"Use your portfolio of alternative investments to design your income so you can replace your w2 income with income coming from stable assets that go up in value when the market gets afraid, scary or slows down." - Ted Greene


Today I am interviewing Ted Greene again, only this time he is sharing his current economic update. 


He is the Investor Relations Manager at Spartan Investment Group who focuses on acquiring commercial real estate assets. Ted transitioned from equities to real estate after working in the field as a Fiduciary and Investment Advisor.  I spoke with Ted at the Best Ever Conference and knew right then that I wanted him to join me on the podcast. I have in the past interviewed Scott Lewis, the CEO & Founder of Spartan as well as the President CIO & Co Founder Ryan Gibson who presented at FIBI Pasadena. 


Ted Greene: Started in the financial industry right out of college with Merrill & Lynch and after 24 years in the industry he ended that part of his career as a portfolio manager chief compliance officer. 




Economist you can rely on 

Who is David Rosenberg

Why is there a lot of new supply coming on board 

Is luxury development superseding affordable housing 

What happens during times of contraction 

How does job participation play a role 

How long does it take to feel the full effect of Fed increases 

When will we see the economy slow 

What is the LEI index 

Why did the Federal Reserve create a repo market and what does that mean 

Why are banks no longer selling their loans to the treasury 

The peak of storage units and its stability in the market 

How life transitions affect the market 

What is investors psychology 

Managing our risk assets 

Have you designed a stream of income to replace your W2 income 

Why you need to invest in a variety of asset classes 

What does all of this mean for residential real estate 


Listen now and find out how Ted found his Real Estate Breakthrough!


The Real Estate Breakthrough Show with Christina Suter is where we talk about the reality of real estate, the mindset you need and the tips and tricks to get you moving forward in investing. Join us every other week and learn everything you need to know to invest in real estate on Youtube, iTunes, Spotify, and more. You can watch Ted's interview on Youtube here. 

Find out more about Ted here: 


Website Spartan-Investors.com

LinkedIn Ted Greene

Email [email protected]