Abhinav (AG) Gupt is the CEO of RealAcquisitions, which for over 8 years has been the leading provider Real Estate data to investors in Texas. A.G. comes from a consulting background & retired from a high profile position at the age of 32 years to become a full time entrepreneur. He is a sought after speaker for his expertise in structuring unconventional and creative Real Estate transactions. His talks specialize in adapting to the changing work of Real Estate investments and attract many new as well seasoned investors. A.G also manages a luxury home construction business and a very active portfolio of residential and commercial RE investments.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
Why it takes a thick skin and a soft heart to do well in anything you do
Why you need to surround yourself with a talented team of people
The importance of recognizing a need or problem and solving it for real success in business
The value of persistence
Signs that a homeowner is facing foreclosure within the next 18 to 24 months
Practical advice for building relationships with potential customers before they’ve reached a crisis point
The percentage of people who give their real estate business to the agent who approached them first (it’s an enormous number and one that might surprise you which is WHY you want to begin building relationship well before foreclosure occurs)
Why it’s important to hold on to your standards – even when options are limited
Interesting recent technologies you can put to work for your real estate business that save you massive amounts of time
Low-tech methods that are highly effective when you’re looking to purchase distressed properties without a lot of competition
The new strategy AG is excited about using in his business and how you can use it too
Why playing the numbers will always reign supreme and what those numbers are when it comes to foreclosures
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