Are you one of the millions of people who read and enjoyed 50 Shades of Grey? If the topic is of interest to you or if you are just curious, you should tune into Ready for Love Radio tonight. Long before 50 Shades of Grey was released, there was the Story of O. It is the story of a submissive partner in a power exchange relationship – she shares her story from her point of view. Several decades later, 9 1/2 Weeks was released and it also told the story of a submissive from her point of view. Are you noticing a pattern? All of these stories are told from the woman’s point and/or the submissive point of view.

 But have you ever wondered what goes in on the dominant partner’s mind? What drives him or her? What are his thoughts, desires and reactions? Well, now you can find out. And, not only is Master of O  told from the male and dominant point of view BUT it is also told by a man who has lived in and participated in the BDSM community for decades. In other words, he has lived the life that he shares in Master of O.

On Ready for Love Radio, I interview Ernest Greene – the author of Master of O and we dig into the book, why he was motivated to tackle this project, how he brings his experience to the book and the benefits that gives the reader, and much more. If you’re curious about the book, the BDSM community and the truth about that community, join us.

The conversation went in many interesting directions and even after my love coach training which did include a class on Power Play, I learned some very interesting details about the quality and value of the relationship in a BDSM community.