Want to know how many college graduates have lined up a job by the time they graduate? If you’ve got a child going to college or already in college, it’s a number you want to know. You should listen to this program. Fact: More than 80% of students go to college because they believe their […]

The post Ready for College? – Whad’ya Mean you Don’t Have a Job Yet? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

Want to know how many college graduates have lined up a job by the time they graduate? If you’ve got a child going to college or already in college, it’s a number you want to know. You should listen to this program.

Fact: More than 80% of students go to college because they believe their degree will get them a better job. It’s clearly the main reason students go to college. They believe their degree will make them more financially successful in life, a very important factor to them.

Students see a degree as a rubber stamp that will give them a competitive edge in the workplace.

Whether your student takes 4 years, 6 years, or more to graduate, you need to get some insight on why an overwhelming majority graduate without a clear direction on where they go next.

The post Ready for College? – Whad’ya Mean you Don’t Have a Job Yet? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.