Allow me to address the questions you need answered to know if buying or selling a home is right for you right now. 

Markets are cyclical. What may have been true a few months or a few years ago is more than likely not true anymore. Rules and Regulations vary state by state when it comes to real estate and lending requirements and criteria are always changing as well. 

Even if you read about brain surgery everyday because it is something that interest you it doesn’t mean you should be performing brain surgery on anyone & even less performing it on yourself. Why would you make assumptions about the real estate market based on what your reading on this the internet or watching on the news. 

Let an industry professional like myself guide, advise, and educate you on what is currently happening in the market. Having current, updated, and relevant information that pertains to your neighboring market and your specific financial situation will allow you to make informed and knowledgeable decisions for you and your family. 

You can reach me at [email protected]. We can discuss your needs and what is important to you and your family. I’ll advise you accordingly, and partner you up with one of my top agents in your city and state. My network of agents spans nationwide. 

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