Episode Summary: In this bonus episode of the Learner-Centered Spaces podcast, host Starr Sackstein and Crystal Frommert interview Nick. They discuss the importance of building relationships in a learner-centered space and how to create a more student-focused assessment approach. Nick also shares his recommendations for educators looking to incorporate more learner-centered practices in their classrooms.

Building strong relationships with students and their families is essential in creating a learner-centered space. Getting to know students on a personal level, understanding their interests and motivations, and involving families in the learning process can greatly enhance the classroom environment. Moving away from traditional grading practices and focusing more on formative assessment and feedback can lead to more meaningful and effective learning experiences. Using a scale of 1 to 4, emphasizing growth and progress, and providing opportunities for self-reflection can help students take ownership of their learning. Embracing a mindset of curiosity and finding math in everyday situations can make math more engaging and enjoyable for students. Encouraging students to ask questions, explore real-world problems, and see math as a tool for understanding the world around them can foster a love for the subject.