"For me business is personal and they are intertwined so I treat them the same and if I do business with a persona I need to have a personal relationship with them as well." -Linda Lim


Today I am interviewing Linda Lim. She is the Founder of Essential Element Capital which is a private property investment company. Her focus is passive income and helping clients reach their financial goals by providing them with win win opportunities. 


Linda Lim: Was raised in an entrepreneurial family in Indonesia and although their background was in finance, they were not involved in real estate. She received her MBA in finance and then went on to become a financial advisor, but in the 2008 crash she pivoted and jumped full time into entrepreneurship. She now invests and works out of state in Arizona and also has offices in Nevada and Texas where she helps investors attain financial independence. 




How did Linda get involved in financial industry 

Working in a financial institution 

How Linda eventually began a career in real estate 

What is Essential Element Capital 

The transition to commercial real estate 

Why Linda began investing out of state 

The importance of shadowing people

Linda's secret sauce of interpersonal relations 

Always be a student 

Using compassion to your advantage 

Making long lasting connections

Why business is personal  

Know Like and Trust 

The pros of having an entrepreneurial background 

Getting comfortable with your investments 

How to be fluid and open to solutions 

Trust yourself or the market 

How to move forward after a loss

What does financial freedom mean 


Listen now and find out how Linda found her Real Estate Breakthrough!


The Real Estate Breakthrough Show with Christina Suter is where we talk about the reality of real estate, the mindset you need and the tips and tricks to get you moving forward in investing. Join us every other week and learn everything you need to know to invest in real estate on Youtube, iTunes, Spotify, and more. You can watch Linda's interview on Youtube here. 


Find out more about Linda here: 


Website EssentialElementCapital.com

Email [email protected]