Happy Thanksgiving everyone! First of all, there's a lot of things that we're thankful here for, but one of the things we are thankful for and what we're going to be chatting about on this episode, is how to be thankful for all the frickin referrals that you're receiving and how to be thankful for all of the different business that we attract versus chase. I'm telling you in 2022 is the year the personal brand and the reason why that is is because let's face it, you guys are all selling the exact same shit. Everyone's got access to the MLS, if you're a lender everyone has access to the same program, so what is really the difference between you and everybody else? Ultimately, the answer to that is going to rely on the relationship you have with the person you serve, or the brand that you have that attracts them to want to be served by you. 

Today we welcome Cole Slate onto the episode. As broker and owner of Slate Realty, he does everything 100% referral base. A lot of brokerage team leaders instantly shift into lead generation mode where they have to give their agents leads and do this and that, but what if you just taught your agents how to fish instead for referrals, and it didn't cost you anything out of pocket? How much more would that add to your bottom line if you're a broker owner, so if you're a broker owner, if you're a team lead, I think you're gonna appreciate this episode today.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This EpisodeHow to make your business 100% referral basedWhat marketing yourself as hyper community meansMistakes to avoid when first starting out


Learn more about Cole Slate

Real Estate Marketing Dude

The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)

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So how do you attract new business? You constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas to real estate marketing. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living.

It's your job to remind them. Let's get started What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast.

It is Happy Thanksgiving. First of all, there's a lot of things that we're thankful here for. But one of the things we are thankful for our for our guests, and in the spirit of being thankful what we're going to be chatting about on this episode is how to be thankful for all the frickin referrals that you're receiving and how to be thankful for all of the different business that we attract versus Chase, because I'm telling you in 2022 is the year the personal brand, I've been saying the shift last five fucking years before Tom Ferry every set of damn thing about it. And the reason why that is is because let's face it, you guys are all selling the exact same shit. Everyone's got access to the MLS if your lender ever has access to the same program, so what is really the difference between you and everybody else? And ultimately, the answer to that is going to rely on the relationship you have with the person you serve, or the brand that you have that attracts them to want to be served by you. So what we're going to chat about today, I've been seeing this dude on Facebook, hosting events. He's always doing shit and I like indirectly know you from Facebook, and he just opened up. Another brokerage is growing rapidly, but he does everything 100% referral base, a lot of brokerages team leaders instantly shift into like the lead generation mode where they have to give their agents leads and do this and that. But what if you just taught your agents how to fish instead for referrals, and it didn't cost you anything out of pocket? How much more would that add to your bottom line if you're a broker owner, so if you're a broker owner, if you're a team lead, I think you're gonna appreciate this episode today. And without further ado, we're gonna introduce our friend Mr. Cole, slate to the show. What's up. Cool,

Mike, thanks for having me. I really appreciate it. Big fan of the podcast and it's cool being on the zoom with you and hear your voice on the interview not coming through my truck speakers

to tell tell us tell everybody who you are, where you're located. What you guys got going on down there. And then I got a bunch of questions for you in regards to how you're attracting all this business and attention in your local community.

Yeah, absolutely. Like Mike said, my name is Cole slate, I'm from the Northeast Florida area, particularly St. Johns County. You know, your statistics and research nationally, it's one of the hottest markets in the country. Every stat that you look at has St John's in Northeast Florida and the top 10 And yeah, most liberal all referral base really a lot of people talk about you know, their, their hyperlocal Well, I market myself as being hyper community. So you know, building the brand, for doing stuff the right way. And you know, for the right reasons and you know, giving back to the neighborhood first responders to charities and things like that.

I love that hyper community write that down, folks. Um, yeah, let's get right into it. So first off, when did you get licensed? And when do you start in real estate?

So I got my license in September of 2012. I started I was blessed to be to earn a buyer's agent position all the top teams in the area, the Welch team with Keller Williams, and after being on that team for a year decided to try it on my own. And it's been a it's been a nine year blur, you know, ever since

so one of the things that you like, glad you did, but you'd never do it again. Right? So like every every every career of a realtor would Did you ever buy leads, like in 2012 when you join a team, you're probably you know, getting fed a little bit maybe through open houses and or whatnot. But when you went off on your own, have you always been more referral based? Did you ever go down the Zillow lead buying platform or any of those things?

So you know, I did it I bought, I got into Zillow leads one time and it was because our zip code that I'm actually from born and raised no a opportunity opened up and it goes so quickly that I kind of viewed it as a calling shotgun and I'm like, let me go and it was like the smallest increment available I think was something like 10% share, you know, five or 10% share something like that. So I did just to say that, you know, I swooped in there, and the whole my spot is a premier agent. But you know, I was so busy I talk about horrible follow up you know, I never did it because I was busy with the the family friends of referrals, you know?

Yep. And a lot of times people just buy leads just to say that they have something inbound, but very seldom do they even call them back. That's why Zillow went to referral model Why realtor.com went through referral model guys, you guys don't call back the lead you're given and you start hurting their brands. So they said, Fuck it, I'm gonna bring it in house and I'll convert them for these lazy sons of bitches. And then I'll give it to him and then I'll charge them triple the amount in the form of a referral fee because I'm selling them an appointment versus a frickin name and a number. Alright guys, so let's get I want to get into this how big the community first cuz I want to break I want to paint the picture how many people would you say are in your immediate area? If you were to give me a number on the population?

Oh man. I think in our county alone, it's close to 300,000 people, you know, we're very suburbia, you know, there's no there's some country, suburbs, things like that. I heard um, you know, take it with a grain of salt. It was on a commercial, but I heard the Jacksonville area population, we're looking at around one and a half million.

That's a big market,

it's not gonna remember to that landmass wise, Jacksonville is the biggest city in the country. So that's 1.5 million over I think everyone by definition, like five counties.

So does that mean like everything's filling in right now? Building and because a lot of land,

there's land for a developer to step up. They're doing everything in their power to to do so.

And let's get into this. You're running the brokerage? Are you still in production yourself?

Right now? Those are refer out? My wife is my business partner. And we we procure business, but we refer to our agents good and compete, or do you wanna?

So what I know you have some sort of system in office, you have to have something that your agents are implementing that are generate the referrals, probably something that stemmed off your own success?

What are they doing? How are you doing this? Let's start at the agent level, let's take it to the brokerage level. And

then how I'm sure you guys have like company sponsored events, agents ship enough of that, and all that stuff. It's a team effort. But let's start at the beginning. What are the agents doing? And what did you do to consistently generate those referrals? Because it's not like that's not a small population. If you're in a town of like, 20,000 people, then yeah, you might see John dick and Mary in the fucking grocery store every other weekend, and say hello to him. And that's how you're staying in touch with people. So there's like the local realtor, but when you're in a busy area like this, you have to do more than now you have to build a brand and you can't build a brand without consistently communicating or appearing for people. So what are the agents doing? What did you do in the past that built your brand to stay in front of people?

Yeah, so the first thing that agents are really buying into is my style of farming, you know, you have your stereotypical farming from two decades ago, or it's a bunch of random mailers and everyone's sets, everyone's sending the same stuff. And you know, that, you know, more, let's call them season agents thing to that's sufficient, because they're seeing their their face and their contact information from the mailbox at the end of the driveway till they get to the trash cans, and garage. So we do mailers, for example, but we provide, we provide value, you know, my my neighborhood that I live in, for example, we send out two meal two meals per month, okay? One of them is statistics broken down, not just just sold or anything like that, we send out a average price point for the most for the three most recent sold for each 1000 square foot increments. So under 1999 square feet, the top three average was x 2000 to 2999 heated and cooled square foot, the average per foot was x and just keep going on. So people have some type of idea, you know, my neighborhood, for example, still being built right now but it's going to be approximately 5000 rooftops. So that's just an idea of you know, what's one area the next is, you know, like I said, I'm from the area so I have a lot of relationships with local businesses. So I'm teaming up with these businesses like let's talk about a coffee shop for example. Go to the coffee shop I said hey, you know, I'm I'm going to design mailers I'm going to pay for the distribution the mailing I'm gonna send them out would you be down for a save 10% off of $20 tab at a you know what you're paying for them? I mean, for a coffee shop that's nothing right that's that's a free introduction and I'm handling all the distribution so you know talk about a value add you know, everyone everyone in my neighborhood comes up to me on a weekly basis just thanking me for everything not only providing the you know, the valuation statistics for the property but as well as a coupon for a free cup of coffee you know, if

there's one piece is one piece market driven then and then one piece is just more community Correct? Awesome. All right. So this is really good guys. Here's what I I don't know why I honestly cannot stand this about the industry is that every time we fucking communicate, we feel like we have to be selling something or getting something in return and you don't understand guys like for any of you that have faith like there's a constant like, it's very simple, you give and you get in return, right? There's a reason why people tie in, they set a certain certain things. And if you truly believe your use, what's the word he saw you see, or whatever it is, what you get, you'll get back in return. And you cannot like if you're just always selling, selling, and you're always like, just so just this or all of your content has to deal with how many listings you sold, your broker sold, instead of like caring about the damn community and actually being a servant of it. You don't ever obtain anything other than that you're just a salesperson chasing your next check in the eyes of most people. But when you start creating content, events, or anything that gives you the excuse to have a conversation with people, that's how you build a brand. I would bet that I could see why those two pieces would serve each other best. I guarantee you that people enjoy the information and the statistics, but the ones that they remember that are the personal ones. And then it Re and it sort of triggers them to be like, oh, yeah, by the way, I did get that one thing like your your sales should is better received because you're creating value.

Well, it's everything compounding together like that what I was saying this day and age farming is so much different than it was two decades ago, you know, so you have those mailers. And on top of that, you know, one examples we had, with all the COVID crap going on everything we had a vendor fair but suited to all being at the neighborhood beauty center, it was a tour of people's driveways on them. I'm not gonna sell a house out of my driveway. So what did I do, I threw a big old block party, I got a food truck, the time I got out houses, got a video game truck to come down a guy playing live music, you know, that's what people are gonna remember. Now, as a part of, you know, what's going on, I got more people reached out to me than the freakin president of the HOA, yet all having to do with, you know, coming in all these different ways in regards to farming the you know, the community.

And I like how you're outsourcing the cost to so like, you're not just I'm sure these businesses are giving you a couple bucks, and that's paying for the distribution. You're just the guy started organizing it, but it's your brand your face all over it. So what is your out of pocket on the mailers? And how many advertisers? Are you getting to actually cover the nut?

Yeah, I mean, it's, it's not much I want to say it's something like 50 cents apiece, or something like that. And we're like I said, you know, we're going out of 1500 houses, you know, so we don't we don't put actual sponsors on the mailers. But what these businesses do in regards to cross promotion, as I said, it's all about scratching the back, right? So where it might be 750 bucks coming out of my pocket for this month, you know, these pencils, drawings, and these coffee shops and everything, you know, they they give back so much to my business. You know, for example, you know, the grand opening that we had on on Thursday, we had, I think seven different restaurants involved and I didn't spend a penny they're all giving back to me for helping them promote their business and really, you know, give back to the community in them by providing, you know, sushi boats and case studies and a cornbread bar and you know, stuff like that. And it's all like he said earlier, it's all about the giving back and the back scratching, and you know, things like that.

Let's even pencil this out, though. So it's just this as far as direct mail pieces and you're sending to a month you're seeing your out of pocket costs is about $700 a month on that. Yeah. Alright, so this comes out to be at $400 a year. Okay, so just as just one channel, you guys, that's why you guys ever, what's your ROI? What's your ROI? All right, let's go fucking talk about the ROI Right Now. All right, $8,400, what's your average sales price in your market? 400. Okay, so he needs to sell three quarters of a house to break even over the course of the year, three quarters of a house, this is a full house three because it was a full house $400,000 would be $10,000 commission. So you need a quarter of a house you need 84% of a house is what he needs to sell two and a percent to break even. Okay, so, but here's the thing that everyone's gonna say. How can you trace back that ROI? Oh, my God, there's not a direct thing when you're building a brand, you never will. That's the power of a brand. Because I bet I guarantee he gets people that just call him from wherever. And it's the result of a combination of all the multiple forms of communication over time. That individual single one guys look at

you look at what the mailers doing to not only am I providing the value to my neighborhood of 5000 houses, but the business that I'm promoting. Yeah. Do you think they're the for Who do you think the first firm is that they're going to call when they have a new employee moving in or someone leaving or you know, whatever the case may be. So it's about scratching as many bags as possible and creating an excuse to appreciate and promote everyone else.

When people ask us all the time when we do a obviously you guys don't know yet we script and distribute videos, people and people do a lot of different strategy but a lot of times people would say, Oh, why am I gonna do a business owner strategy? Well, it's a different your YouTube channel will never blow up doing business owner interviews, I'm sorry, no one's gonna go to your YouTube channel, like, this guy's the best business owner views ever, and you're just gonna become the next YouTube celebrity, doesn't mean it's a bad business video to create. So it's just a different strategy. And why I love that strategies, because when you start scratching the back of business owners, those are the largest referral sources you're ever going to come across. Because they all share a mindset, which is very entrepreneurial, you're more likely to get a referral from a business owner that a fucking liberal, put it that way. Alright, that's just the way it is. Sorry, but that's true business owners have a mentality mindset where they know how hard it is, and they will scratch your back. And that's what happens. Business owners always give more referrals than non business owners. I don't know why that is. I think it's just the way they're all wired. They're wired to serve, they're wired to give them their natural referral numbers. So when you create a community of these business owners, you're creating a community of referral sources. And every person's referral source, no one's a client. And it's a mindset thing, like everyone has the ability to refer you. Right, everyone lives somewhere. And everyone knows someone who's moving at least two or three years if you track but a certain percentage of those people and those business owners are going to be moving this year to and they don't even know it yet. Some of them are gonna get pregnant, some of them are gonna get divorced. But there's a move that's going to happen. And when you're thought of first 80% of people closing the first one they meet with, that's why attention matters. I love the mailers what else you're doing. You're not just doing mailers in the community, though.

Oh, yeah, for sure.

Let's go on to channel number two, because that's just one chat on your you're crushing it. I love it.

Yeah, it's doing the events in the neighborhood. You know, every time there's a vendor fair or garage sale or all the above, find a way to get involved, you know, in my neighborhood and being sticklers about, who was able to be involved with the vendor fair that they had two weeks ago. So one of our raving fans that lives in the neighborhood is a she does she owns a little in house bakery that she you know, she takes out of her home does baked goods, cookies, cupcakes and things like that? Well, when I told her what happened that they wouldn't let you know, realtors insurance people, they wouldn't let services like that evolve, she goes cold. Why don't you just throw me a couple of bucks. And I'll put your logos on half of my on all these cookies that I make? And I'll just give out your business card and cookies for free to everyone there. Yeah, that's awesome. So you know, things like that. But you know,

how many events are you guys do an A in? Are you at an all your agents are inviting their friends, their families and all that, right? So you're duplicating your efforts? Like you

do probably eight to eight to 10 events a year? No, that's not necessarily just in my neighborhood. Right? That's cute. That's period. You know, we do a crossing guard appreciation, Teacher Appreciation, first responder appreciation. We do. We used to call it a customer appreciation party. But I took the customer out of it and just left it appreciation because I'm wanting to throw, you know, a one big appreciation picnic and water to happy hours for not only the people who have close business with us, but who is referred to as our top preferred partners when it comes to you know, mortgages inspectors, you know, who's who's creating excuses to appreciate them. Everyone else in our industry just expects to take them while I'm going to send you a home inspection. Where's my lead? You know, we need to appreciate them to the site agents that's in the building industry. 30% of our buyers are new construction. Not a lot of people can say that. So who's appreciate who's appreciating appreciating the site agents? You know, it's finding excuse to appreciate all the people, especially those who aren't always appreciated.

Yeah. And so I always get like, how does one of my top blog posts honestly, on my website is client appreciation events. And it's about a couple of different agents doing different things in their markets. And people in agents too, would always say, Hey, dude, I don't want to do an event that's going to cost me like $2,000. So I want everyone to change their mindset. If you were to buy in, if I said I'm going to give you 100 leads a month, most agents eyes would light up, we agree that 100 leads a month, but let's just break down what you're buying a lead for. What you're really doing is you're just buying a conversation, and you're buying a conversation that happens to be about real estate, which is why the conversion rates only going to be one to 3% Some people are looky loos some people are actually serious. 80% of them already have an agent and trust me, and then that small bit that actually transacts always reserved. So that one to 3% I don't care how many autoresponders or how good your follow up is. If you converted 4% God bless you. But those guys and gals are really doing well. They have all kinds of technology hidden from every which way to do that the average person isn't going to have that advantage. But when you're having a client party, and you're running into like 400 people at a time or 150 people time, you're still having conversations now, ever. So what do you mean like? Well, let's just do statistical because none of this stuff is theory, this is mathematical science, all of the conversations you're having, regardless if you're buying them, or if you're doing them naturally 10 to 15% of those people are moving, and 100% of those people have a referral for you. So we would have a lot of these client parties, we didn't do eight a year. I love that we do two a year six months. And we would just have mega bashes is like when I was like a total party animal. And I was like literally running out nightclubs, because I didn't have a kitchen. So I got it cheap. I dropped like 15k on a frickin club event like DJs, like lights, ice sculptures and shit. People would be talking about these events, and we'd had 700 at once was our highest was 800 700 people. But they would roll in and it was just a party. Four years down the road, I was still getting business from these parties because no other real estate guy ever threw like a rave, I guess if you want to call it that, but whatever it was, it was cool at the time would have been my script now. My point is, is that when you get to those, it's the conversations you have you guys in this whole business is about conversations, I'm gonna always says this is really simple. You got to get appointments, close appointments, get appointments, close appointments, that is horrible advice, have conversations, close conversations, and then add them to your database and then stay in front of them forever, because that's what it's not a matter of if they're gonna move. It's a matter of when

folks one of the things you said Man, I know like you and I share so much the same, you know, point of view and outlook and all that is, you know, going back to the Zillow of life or whether it's Zillow, whatever these online leads are that people were lucky to convert 3%. And how much on average, do you think per month, people are putting into leads like that? Do you have any type of idea? Lots. Alright,

so let's see, let's even call it didn't say

1500 bucks. Okay, talk about ROI, where's your ROI going to go further 1500 bucks a month towards these vs cold leads of people you've never met before. Or put that same 1500 bucks into your warm sphere, the people you haven't met before the people who have already closed or referrals, you know that that ROI is easy, or you should be spending your money?

Well, people try to because they're chasing transactions instead of referrals. That's why there's a major difference if I'm chasing transactions, and I'm going back to that 10 to 15% game, but when I'm chasing referrals, everybody's referral source it might not be today, but it might be tomorrow or might be in three months. I don't care when the referrals come in. I know it's coming though.

100% 100% And like so many people in our business don't have this you know, this big picture view you know, even if you're working with a buyer right now and they decided they want to chill out and wait a couple years. Look whether they're closing with me tomorrow, or they're closing with us three years from now. I have enough confidence and you know us and what we do and our relationships and things like that I'm not worried about when the closings happening. Yeah, what I mean it's it's keeping the relationship Yep.

Three to five houses man that's what people buy over the course of their lifetime. It doesn't include any people they can refer you to so yeah, you got to play the long game with us. Let's take this to social What do you guys do in stand in front of people on social I see the events I love the in person I love the direct mail what's happening on the social side are you guys doing content guys creating content and create any media and video stuff are you guys running campaigns ads, any any of that?

So I actually just in the past few weeks, got into paying for Facebook ads, I've never done it before. And what we are doing is you know my favorite my favorite button to clip whenever you're filling out your your audience is the targeting your your friends and friends of friends. Because with us being all word of mouth and having such an awesome reputation in the community. Chances are if your friends have followers of our business page you've heard of us so all we're doing is giving you that value to like our page or to click on our website or call our office. Right that makes the most sense over again that's a warm lead to me versus cold you know paying for lights or you know this these random introductions or whatever. We have an awesome social media following on Facebook. Our Facebook business page has a process Really 9300 likes. And again, same type of thing is my mindset, you know, we do a lot, you know, testimonial Tuesday new listings, open house, you know, the stereotypical stuff that you have to do. But the other half of our strategy is giving spotlights to the businesses that support our business, you know, go check out this restaurant, this is our top lender, give them a call, give them an opportunity. This is our top inspector. So if you go through our social media, I would say probably 1/3, to half of our content is, you know, throwing referrals and throwing spotlights and throw in appreciation to all the companies and businesses that we work with, not only within, but outside the industry as well.

So you're telling me if you start selling every other people's stuff for them, they're start selling your stuff for you.

That's for me, it's all about showing appreciation, whether it's the parties with social media content, whatever it is,

I'm gonna title this podcast appreciation. Someone then in that name? Yeah, that's awesome. Do you guys have a Facebook group yet? of all your friends and family?

Of course, we have these late real estate community. And how engaging is that? Oh, that's fantastic. You know, my whole mindset behind that was to not only be a resource for all of our past customers past refers everyone you know, we want to we have over 900 members of it, but we wanted to still give it a sense of exclusivity. Yep. But I also want to take a step further and say, hey, you know, y'all are 900 Something people that we have past business and relationships with? Well, what can we do for dollars to work together and cross promote and network and things like that?

Great. Yeah, I love that. If you notice, like, there's a theme here and it's not about us I don't think cola said I want on the show here. He's always said you are them. us if it was I reference. And that's just a lot of this mindset, you guys that you if you if you really want to build your brand, you can't fake it. You have to actually be compassionate about your own community and compassionate about what you do and all this stuff like that. I think that's half the reason a lot of people are you know, have commission breath. And they're just looking for the, they're looking for the next transaction. But, you know, at the end of the day, what we're saying here guys, is that you'll end up with plenty of transactions if you just started serving and stop selling. serve your community and most of your business is going to come from people right in front of you. It's gonna come from your Facebook friends or Instagram followers and people will follow you on Tik Tok nowadays, it's not going to come from a bunch of strangers. So I'm gonna come from people you don't know you're going to burn out how many agents have you seen burnout just start chasing lead chasing business as a broker and MC trained some of them that didn't want to invest in themselves? How many of them have you seen just going out of business?

On a there's so many because I mean all all that these agency and the especially with the market, right and particular market in the Northeast Florida Association of Realtors get approximately 11,000 realtors, okay. Think about that versus 3300 listings active on the MLS those are insane numbers. And all they see is you know the hot market social media and frickin HGTV and all this stuff and they think it's just something you just go get in and easy money easy paychecks you know, they don't understand that you don't treat it like a nine to five you don't put in you know, I laugh at 40 hours. You don't put in full time hours. You're not going to get full time.

Yeah. Yeah. Do you even have listing presentation you just show up inside paperwork?

So show us on paperwork? Yeah, you know, we have you know, over my time you know, I've created our presentation based off of just experiences right? And so I have stuff that I will take with me and when the you know you read you read the seller right? So if their mindset is very detail oriented Well hey, you know I brought this packet with you I'm happy to go over it with you word by word. If they just want to hang out have a drink and have a conversation show me what the house looks like they're just gonna lead the way hey, you know if you can't get to sleep tonight you need some light reading then read what's on this folder? Yeah, you know but at this point with you know, our reputation and community and things like that it is Hey Cole something came up we're getting to transfer come over to paperwork real quick. And I'll keep those done.

Yeah, it's actually work man. Well, dude, this is awesome show. appreciate you sharing anything anything else you want to add

on? I'm not necessarily I think you and I could go all day long. You know, such such a similar mindset and and all that. You know, one thing that we are doing actually happened today I have a really close relationship with the Sheriff of St. Johns County, the county I live in he came to our ribbon cutting and everything. One of his community community relations deputies reached out to me said hey, you know when you donate 500 bucks for families? I think it was for families that need a meal on Thursday. By the time I had the time to say yes, he had already got someone else to say yes. So I was like, You know what, I wonder what the deputies are doing on Thursday. You know, the ones that have to work instead of being with their families. So you know, we're putting together this is literally two or three hours ago I'm getting off with you and taking it down to the sheriff's office we're putting together 39 tumblers koozies a $20 Visa gift card for the deputies to go grab lunch and they can be with their families you know that all an investment is $780 It ended up being okay but when these 39 deputies get you know something something like this you know for for the holiday when it can be with their families and just like a surprise token of appreciation you know, all that stuff adds up and do you have now well

here's what we're talking about guys that's mindset he could have easily said oh shit, fine. Could have hung up the phone. You could have stopped but then Cole here says no sports quarter got to find out another way to spend that $800 Because he didn't care about the costs he cared about the impact well done.

My my buddy that's the community affairs liaison or whatever. I texted them I said man, you hit me up for 500 bucks. You spent 800

That's great. That's good. People support others who care man and serve it's just you know it's just a wired Yeah, it's what we're wired and if you give you're gonna get and if you continue to do the right thing by people it'll eventually pay off for you you know that surely firm believer net? Why don't you go ahead and tell everybody where they can find you on social if they want to follow you anything if they want you got your website or any of that and then we'll get the strap?

Yeah, absolutely. Again, my name is Cole slate. My personal Facebook account is called slate. Our Facebook business page is slate real estate. That username is slate real estate 904 Instagram called slate My email address is cold at Slate dot real estate and our firm's website is www dot slate dot real estate.

Appreciate it man awesome show and appreciate you guys listen other episodes of real estate marketing dude podcasts anything we could help you with script that distribute this video if you liked this concept of attracting business versus chasing it give us a call. I can't stand chasing business and I know you can't either and we'd love to help you start attracting it and be just like coal out here can't build your heart and I can build the attention around your brand and make sure no one forgets about who the hell you are what you do by creating content keeping that in front of people all done for you so you can visit us a real estate marketing do.com real estate marketing comm check out some of our other products listing advocate calm and if you're a broker owner check out our software all in one transaction management at Sweet assist.com We appreciate you guys have a good one. Thanks for the follows reviews and connect with us on social media you guys next week. Peace Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing dude.com We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule a time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.