Imagine a journey that starts with a 12-year-old entrepreneur mowing lawns and ends with a visionary CEO overseeing multimillion-dollar real estate acquisitions, all while navigating the complexities of partnerships and exploring unique investment opportunities like opportunity zones.
Nick Simpson, the founder and CEO of Mentis Capital Partners, shares his remarkable trajectory and reveals unconventional strategies to tackle the challenges of high interest rates in the real estate industry.
Nick delves into the world of student housing and its unique dynamics compared to traditional multifamily properties, as well as the benefits and considerations of investing in opportunity zones. Additionally, he revealed some alternative approaches he has developed to address challenges posed by high interest rates.
Key Takeaways:

Properly structuring partnerships: Nick emphasized the importance of aligning incentives and compensation from the outset of a business venture. Seeking advice from experienced business owners and working with specialized attorneys can help establish a fair and sustainable structure, setting the stage for long-term growth.

Understanding student housing dynamics: Student housing presents distinct characteristics compared to traditional multifamily properties. Purpose-built student housing projects often feature a one-to-one bedroom-to-bathroom ratio, with units designed to cater to the needs of students on temporary stays. The provision of additional services, such as utilities and furnishings, justifies higher rental rates per square foot. The leasing cycle typically follows a 12-month timeline, with the added security of parental guarantees reducing payment delinquencies.

Opportunity zones offer tax advantages: Investing in opportunity zones can yield significant tax benefits. Investors can defer taxes on their original gains until 2026 while enjoying tax-free growth on their capital for up to 10 years. However, careful consideration should be given to selecting markets with promising growth prospects, particularly in secondary and tertiary areas.

Due diligence is crucial: Investors interested in opportunity zone investments should conduct thorough due diligence. It is essential to select well-positioned properties in developing markets and ensure compliance with the program's paperwork and accounting requirements. Engaging with experienced fund managers or teams already well-versed in opportunity zone investments can simplify the process and mitigate potential pitfalls.

Innovative approaches to high interest rates: Nick shared alternative strategies for tackling the challenges posed by high interest rates. These approaches involve creatively structuring financing deals to mitigate interest rate risks and unlock more favorable terms. By exploring options like preferred equity or joint ventures, investors can optimize their returns and overcome financing obstacles.

Contact Nick:
Email: [email protected]
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Imagine a journey that starts with a 12-year-old entrepreneur mowing lawns and ends with a visionary CEO overseeing multimillion-dollar real estate acquisitions, all while navigating the complexities of partnerships and exploring unique investment opportunities like opportunity zones.

Nick Simpson, the founder and CEO of Mentis Capital Partners, shares his remarkable trajectory and reveals unconventional strategies to tackle the challenges of high interest rates in the real estate industry.

Nick delves into the world of student housing and its unique dynamics compared to traditional multifamily properties, as well as the benefits and considerations of investing in opportunity zones. Additionally, he revealed some alternative approaches he has developed to address challenges posed by high interest rates.

Key Takeaways:

Properly structuring partnerships: Nick emphasized the importance of aligning incentives and compensation from the outset of a business venture. Seeking advice from experienced business owners and working with specialized attorneys can help establish a fair and sustainable structure, setting the stage for long-term growth.

Understanding student housing dynamics: Student housing presents distinct characteristics compared to traditional multifamily properties. Purpose-built student housing projects often feature a one-to-one bedroom-to-bathroom ratio, with units designed to cater to the needs of students on temporary stays. The provision of additional services, such as utilities and furnishings, justifies higher rental rates per square foot. The leasing cycle typically follows a 12-month timeline, with the added security of parental guarantees reducing payment delinquencies.

Opportunity zones offer tax advantages: Investing in opportunity zones can yield significant tax benefits. Investors can defer taxes on their original gains until 2026 while enjoying tax-free growth on their capital for up to 10 years. However, careful consideration should be given to selecting markets with promising growth prospects, particularly in secondary and tertiary areas.

Due diligence is crucial: Investors interested in opportunity zone investments should conduct thorough due diligence. It is essential to select well-positioned properties in developing markets and ensure compliance with the program's paperwork and accounting requirements. Engaging with experienced fund managers or teams already well-versed in opportunity zone investments can simplify the process and mitigate potential pitfalls.

Innovative approaches to high interest rates: Nick shared alternative strategies for tackling the challenges posed by high interest rates. These approaches involve creatively structuring financing deals to mitigate interest rate risks and unlock more favorable terms. By exploring options like preferred equity or joint ventures, investors can optimize their returns and overcome financing obstacles.

Contact Nick:


Email: [email protected]

Are you REady2Scale Your Multifamily Investments?

Learn more about growing your wealth, strengthening your portfolio, and scaling to the next level and visit

To connect with Jeannette & her team directly & find out how to invest alongside Blue Lake, email them at [email protected] or just complete our potential investor form at and they'll be in touch with you.

If you'd like to be on our podcast or know someone who should, visit and click the link to submit a guest.

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