Cris Chico was the first person to develop and perfect the concept of “virtual” real estate investing, where you can do deals literally from your laptop, from start to finish. He then streamlined his methods into a fully integrated system called virtual wholesaling. He has successfully wholesaled hundreds of residential properties all across America using his unique and groundbreaking system “Virtual Wholesaling.” When not flipping houses or teaching others, he spends his free time with his family.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
How Cris became successful with virtual wholesaling
Where to go to find motivated sellers
An untapped lead generation strategy
How Facebook compares with finding other sources of motivated sellers
Why direct mail has become more competitive
What SEO is and how it works for generating leads online
The amount of money you have to spend in pay per click to get leads
How Cris figured out how to be successful with Facebook marketing
Targeting on Facebook, how most people do it, and the way you should do it instead
How to present yourself to potential leads on Facebook
Why it’s important to take a personal approach in real estate and how to accomplish this through Facebook
What your Facebook ads should look like and how to make sure they don’t appear generic
How to make Facebook ads that are similar to bandit signs
Benefits of using Facebook vs direct mail
Why advertising on Facebook is less risky than some traditional methods
The leads to deal ratio you should be able to accomplish on Facebook
Why now is the time to get involved with Facebook ads
The secret to Cris’ success
How to get a free copy of one of Cris’ Facebook ads
Why there is never just one thing that is going to make a difference in your business
How easy it can be to generate sellers and buyers instantly