Ryan Enk is a small business owner, entrepreneur, and successful real estate investor. He lives in Louisiana with his wife and 5 boys. The purpose of this blog is to help others learn how to pursue “Return To Life” Investing. RTL investing.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
Why RVs are a great opportunity to create a very quick producing, high cash flow business even if you have no money or no credit
Owner financing: why 25% of the market is willing to owner finance their RV
What causes RV owners to be willing to sell their RVs so cheaply
Ryan’s rolling real estate formula you can use to start your own real estate business
The screening process for deciding if someone should be able to rent an RV or not
Why renter damage isn’t really a problem even for the most profitable people in this industry
How Ryan is able to make over $100,000 a year on just five units
The RV ROI calculator: a game changing tool for determining how much can be made with RVs
The rolling real estate six-figure society: the $1,000 giveaways Ryan gives his students monthly when they complete certain tasks
Some of the added benefits of an RV rental business