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4500 Leads From Tik Tok

Real Estate Marketing Dude

English - September 03, 2022 12:00 - 38 minutes - 35.2 MB - ★★★★★ - 82 ratings
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Today we're going to talk about attraction. How about 4500 leads just through Tik Tok? the person who created that is on the other end of this podcast. And he's not even in the United States of America. This is the power of content creation and done consistently.

Our guest today, Rob Roper, is also known as the Aussie Mortgage Guy. He teaches financial education to anyone willing to learn and has over 300,000 followers on Tik Tok.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This EpisodeHow do we deal with the market shift?How to stay ahead of the market.Make sure you aren't missing out on clients.Resources

Check Out His Tik Tok page

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So how do you attract new business? You constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas a real estate marketing. This podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust, and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them. Let's get started.

What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome to their episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. What we're doing here today, folks is we're going to talk about attraction. How about this 4500 leads organically simply just through tick tock, the person who created that is on the other end of this podcast. And he's not even in the United States of America. This is the power of content creation and done consistently, those of you listening to the show, I've been doing this for six years now. And because of that, I get to be guests from all over the world just like this dude. He is a listener on the podcast, he's implemented a lot of the content that we talked about here amongst other podcasts that he listens to. And that's how we met. If I don't have a podcast, we don't have this conversation. But a podcast is just a form of media no differently than creating content on Tiktok is creating videos consistently. Any and all the above. And if you're not in the business of content creation, you are going to be out of business, I promise you. That's what's happening. And maybe not in Brisbane, Australia, where this guy's from, but at least here in the States. 100%. So without further ado, let's go ahead and introduce our guest, Rob roper. Hello, mate.

Well done on the Aussie accent buddy. That was perfect.

Thanks for having me on the show, Mike. Yes, sir. Why don't you tell everyone a little bit about where you're at? Where you're from? Yeah, a lot of questions for you. Yeah, so I am a started off as a mortgage broker down in Perth, in Western Australia. And it became very clear to me when I started out as a broker and I was new new to the mortgage broking industry back in May or May or June of 2021. It became very clear to me that the pressure point for a lot of businesses but brokers and real estate agents, in particular, is that how are you going to find your customers and so I went on a bit of a social media journey. And Tik Tok was the platform that I decided I could reach the most virality on. So that's where I put all my energy into. And then yeah, that's where I am today. 45 leads down the track, which is converted to a very, very successful business. 4500 leads. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. 4500 leaves 4500 leads and your mortgage broken. You just started what? 2021?

Yeah, yeah. music industry. So. So I was licensed in May. And then I started producing content in June. So fresh off the bat. And my background is actually in education. So I've been a high school teacher for 10 years. And then during that time, also ran my own tutoring business where I have 15 staff that provide tutoring services from grades one all the way through to grade 12. So I had experience in business and marketing. But yes, new to industry in terms of the mortgage broking world back in 2021. So your teacher you like to teach, I'm guessing what was the content strategy? Most people are like, What the hell do I create? How did you figure it out? What did you end up doing? Well, the very first piece of content I posted, crashed and burned. So that took a nice and nice hit and you didn't, you didn't quit? Why didn't you?

Well, I quit for a couple of days, I have to admit, a couple of days, I thought that maybe this is maybe this isn't for me. And then I thought you can't just end on one post. Come on, give it another go. So I thought what are the students in my classroom? What do they often say to me when they reflect on an engaging lesson? And really, it just comes down to? Did they walk away from that little 15 minute block? And did they take away knowledge? And can they remember it? And then I thought, What am I doing? I just need to teach in front of the camera? Yeah, so I set up that I set up the camera in front of the whiteboard in my tutoring center. And I just started teaching for 60 seconds about how in Australia, a credit card limit can negatively impact how much the bank will let you borrow for a home loan. So I just shared that information, did it in a digestible way on the whiteboard. And it was it was so bad that I was unaware of how to how to use the TIC tock app at the time. And so you know, the video ended mid sentence like I didn't even wrap the video up well, and it went on to get 70,000 views or something like that over the next couple of days. And then I thought geez, if that's gonna get 70,000 views, maybe I'm onto something here and then that was a little spark which ignited the 60 day challenge that I went on, which was to try and post one piece of content for 60 days. And that's what you did and then all sudden, it just took off and you're like what am I doing what's going on and you're just go along for the ride yet. Exactly.

There was a mortgage broker over in Canada, named Enrique. And he had, I think he had 14,000 followers on Tiktok, which was, you know, which was impressive. And so without him knowing he became my, he became my target my challenge, right. And over 60 days, I thought, if I can get to his kind of follower level, it's really proof that maybe I can build out a successful business on this platform. And I think it took me 45 to 50 days, it was around that point, and I got to the 14,000. And then after that, it kind of just, it just kept going. So it probably took six months to get to around 30,000 followers. And then it took another six months to get from 30,000 to 300,000.

You're doing this quite a bit. So I'm imagining that

you sort of have an idea. Are you saying that after six months of consistency, that's when most people see results?

Well, big results? I mean, big, big reason. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, look, I think it was within the first week. It was the first six days that I got to 900 followers. And the reason why I remember that is it's the first point that I received a lead. So somebody actually sent through and said, you know, can you help me? Can you answer my questions, which ended up just like a back and forward direct message exchange, but that that lead actually turned into a conversion. So that drew down, I think it was three months later, you know, by the time we went through the process and sorted the loan out and everything. But for me in terms of when the business became viable and Tiktok, it was a weekend because that's when I got first lead that turned into business

at at the six month point I was having to so when I had 30,000 followers, I was having to say no, I had to turn away 95% of the leads that were coming in, because I just I couldn't manage that volume. And it was at that point that I then went, Well, maybe, maybe I've unlocked a little a little a little secret here. And and maybe I figured out that communicating to people on Tik Tok is kind of my, my super skill. So why not continue to do that double down on that? Find some of the best mortgage brokers in Australia because remember, I was only six months new to the industry at that point. You know what you're doing? You're on let's stop right here. Let's stop right there. I just got off the call with somebody.

And a lot of people like are hesitant when they come to do on get on video, they're like, well, people are going to trust me. Are they really going to believe me? I've only haven't done a deal yet. Listen, if you want to build your authority, the first thing you do is get on video. This is the exact example I just gave you or 25 minutes ago. I said, Look, I'm not a chef. But if I want you to think I was I would shoot seven videos in Sunland to you each day, by the time that you'd be asking me for my recipe. Exactly, exactly. He's amazing. That's the power of authority and positioning the fact that I think it's all psychological. But I think that when people see you on video, because most people are scared shitless to get on it themselves are like, Well, fuck, this guy's got balls. And I respect that. And he must know what he's doing.

Yeah, yeah, it is. It is amazing. That was one of the things that blew my mind was how quickly I became perceived as an expert. And sort of Yes, I was, you know, and yes, I was learning I was I was learning all of these new concepts. And, and when you throw yourself into the public eye like that, it actually does increase your accountability, right? And it does make you go, if I am going to talk about this stuff, I need to know what I'm saying. So that was great for that six months journey. But yeah, it was at that point that I was then like, I'm gonna have to find some brokers all over Australia that can deal with this volume. And that's when I reached out to them, and started creating this trusted finance network. And so now what I primarily do is I get the lead ID and then I transfer that lead out to a mortgage broker that specializes in what that customer is looking for based on their financial information.


one who controls the leads, controls everything. And when you have a faucet, you can turn on turn off, you have a lot of leverage. And I want you guys to think about that. Like if you still believe you're a salesperson chasing a Chuck, I think you're gonna be the fuck out of this business very soon. Excuse My French but I need to hammer the point down here. And nobody cares about you. You're not that fucking important guys. I'm sorry. But no one knows what you do for a living. We don't remember what you do for a living. It is not your their job to remember you have to get out there and constantly let them know what you do for a living. And if people like you trust me, the business will show up. Everyone lives somewhere. So it's not a matter of time until they're gonna buy a house. Or if they're gonna buy a house. It's a matter of time until they do. And 10 to 15% of our net works at sea as tick tock videos will 10 to 50% of people sell those views. They're moving this year.

Yeah, yeah, it's a numbers game. It's math. Walk me through your content stream

Energy. Because people struggle Yeah, all the time. You got your, you wanted to educate your teacher, I think that's extremely important. People don't remember what you do or what you're talking about in video, they remember how you're doing it. And the fact that he put himself in his own environment in front of a whiteboard, being a teacher is probably where he became authentic. So, and that has a big deal to do with how you create content. So I want to give you a couple examples on that. It's not the what you create. It's not how you're doing it that people remember and pay attention to. And if you start doing it awkward, well, you don't get paid attention to. So you have to really find out your content strategy. It's extremely important. We have people that are going to gym, their gym, they're out there, like straight arrow, they don't drink, they're just they own gyms, and they pay their mortgage brokers. So all their contents done in the gym. He's always he's always talking about as a healthy investment. Right? There's a way that you can communicate, to dial in your brand, you guys. I'm a dude and allows me to swear on my show, but it's just really who I am. At the end of the day. People don't remember my boss, Mike Cuevas shows up at 530 When I get home for my kids, from nine until five, I'm the real estate marketing dude. And I speak with my brand, guys. So you have to realize you have a brand. Okay? If you're running a business, you have a brand or you don't have a business.

That's That's exactly right. My I am Rob ropac shows up. You know, when I go to the high school, still, Rob Roper shows up when I go home. But Rob Lowe, the Ozzie mortgage guy is the guy who shows up on Tik Tok. And he's the one that you want to have a beer with down at the pub and ask a couple of questions about how to buy a home. And, and being able to create that persona and understand

that that's who I am on this platform is one of the really big drivers to why they feel like they can trust me, and why they feel like that rapport is there. So that was I'm glad you touched on that mark, because that was the first strategy is you need to build out your persona. And you need to understand who your target market is. And, you know, I think that I think another really good important point is to is to make your persona authentic. If you just create a completely fake person, you're never going to be able to hold it, you know, consistently do it, you need to make sure that that fake person is actually just a dial up of a particular part of your personality. And then you can create it with an authentic mindset. So yeah, well said. But once you've got that persona, it's then about Well, well, what strategies can I put in place within that 62nd video, in order to try and push it out to as many eyes as possible. And to start with, I had no idea what I was doing. But over the last 12 months, I've developed some really clear strategies to and it doesn't work every time, you're still gonna have videos that crash and burn. But it increases the likelihood that more people are going to see it and more people are going to engage with it. And then it's going to get those leads, and then convert them into customers down the track. People always ask what's the road? What's the secret? Yes, yeah. Consistency, like there's no secret. Some videos are gonna suck, and you're gonna get turned off. You're gonna get some haters on some video. How many times have you gotten haters on some of your tech talks, and then be like, you're just like, Fuck off, dude, go pound sand who gives a shit? And people get deterred by that. But when you get your first hater, you got to take that as a badge of honor. Because if people are watching your stuff, you're not God. You're not meant to resonate with everybody. And I believe that the more people you turn off, the more dialed your branding strategy. Yes. Yeah, exactly. And the other thing too, is, you know, the most frustrating thing as a content creator with 320,000 followers, is that you can post a video that gets 100 views, but it's actually the most beautiful thing because it means that when somebody has zero followers, they can post a video that gets 500,000 views. And for me, I prefer to be on a social media platform that can have that type of virality rather than being stuck on a Facebook or an Instagram platform where my engagement stats are representative of my follower size because I feel like you can just plateau very easily. There's a ton of people talk talk to him about how important it is to like know the platform and beyond it like I just started tick tock because I'm not on tick tock, but I'm not gonna go on tick tock until I engage and start working on tick tock and I'm going through the process myself, I'm late to the game on tick tock, but I've been busy and have trans and until I was able to go all in and commit to it. Now I'm there and I just started getting pretty consistent on it. So I want you to coach me a little bit here. Show I want you to walk me through because I think a lot of people are going to be in this position. If you're not on tick tock and you don't watch reels then don't make sure it's part of your video strategy period. So if you're not going to create short form video, then don't be on Tik Tok. Or if you're not on tick tock don't try to be because it has to be shit you're already doing. If you're on Facebook, you build your content strategy for Facebook. If you're on Instagram, you build your strategy for Facebook, but the only content strategy or platform that works is the one you use. So you have to you have to know it. It's not so many people. Oh my my real estate coach told me to go out and get a tick tock account. I have this question every fucking day on average calls it hey, I got this tick tock account. Yeah, I just I was told I could just post until

Talking all sudden I'm gonna get 4500 leads, it doesn't work that way. It does not work that way you guys, you have to commit to the platform if you want it to commit to you. So walk us through the importance of that. And through your content strategy. Yeah, look, that's exactly right. So persistence on that is the key. But one of the things that I did at the very start was I had my personal tic tock account, which I had been using for at least six months. So I was consuming and I understood the nuances to the trends. But what I did was I created another account. So a second account, that wasn't my business account. And it wasn't my personal account. And I pretended to be a first time homebuyer which I am not anymore. You know, I've bought multiple properties in my property journey. And I forget what it's like to be a first time homebuyer, so I spent a good month, just trying to engage in content that they might like stuff that's based on like aesthetics, and home decor and that type of content that I thought that they would be into. And once I kind of understood what the videos looked like that they might find interesting, it gave me a better direction in terms of what I could create, that was engaging. So that was one of the first strategies I put in place while I was getting my broking license before I even started creating content. So that was the preparation. But then once I started creating content, I quickly found out that the educational style videos I was producing, gave value to my audience. And that was one of the key things because if they get value, they then want to give it back to you by becoming your customer down the track. But it didn't show the part of my personality that was engaging and, and memorable. Right? Yeah, value is great. But you've got to then come up, come up with content that is either entertaining, or inspiring. And those two types of pieces of content. They're the ones that show your personality. So you want to make sure that your personality is present, because that's how you become memorable. I'm honest, tick tock account right here. And I'm looking at his thing and and he's known as the Aussie mortgage guy, right. And the Aussie mortgage guy that's personality, it just says he's a guy. It gives me the incentive. He's sort of laid back. But the Aussie thing is really tied into, I think, his audience, but he's posting his content in Australia. I was saying that if you posted the Aussie mortgage guy in the States, because people love the Australian accent so much, they will fucking crush it.

Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, you know, of my 320,000 followers, I think it was the last time I checked was 36% of them were from the States. So it's, there's definitely, yeah, there's definitely people that consume my content over there. And because some of the content I produce is really specific to mortgages within Australia, but then some of the content I produce is just about saving and different savings strategies you can put in place to reach your savings goal. And that type of general global content is what I find people in America are eating up on my channel, and I quite often get somebody going, Oh, I didn't realize that you could do that with a home loan. And and I say, Oh, actually, I don't think this relates to, you know, Virginia, or wherever, wherever it is that I can tell you from. So yeah, good. That's a good strategy, though. I didn't think about the the whole of the pot in my headline and how that relates to Americans. Yeah, cuz you're in the weeds.

Alright, so I'm looking at some of your content on here. And like, everyone, overthinks a lot of this stuff, tell me what type of videos I see you're doing some react stuff? I see you doing just some like you're just answering questions like is that your strategy? You'll be you asked you ask a question and you just answer it, it can it really be that simple. It really can be that simple. And to start with, you have to, you know, really, there aren't too many people who just start out as mortgage brokers and start a tick tock page and become an expert within a couple of weeks, you know, that doesn't generally happen. Usually, you've been a real estate agent, or you've been a mortgage broker, you've been that for a long period of time. And then you're like, I want to start a social media channel. So you should already have a very big bank of all of these types of questions that your customers are asking throughout their journey, their customer journey with you, those questions should be what informs your content at the very start. And so for me, now, once you get the ball rolling, the snowball effect, you know, as you get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, you know, I think I wrote this down just before I came on the show, but in the last 28 days, I've had 3512 comments. So you know, there's a lot of questions in those comments. And those questions help inform the type of content that I create that's specific to what my audience wants to know. So I'm answering questions, I'm finding other engaging pieces of content might be real estate walkthroughs. And that might be a home's up in America even. But it might be really aesthetically pleasing. Or it might be something that's interesting about that home or it might be that a real estate agent is showing the value of a home. All then Jouett that video as they're doing the walkthrough, and I say it's a $1.5 million home, and then I'll show that on a 3.5% per annum interest rate. This is what the repayments would look like. You could also go to a site called answer the which you'll just type in

Like your subject, and they'll give you a million different questions. And you're right, like watch those content, like watch the questions that they're gonna tell you what to create. But once you know what what content you want to create, it's just a matter of researching what people ask around. And so when you say this is content marketing, you guys now are you just doing Tik Tok? Are you repurposing any of this content? Are you taking these two reels? What are you doing with that? And are you just solely on tick tock? So I would say 95% of my time is spent solely on tick tock. But what I am doing is just repurposing so re downloading the same piece of tick tock content, really downloading it, so it doesn't have a watermark on it, and then reposting it to an Instagram page. But that Instagram page is probably running it. I think it was 3800 followers. The last time I checked, I checked. So the the engagement on that is is nowhere near that Tiktok what's the right cadence? I know you're posting consistently I'm assuming you're doing every day. But what's the importance of using hashtags, hashtags, and the tax and the lead end of the tax you write into it? You are limited some characters correct? Yeah, it used to be six months ago, it used to be a lot more limited. So they've actually increase the caption substantially. So much so that now when I write a caption, you know, sometimes I put in 15 hashtags, and I've never reached the limit. So that's not a worry anymore. The the text, I don't think is at the bottom, I don't think is that important, I usually try and embed a call to action within that text. But it's my secondary call to action, because I always have a call to action as a sticker within my video, so it's actually plastered on the video separate from the caption. But within the caption, I do definitely put in all of the hashtags. And I make the hashtags specific to my niche. That's really important because with tick tock now becoming one of the most you know, it's, it's, it's getting up there with Google in terms of being used as a search engine, you want to make sure that you're using those hashtags, so that when someone types in mortgage, or someone types in real estate, or your city, that you're one of the ones that come up there, and you will come up there based on how often your videos use those hashtags. Are you saving the same hashtags for each one? Or what's the hashtag strategy? I know a lot of people I don't know the answer to this either. So I'm curious. What how many should you put in there? And then are you always using the same ones? Or do you switch it up? Because the subject matter on in your case is probably like, you know, it's mortgage questions as finance, finance smart. Right? So yeah, let's see. Do you have consistent ones you use over and over? And what's the strategy behind that? Yeah, yeah, so I use probably, like eight or nine or 10 consistent ones every single time. And then I probably add in three or four, which are specific to how that piece of content has changed. For example, if it's a first time homebuyer, I'm trying to hit I'll put in there rent free and budget, there'll be two that I'll add, right? Because that's what they're trying to do. But if I'm looking, if I do a one that's focused on a property investor, maybe first time mom and dad investor, then I'll put invest investing, you know, wealth generation, something like that, or even potentially retirement because some of these people are in their 40s in their 50s. And they're thinking of having that little golden egg for when they retire.

I like it.

I think it's really good. I think it's, I'm trying to think what other questions I didn't ask you yet. How about the actual text? And how important is that, like, you know, on Facebook, you get old, the old or the AI is so smart. You're gonna read this, if you listen to the Guru's guys, if you hire a bunch of coaches, and it's true, this actually I didn't believe it until I started doing it. But Facebook so smart that their algorithms so smart that they'll read the text in your text, and it's very important what you write in to the text of the post, because, yeah, and same thing, it's, it'll put it in for the right people. So yeah, the question is, what's the importance of that? Are you embedding keywords within the text that are also hashtags? Is there like a strategy there? Or are you just taking the subject and how smart is this thing? So I think what you're trying to do on tick tock, and this is the mentality, for your listeners who are just starting out, it's the mentality, you want your percentage of the video watched to be as high as possible across a as many people as possible, right? You want that percentage to be high. So if somebody wants watches, seven seconds out of seven seconds, that's 100%. If they watch 14 seconds out of seven seconds, it means they've watched it twice. And that's 200%. You know, realistically, it'd be great if we could have 400%. Yeah, they've watched it four times, that would be the goal. Right? So how can you do something on screen that forces that rewatch? Well, for me, one strategy I've used is, let's say I'm going for a walk with my wife and I come across maybe a landscape or something that's kind of interesting. I'll quickly whip out my phone, and I'll take a video for seven seconds, doesn't relate to homes. It doesn't relate to mortgages, it relates to nothing. But then I'm going to overlay a substantial amount of text over the top of that video, so much so that it's probably going to take them at least 16 to 20

seconds to read all of the text. And as long as that text is Super Value specific, it's going to force that push out, right. And then and then all of a sudden, it's 200 300%, it's going to push it out to more and more people. And what you can even do, if you find a trending audio, you cut that seven second piece of video down to four seconds, find a trending audio, that's, that's being pushed out on the tick tock algorithm, which you can do by there's a search function in the playlist there, you can search for trending audio, cut the trending audio down to four seconds, overlay it. So now it takes 20 seconds, it's at 500% watch time, I've done some of that. And it's pushed it out to 400 500 600,000 people, that's a great way to get found if you're starting a channel, right, right, because you're just I want to I want you guys to unpack what he just said there. He's, he's not using like, he might put a picture everybody's just using, you're doing a seven second video, essentially, yeah, with text. So it takes them at least seven seconds to read the text. Right. So that means the retention is there. And then algorithm just says if you get good the 100% retention or 200% retention,

that the video is gonna get you into more people. So that makes a whole lot of sense. What do you like? Now, let's do the flip side of that, because this gets very pointed. What do you think, though, if, if you're doing a 92nd video, do those typically not perform as well, because of that? They were no. You see, they still can so they still can now if you do a four second or five second seven second video, tick tock in order to push it out on the algorithm is gonna want to see a lot of that video watched. Right? It understand it's only seven seconds. So when you create a 92nd piece, they want people to get to at least the 50% mark. So there's different thresholds in order for them to push that out. Now, tick tock doesn't want to just on there for you page, they only putting seven second videos, nobody would engage in that in the platform, but also want to experience these longer posts. So I've had some longer ones that go for 60 seconds. Usually, I kept my videos at 60 seconds, and then a couple that have gone for three minutes that have reached 500,000. But really, I kept them at 60 seconds, because if you can't say in 60 seconds, it's probably not worth saying. Right? So in 60 seconds, and and you know, I've had a couple of those reach 1.11 point 5 million views. One of them in particular, I've actually pinned it to the top of my tic tock page. It's just a little bit of a skip me going back and forward with an imaginary homebuyer. So I pretend to be a homebuyer and then they're talking to the bank. And I usually do a skit where the bank is unable to help them because they only have their products. So obviously speech speak to a mortgage broker because you know, they can find you any product across any bank.

You know, from that 92,000 likes, I think from that one piece of content I got like 250 leads. That's great.

Yeah, that is unbelievable, guys.

So same eight to nine hashtags. Describe the video. Yeah. Is it better to have a I know, I think I know your answer to this. But I have a question for you is what is your hook at the beginning the video? Yeah, you probably have a formula for it because you got to tease this, like 75% of people regardless of I don't know the stats on Tik Tok, but I know whatever video they watched, they decided they're gonna watch it in the first seven seconds 75% of people. So you could use that hook if that hooks not there for that attention. Word it like you're gonna set yourself up for disaster. So what's your cadence? What's your formula behind that? Yeah, so the formula for any video but in particular those educational videos is three words hook problems solution that should be your goal whenever you go into a piece to hook problem solution. So to start off with the hook, you want to like you said realistically you want to try and hook them within three seconds that that should be the goal on tick tock is three second hook but a lot of my hooks do lasts between five and six seconds on a on a 62nd video. But when I'm whenever I'm delivering the hook there's also the sticker across the top, which in text also outlines the hook and generally what I find it takes me five or six seconds to describe the hook. They've read it within three seconds above me anyway so that's how to get them within the three seconds. So to make sure it's sticking in text above you as well as while you're saying it but this was the little strategy with the hook that unlocked it is speak specifically to one person quite often people are like hey guys on tick tock or Hello everyone or hey, you know, homebuyers know you want to speak you know, if you are x you know, or if you if you and your partner are earning $150,000 per year and you want to buy a first home This one's for you. specific year if your PCs seen if your PCs and looking to buy your first house, pay close attention. Yeah, you're buying your first house and wondering how much it cost because it's everything you need to know. Yeah, exactly right. Now, one step further on that one step further. And this was another one that I that I had, that I have found as unlocked even more audience is rather than

If it's for you ask if you know anyone in that position. Do you know someone who's looking for that? Do you know someone who's looking to buy their first time? Because if they know someone, and it's themselves, Well, yeah, of course, they know someone, it's them, right. But the luck we've had they have a brother or a sister or a friend, a mom or a dad, who's in that home buying journey means that when you put a call to action within the first, you know, 10 seconds of the video that says, share this video with someone, or share this video with that person, share this video with the person that you're saving with to buy a home, and you have an arrow explicitly pointing down to the part on the TIC tock app where they share it, it's going to increase that likelihood because the TIC tock algorithm is looking at the number of likes, the number of shares the number of saves to favorites, the amount of comments how many times somebody tapped the screen to pause the video, what percentage of the video they watched. So if within that first 10 seconds on a 62nd video, you can get a share a pause on the screen, you know, and somebody's continuing to watch the video and they might have even liked it during that time as well. Boom, you're 80% of the way there. So good, dude, that is like freaking golden. Let me just repeat that. Gino? Somebody's trying to buy a house without any money out of pocket.

Yeah, perfect. If so make sure you share this video with them. But here's how it works. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I mean, how long did that take you? What five seconds, five seconds, you got the call to action, you you tied in the call to action? First, you almost you increase the engagement by doing that, and yeah, well done. Very good. And, and don't don't be afraid to do a second call to action later in the in the video. So once you've presented that hook, we're then gonna go into the problem, right? Now you want to highlight a problem that that person you're speaking to has a high likelihood of experiencing. So for me as a mortgage broker, quite often, it's that people's lifestyle, how much they're spending per month coupled with, you know, the amounts they're paying on their personal loans is too high comparatively to their income, which decreases their borrowing power. So I'm going to paint a picture. And quite often what I do is I represent that picture being painted by my avatar client and his name is bad, right? So bad that often is in a situation where it's not quite good enough. So that's the problem, right? Limited borrowing power. The solution is that I give them some actionable strategies to put in place. For example, if you decrease your living expenses per month by this much, this is how much your borrowing power will increase. So that's a solution that they can then take away, there's the value add, they go, Yes, I can put this practice, I can put this into practice in real life. And then the call to action at the end is that

head through to the link in my profile to be connected with one of my mortgage brokers who can support you through this process completely free of charge. Right. So the idea is you call me up, we'll put this strategy in place for you. We'll figure out specific to your income because you're not Beza you don't earn 150 grand a year, you might earn 135 grand a year, right? specific to your situation, we'll figure out what is the best plan for you. And so putting in that second call to action at the end is actually the driver towards my profile, which is then going to get to push them down that funnel actually hit the submit button, turn those followers into leads and then those leads actually into customers.

Love it, love it. Alright guys, let's get this wrapped up tons of content here. We're just over a half hour mark, but I think you've answered every question I have. I'd like you to go ahead and tell everyone how they can reach you. How can they learn more Tom, your handle and all the above and we'll get this wrapped? Yeah, awesome, mate. So look up, you can reach me on Tik Tok. It's at trusted dot finance. And what I've actually just created over the last couple of months is a tick tock masterclass. So it's showing people in the real estate industry in the mortgage broking industry, specifically how to build their presence, their brand awareness on tick tock, how to build your following, convert those following into convert those followers into leads, and then those leads actually into customers. So it's an online tic tock masterclass, that's separated into six chapters, there's 64 modules, and all modules are delivered by myself. So they're all They're all video modules. None of it's in a PDF, you know, written format that you got to sit there and read for seven hours by yourself. It's all delivered by me. And it's separated. It's drip fed to students over 25 days. And there's a, there's a very important reason for that each chapter is separated by a five day gap because I give you tasks to complete on your Tiktok page that is designed to actually build your following and gain those customers. Yeah, that's, that's how it works. I'm really excited to be rolling it out worldwide. I'll make you a deal. I'll take your course for the next 60 to 90 days. And you could do a live case study on me for somebody that totally understands video understands content creation that will stay consistent. Yeah, I'll go through your course. We'll do another podcast and 90 days from the time I start

Buy, or buy time I complete it. And then we'll do another case study. And then we'll go right through here and show you guys exactly what we what happened. And we'll give you the exact results. I'll create a case study of every single page. And then we can use this as a case study. And then I want to go through this, I want to see how this works. And then when we get done with that will tell you guys what the results were and all of that. And then maybe we can get Rob here to put together a special promo for you guys. And then maybe you guys can follow the same thing, but I'm going to do it with you. So if you're open to that, I would be open for the challenge. And I'll take it, I will document it every day. And then we'll do another podcast and three months from now, it will create a real life case study on the journey of real estate marketing to just starting tick tock, because it's not my platform. I'm no expert at it. And I'm figuring it out too. So I'll follow your exact guidelines. And we'll do it and then we'll report our results right here. You don't for that. That's all down for a man. Absolutely. I launched the course last week, and one of my students who just completed the second chapter, his name's Patrick, he produced his first piece of content on Monday, and I woke up because he's in Canada, I woke up to a message on Tik Tok in the morning. He said, I can't believe it. It's at 5000 views, I never thought that I would get to the point on my first post. He actually did some posts back in February on his personal account that kind of set it you know, 100 views, 200 views. So he sent me a message saying it's at 5000 views. 24 hours later, it's at 140,000 views, and over 2000 likes, and he just simply applied all of that cook problem solution, that educational style format that we discussed on the podcast, like it. Very good, dude. Very well done. Alright, folks, thank you for listening to another episode of real estate marketing. Dude, folks, if you don't want to do this content on your own, we can edit your scripts, your shorts for you, we do as many as you want per month, we actually shoot them all within an hour with you each and every month, and then you will distribute them. So I don't want you to use this as an excuse for not getting involved in a short form content. We could do it all for you. And that's another service that we do at real estate marketing dude. So if you need someone to help kick you in the ass and get you going and just handle the content creation part of it because the thought of turning on your video camera makes you like really jerky. Well, that's what a real estate marketing dude is for. As long as you're willing to commit I'm willing to take you on. But you have to commit otherwise, I don't want to talk to you. So you can visit us at real estate marketing Real Estate Thank you for listening to our show podcast. Keep the words up, spread this episode, connect with us on all our social channels and now my Tik Tok channel. So if you want to see what I'm doing, tick tock, go ahead and do it. I am starting there. I don't know what I'm doing. But I'm just gonna create a lot of content I know to work. So that's it. Appreciate you guys. We'll see you guys next week. Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule time to speak with the dude and get you rolling into your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.

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