Do you know how to get good grades? Did you know that it's possible to get good grades even if you don't feel smart in some of your classes?

This podcast episode is talking to students—to high school, middle school and even elementary school students who might be worried about how to get good grades. We'll talk about four basic strategies that will set you up for success, and then five power behaviors that will help you take your grades to the next level.

One of the challenges that might be affecting you is the invention of "data dashboards" that give your parents a website where they can constantly see your grades. Help them understand that they can reduce the anxiety and tension, and increase the support, by setting a climate of unconditional positive regard when talking to you about your grades. From there, invite them to use the four basic strategies and five power behaviors to ask you Socratic questions, such as:

Which of the four basics is the biggest challenge for you? Which do you find the easiest? Why? What could you do to turn the basics into habits? Which of the five power behaviors would help you most in each class or subject? Why? What can I do to support you better?

Those honest and open conversations, in a climate of unconditional positive regard, will help you vent anxious emotions and convert them into successful action steps for improving your grades. It really is possible to become a great student! And it's not too late.

School leaders, while students, parents, and teachers are working to improve grades, you can lead the way toward a better system overall by replacing the traditional grading system with one in which each student truly masters the content, even if they do so at varying paces. The old system is premised on sorting students into As, Bs, and Cs. A newer, better system would focus on each student reaching A-level mastery and then designing each lever in the system to support that ideal.