Show them around the whole city, I met the whole family, help them sign on a lease for an apartment was a lease for an apartment. So I knew all about the leasing lingo. And then from there just picked up he introduced me to the other coaches, then some of the players. And that's how I started helping Austin FC with plenty of there. I think there's one or two other agents, but they send me a lot of the business to me. I like it.

But look where that seed planted like, let's just go back, because people want to get that that. Like, you tell someone Hey, I'm the agent of a professional team. Everyone wants that account. But not everyone's willing to it didn't you didn't get it overnight. It wasn't an accident. You got that? As a matter of fact, what most people would have probably have done is that the second that Coach told you he was leasing an apartment versus buying they probably would have stopped calling him back.

Yeah, that's true. Actually. It took it took like, four or five days of touring. Sure, six to seven apartments per day. Oh, yeah, I remember that. So grind. When we found the apartment, the the wife actually started crying because she was so happy. That's how crazy was it? I like it. Folks,

this isn't theory we're talking about when you start cementing your relationships, whether they're renting, and they're buying, it's mathematical, because every three to five years in a city living or six to nine and suburban. They're gonna move. And then what Andreas has said he's done a great job reminding people on his social account of what he does, he's probably not doing in a shady salesman, like type way, just probably storytelling on Instagram. And because of that he was top of mind when someone needed a referral. So people always ask, like, hey, how do you attract all this business? Well, I stay present. All right. And if you're not present, or you're out of sight, you're what you're out of mind. Right? So half of marketing and half of business is just even from the relationship actually, I would say it's 90% of it. Yes. Staying active, nurturing the relationships infiltrating more creating more, because they all live somewhere? For sure, you know, it's not like they're gonna Where do you live in a box? Like who says they live in boxes? Or they're a bomb? Right? Yeah, you can't sell them a house. But you will eventually the average person buys three to five houses over the course of their lifetime.

And sometimes they don't use the same realtor. Most of the times actually.

20 83% of people say they will use the same agent, but only 19 or 29% actually do. Yeah. And the reason for that is they forgot they forgot your number. Most times they forget their name. 80% of people forget their agents name after six months. That's horrible. It's horrible. Like, can you can you imagine? That's like equivalent to the Ritz. You guys ever stayed at the Ritz before you go there? It's a great it's quite an experience. But it's also quite an expensive experience. But everything's catered to you like you go into the hotel room like Hey, Mr. Cuevas Bobo, they have a little note for you that you won't forget. You don't you don't you don't forget that. You go to the Holiday Inn across the street, don't get any of that type of service.

I can assure you, any of my clients will never forget my name. I can assure you of that. Because I know the service that I provide with my team is just like top class. So yeah, it's it's pretty crazy. How eight 90%? Will I mean? Well, we'll use the same Damn, that's insane.

Yeah, I mean, think about it, like the second most Realtors the second you you transact you, you're gone. You become best friends with this person because you're you're buying or selling. It's an emotional process. Like you're talking to these people every other day, right? You develop a friendship like I always ended up parting with my clients because that was sort of my style. And I go out we have dinner like a party like club style, but like go to dinner, have some wine, beer, whatever hanging out we became friends. Because I knew that if I became friends with them that all of them would refer me business a lot more likely than if I did it.

Once for sure. Yeah.

Where do you see the and how are you staying in front of now? Like walk us through your cadence in terms of staying in front of people? How are you doing it? I know you're doing a lot on Instagram, but what's your sort of methodology on this?

For birthdays I usually send like a video tailored to them and then I am also part of by referral only So it's like monthly emails to the clients just reminding them and it's like a little, little, it's called a Monday, how Monday game something and then you can earn a prize if you participate. So you know, it's like something fun. I don't I didn't want to do it a weekly I don't, I don't want to be the weekly this and that's to two emails a month. One is on the first week of the first week of the month. And then the other one is like, it's called the letter from the heart. And it just, it's a gives like a story. Pretty, pretty awesome stories every month. So I'm part of by referral only. And then all of my Instagram, I usually post like three stories about what I'm doing. documenting my journey. It doesn't have to be real estate, it can be playing soccer doing this and that because people don't want to see just clothes just listed. I honestly hate when I see that. Yeah, I'm like, dude, what's, what story behind it? What did you help accomplish? What were they thinking they could not do? So you'll never see me posted just close unless it has a story behind it. And also document my journey. Like, what is it through inspection? What did I struggle with? big misconception is that people that just do disclose, they're like they're perfect. No, there's as to be vulnerability so that people can also connect. Because it's not it's not. There's never going to be a perfect transaction. Yep.

If you're struggling share it.

Yeah, yeah. People love that. Probably all that stuff. Close stuff.

People are so scared to like, voice what's really happening behind closed doors, being vulnerable is the number one thing you could do for anything in marketing. The more you can play people cry, the more they'll remember you.

It's social media, the emails that I send videos for birthdays or gifts for birthdays, events, we have several events a year. Definitely the Christmas parties. Those are a lot of fun.

Let's do the events. Let's go through that. Yes, how many and walk me through all those?

Well, some we do like boat parties in the summers and get like a big as boat. It's a lot of fun. That's when you really get to meet the clients better. It's funny. And then Christmas parties. We invite all of our so like I said, I have a team, with my business partners of Well, I haven't said that before, but 14 agents to office managers. And last year we did 20 and 50. We helped 256 families. Yeah, you're crushing

weight. Are you the youngest guy on the team?

Yes. Really? Sure. Or we just hired one? I'm not sure. But I believe so. Or we're the same age. The rest are like 3040 30. Exactly. Yeah. So I'm meant I'm a mentor to like, all those agents. So it's pretty funny. And at first, that was one thing that really got in my head, I'm like, oh, shoot, what are they going to think and this and that, that I know what I can offer. So now I'm like, I'm totally fine with that. That before it was something that would get in my head,

probably. But why though, that's just the way society paints the picture. You got to be older and you get wisdom. But that's not necessarily true. If you're 26, you could have way more experience than a 35 year old who just got a license, it doesn't matter.

That's so true. And I'm actually reading a book, The Four Agreements, but then the next book, it's about attachments. And I knew that I had an non attachment agreement that I had with myself. And as create crazy when I found that I was writing down my agreements, then I was like, Oh, shit, I know that. My family will always tell me respect your elders. Yes, I will respect an elder. But in my head what I think that would mean and I would have translated it to anyone that's older than you has more authority. And they're always right. When I realized that I was like, holy shit. That's what I delimiting Oh, my God. Yeah, I realized that that was a game. That was like, two months ago, actually. I just was astounded.

So most of the stuff like it seems like a lot of your mindset came from your own self education, whether you're reading attending these masterminds and whatnot. Would you agree with that? Yes. Repeat those books that you suggest people can should read. Because if you guys aren't, if you guys want some good reads like he just told you a story, everything that he's been talking about as a result of what he read in there. And I think he just put it into action. Basically, the principles in there so you guys, the roadmaps always out there. Like, it's not like, people are like, how am I gonna do it? How am I gonna do it? Well pick up a book, go join a team, follow someone who's already doing it. But follow someone who's been there before because there's no reason why you want to try to create it all on your own. All you want to do is r&d and rip off. Put it in your own way.

Why reinvent the wheel, the book four agreements, mastery of self Power of Now Untethered Soul a Miracle Morning? Holy shit, incredible books, The Four Agreements, be impeccable with your word. Never assume. Don't take anything personally and always do your best. It's incredible. It's such a game you

good? Any other? Final or closing thoughts? Like what? People we're going through a shift right now. So, I mean, this is everyone's gonna like, what do I do? What do I do? We're gonna lose a bunch of agents in the next year. So, which is a good thing for those that are full time. But what should you were in a shift? She got the experience. So what are you going to do right now

I've started a cold call, I don't need to cold call. But I've started it because it's something that gets me out of my comfort zone. And I actually enjoy being able to better respond to objections on my feet. That's so important as an agent being able to respond to objections on your feet, but I'm going to do is just hit Instagram harder as in putting more posts, I used to do a lot of stories and then a post maybe once or twice every three weeks, but now it's going to be like twice or three times a week. And I need to get clear on that. And I will get clear on that after actually I met you I really liked all that you had to say. And I know it's being intentional. So that's one thing being very intentional on social media and tick tock tick tock is actually something that's grown insanely, which is weird, but it Yeah, I recommend everyone get that. Then also, with my team, obviously having to do open houses, do all those things. sphere of influence will still be the biggest thing and referrals for me. So touching more more touches with my clients on referral basis, you know? Yeah, I assure you, if anyone calls people you know, you'll have people that need help with buying or selling or they know people are assured, I surely call them.

The your Soi. Like the industry is horrible in general market st in front of Soi, but it's the only recession proof marketing model there is because people are still going to move, you know, like, and when they do move, whether it's a crash of 2007, or it's going to be whatever happens in 2022 Here, there's still gonna be life circumstances, some are gonna get sick, some are gonna die, they're gonna lose their jobs, and we're getting married, some are gonna have kids. And when those life changes happen, people will move despite what the market does. However, 80% of them are needed the first person they come into contact with, and if you're not all over, you know, I don't know what to tell you. I mean, they're gonna probably cheat on you with another agent. You're gonna log on to Facebook and see that Andreas here just so well, it's not you. Yeah, and then you get mad at Andreas but don't get mad at Andreas get mad at you because it's not your networks job to remember what you do for a living but it is yours to remind them.

Take Extreme Ownership. Don't be a little Bish.

I love it, dude. Any closing thoughts?

I would say if you're a new agent, join a team. That's the best way to learn as fast as possible. And as soon as possible. Have a morning routine. If you're an independent contractor. It's crazy. It's a double edged sword. Read the Miracle Morning, meditate, do your routine. And that'll definitely help you exponentially reach your goals. Write your goals down as well. So cliche everyone says that yes, I know. It works for a reason. And that's why people that are crushing it do those things.

I need to get into the meditating game because everybody I follow and I look up to are meditators accepted. And I'm going to take your advice I'm going to my business partner has been like dude, I meditate every day. I'm like, what's fucking when you meditate? Like you sit there and like, I don't want to do that, man. I don't have time. We got three kids running around. He's like, No, you have to do it. You have to do it, Mike. So I'm gonna give a world is the

call nap. And the big thing about meditating you using your diaphragm to breathe. Don't use your like lungs, don't use your diaphragm. Breathe out through your mouth. It's a game changer. Like very, very much so it's helps a lot become present. Because there's so much shit that goes on all the time in our lives. We're in our head all the time. You need to calm those thoughts down. Yep.

I love it. Man. Why don't you go ahead and give everybody your info again so they can follow you either on your IG channel to see exactly how you're doing it. I highly recommend that guys. Or reach out to you if you guys have a referral that is in the Austin area, reach out to undress and his team and they could definitely take good care of you. Obviously they're doing it right. And you want to make sure your clients are being taken care of and there's a lot of people moving to Austin.

Yeah, just any questions feel free to DM me. My Instagram is Andres Boustead, TX and DRGs be usta Tx and that's the same handle for tick tock, feel free to reach

out. Cool, man, we appreciate you dude. And we appreciate you guys listening to another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. You guys know where to find us if you need help scripting, editing and distributing your videos or you just need us to train your videographer because they don't know what the hell they're doing. We could do anything you want and there's no doubt in my mind this is the number one stop if you're going to create real estate content whether you need my consulting, training, editing distribution, I don't care if you want to get on video I got your back and you need to visit our site at real estate marketing do.com real estate marketing dude.com visited take the content download subscribe this podcast visit me on my social handles I don't care. Start making content start generating attention and you will start attracting clients and you'll ditch chasing leads I promise you there's a reason why it works for everything. No person. The only time it doesn't is that people don't like you and that's nothing we can help you with. So, thank you for watching. See you guys next week peace. Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing dude.com We make branding video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule time to speak with a dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.

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