We are alive right at the moment when there's an opening of opportunity to retool the classroom for the end user. We have the will plus the disruptive innovations to do it.

School leaders and entrepreneurs can make it happen.

Today's show features the main excerpt from an interview Heather Clayton Staker did with Simon Hennessy for the Atomi podcast in which they discuss principles of disruptive innovation that will bring about the transformation.

What You Will Discover

- How nonconsumption opens a one-of-a-kind opportunity for our generation

- Why disruptive innovation can happen without any policy changes 

- The value of mindsets, learner-driven content, and learner-centered coaches

- Why and how to get started with disrupting standard schooling processes

Featured on This Show

- Foundations for Blended Learning Micro-endorsement, a set of six essential micro-credentials for teachers

- Atomi, an online teaching and learning platform based in Sydney, Australia with courses in over 190 subjects