Join me for an interesting interview with a “modern courtesan”. I discovered her on Facebook on the page where she’s sharing advance excerpts from the book she’s writing. The excerpts grabbed my attention – so naturally, I had to invite her to be a guest on my Ready for Love podcast.

 We talk about

what initially drew her interest in being an escorthow she made the change from being an accountant, to being an escortwhy does she call being an escort, a relationship stylefind out the connection between meditation and being an escorthow does her psychology education help her be a better escortwhy does she feel wealthy people have a tougher time in relationshipsandwhat could be some reasons why intimacy may be missing from your relationshipI’ll let Jacqui introduce herself and tell you a bit about what she does —

My name is Jacqui Morris and my business is Modern Courtesan

This is her bio –

Jacqui Morris has been following her unique spiritual calling to provide escort services since 1997.  Her book, tentatively titled Modern Courtesan, will be ready for publication in the spring of 2016.  Excerpts from it, along with other juicy tidbits, can be found on

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a Master’s Degree in Psychology, and two Life Coaching certifications.  She has also completed extensive training in Non Violent Communication, Inner Relationship Focusing, and Mind Clearing to further understand and accommodate the deeper emotional needs of the men she has relationships with.

She currently spends her days writing, enjoying a small handful of long-term companions, and coaching people who would like to incorporate the courtesan approach to intimacy into their personal lives.  The evenings she spends with her wonderfully supportive partner.  She is based in Los Angeles, CA.  For more information about her coaching, blog, and upcoming courses, please visit  You can also follow her @CourtesanJacqui