Previous Episode: 4. Digitizing Classrooms
Next Episode: 6. Summer Phone RAPS

"But plain old classrooms worked for me!" That's one of the common objections adults raise to the idea of replacing the factory-based classroom with a personalized model. In this episode, you'll hear a discussion between Heather Clayton Staker and Shawn Rubin, Chief Education Officer of the Highlander Institute, on the topic of personalizing learning.

Heather and Shawn talk about Shawn's idea that a personalized strategy has three legs: pacing, agency, and differentiation. Then they look at a few levels of personalization, starting with Traditional Instruction, and then becoming more personalized with Macro Differentiation, Micro Differentiation, Individual Mastery, and Fully Personalized. How personalized is your school relative to Shawn's continuum?

Shawn Rubin is the co-author with Cathy Sanford of Pathways to Personalization: A Framework for School Change. He has helped dozens of schools and thousands of teachers in Rhode Island seriously upgrade teaching and learning for their students.

Accompanying commentary and notes for this podcast are at