Conservative Mafia Corporatocracy Neoliberal policies are destroying Humanity and Earth.

Daniel Roy Baron 2020 Unaffiliated 3rd party write-in candidate for USA President is interviewing with Joe Messina with The Real Side talk show.

Many of us are calling for installing Modern Monetary Theory as our way to help
fund so many programs that will help the USA in our future. Learn more from
Dr. Stephanie Kelton Angry Birds video on youtube.

The original tribes like the Iroquois and Hopi before the corporatocracy conservative mafia took over and in the past and present destroy our humanity and mother earth. Learn more about the "Two Spirits documentary where if it was seen that you are in good balance of female male you would be promoted to be the leader of the tribe.

Two Spirits documentary on youtube.

Says Judy Goldstock:

The USA was founded upon torture, genocide, stealing natural resources from indigenous people and slavery by Colonial also known as Corporatocracy practices which have never been Democrat.

Many modern day Corporations are simply based on the military top down corruption and the 21 trillion unacceptable for in the Pentagon is an example of this.

Ever wonder why we refer to the top person in a Corporation as Chief Executive Officer?

That's the same type of words as calling the top leader of a naval ship, platoon or company "chief".

Says Susan Home:

“What Judy said and more: I reject tribalism on every level because it leads *most* to reject their own principles in favor of those of the tribe, which is exactly what has led to ALL genocides.”

We discuss social issues, corporate welfare and how conservatives are destroying polluting our humanity and destroying our world.

We talk about issues that we are not hearing on corporate controlled media and we go in-depth into issues about how Conservatives are in an echo chamber and do not have a world view.

Welcome to Real Democracy analysis of new from a people's view. We are broadcasting live from Austin Texas. Our goal is to help move the U.S.A. into a Democracy. The U.S.A. has always been ruled by corporate person-hood, elites and oligarchy.

The Great Mandate for Democracy is a vehicle to bring Democracy to the U.S.A. for the first time in our history and was inspired by worldwide uprisings for Democracy. We are not asking for permission we are demanding that we become a Democracy for the very first time in our USA history.

This is a move on petition and we are creating a National Council on Integrity that will do the quality assurance of our government we are the next phase of the Occupy movement.

To learn more, check out the recent interview with Daniel Roy Baron who signed the Great Mandate for Democracy and the President Founder Bob Dunsmore the compiler of the Great Mandate for Democracy.

We are calling for a recess of government until they sign a mandate to help people not corporations. Join the movement here and sign our petition and see the 33 mandates we have to remove corporations from government forever!