Ed Guerrero was born and raised in San Antonio. He graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio in 1987 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, majoring in both Accounting and Finance. Ed’s experience includes over 26 years in areas like accounting, auditing, and technology. He became a Certified Public Accountant in 1989. He is also an entrepreneur that owns 12 other affiliated companies. Ed’s interests include Taxation, Finance, Real Estate Investment, and Technology.

During the Last 10 years, Ed has built a CPA practice which now includes over 3,700 clients. Based on each client’s unique situation, he offers the following services: accounting, taxation, IRS representation and technology. His practice employs 20 full-time and 5 part-time personnel. His practice is one of the fastest CPA firms growing in San Antonio at a 65% growth rate in revenue each year. About 80 times a year, Ed speaks about tax strategies and keeping the books to organizations such as UTSA, SBDC, ACCION, Various Chamber of Commerce and Real Estate Associations. Also, by hosting monthly luncheons and dinners for small business owners, Ed had been very successful in providing proactive tax strategies. He coaches and teaches new methods of Accounting, Taxation, Wealth Building, and Tax Strategies.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
Ed’s weekly radio show where he answers tax questions
Being proactive instead of reactive with your tax planning
Why taxes are not what you have to pay but what you want to pay
The changes to the deduction process that will impact the taxes you pay, especially if you’re a family with a lot of kids
Why home equity loan interest can no longer be deducted under the new law
Why the tax changes are much better on the business side than the personal side
The huge tax reduction that makes C corps a great opportunity and a tax strategy to capitalize on this strategy
The reduction on passthrough income
Turning personal expenses into business expenses
Why your kids can work in your business at any age
Why you’re throwing money away if you don’t own a business
Passive vs active real estate investing and the tax benefits active investing gives you
How to get Ed’s free tax analysis
Call Melinda Alexis at 210-490-7100