The Native Sourced News Network via Face Triage talk show podcast seeks solutions for our greatest life challenges. We interview individual, family, community and country experts who study democracy, as well as people who are out there doing the hard work of bringing Democracy. We are dedicated to helping bring solutions to our biggest challenges through regenerative agriculture, alternative energy and collaborative cooperative forms of governance.

The USA has never been a Democracy it has always been a corporation and the corporation hates Democracy. How will "The Great Mandate" bring us Democracy?

We answer this question and more as we interview Bob Dunsmore, President and Founder of Heart Mind Alliance and "The Great Mandate".

We are encouraging millions of "move on" signatures, shares, tweets and comments as we the people send Congress into a recess. Meanwhile the new National Council on Integrity will help bring Democracy. Our Congress will take a pledge to help people and not corporations.

There are 33 mandates to "The Great Mandate" however they are not set in stone. Each of the mandates is a starting point to disconnect corporations from our government and they will be updated by Democratic vote.

The basis of these mandates are to bring an end to the corporate citizenry government and establish the United States of America as a Democracy. Read the mandates in this link and find here the petition to sign "The Great Mandate" of the people, by the people and for the people.

Here is a link on youtube to the documentary Bob Dunsmore created called "Bolivia Beyond Belief".

I have already signed "The Great Mandate" and added this to my campaign for 2020 USA President as our best chance to help bring Democracy to the USA and kick out corporatocracy #DanielRoyBaron2020 #Democracy

The show’s name comes from the fact that EVERYONE is Native to somewhere on planet earth and it is our responsibility to help bring in the changes to help heal our climate and keep our humanity going. People are coming together to help build a better today and tomorrow for our children and grandchildren. Each of us can is a member of sustaining and helping build a healthy democracy for the very first time in USA history!

Unitarian Universalist, progressive, vegan Daniel Roy Backpack Baron host of Native Sourced News Network via Face Triage is a 2020 Quality Assurance Six Sigma 3rd party unaffiliated "write-in" "The Great Mandate" candidate for President. Learn more about other campaign platforms.

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