Today on your host Daniel Roy Baron 2020 unaffiliated, 3rd party, write-in candidate for President interviews David Frank the founder of the One Voice Now. "one voice made up of three hundred million people containing billions of brain cells all working together to solve the problems of today. making the world a better place for the children of tomorrow" ~ David Frank~.

WASHINGTON, D.C., STATE CAPITALS AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ARE PLACES WHERE GOOD IDEAS GO TO DIE. Why isn’t America working for “everyone”? The answer is simple. “Everyone” isn’t included?

Encourage local citizens to identify problems and raise issues. Educate the people and promote discussion and debate. Provide the citizenry a real voice in community affairs by providing a means to vote on issues. Promote 'Volunteerism'. Encourage the citizenry to engage in active participation through Electronic Town Hall meetings.

I am looking to start an Electronic Town Hall meeting here in Austin Texas at the local broadcasting community station in Austin Texas. If you are interested in how we can finally bring Electronic Town Hall meetings in Austin and around the world let me know.

Daniel Roy Baron
Phone: 323-496-7649
Email: [email protected]

Welcome to Real Democracy analysis of new from a peoples view. We are broadcasting live from Austin Texas. Our goal is to help move the U.S.A. into a Democracy. The U.S.A. has always been ruled by corporate person-hood, elites and oligarchy.

The Great Mandate for Democracy is a vehicle to bring Democracy to the U.S.A. for the first time in our history and was inspired by worldwide uprisings for Democracy. Sign our petition and join our movement that brings an end to corporate-person-hood and cuts corporations from government. We are on the path to delivering Democracy for the first time in USA history.