Vital for ALL Students. The 9 must-do’s take up an entire chapter in College Smart. Think of the new semester as an athletic event. These are 9 “plays” you use to win. Before you enter a basketball game, you get pumped-up, you listen to the coach, you go over the plays — and make sure […]

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Vital for ALL Students. The 9 must-do’s take up an entire chapter in College Smart. Think of the new semester as an athletic event. These are 9 “plays” you use to win.

Before you enter a basketball game, you get pumped-up, you listen to the coach, you go over the plays — and make sure your shoes are tied! Today, Dr. Bob coaches you about why you need opening game plays each time you start a semester. Follow them this year and have the best semester ever.

Today, he talks about the mindset of starting a semester: When you step on the classroom court, you take action. You don’t stand around waiting for something to happen to you. One of the phrases we use in our book is —

What you should be doing the first two weeks

while everyone else is still looking for a good seat.

In middle and high school, students start school casually. They catch up with all their friends, get the latest social news, and sign up for clubs, etc. But in the background, the semester “has begun to roll.” Students aren’t really paying attention. They’re not focusing on courses.

Dr. Bob coaches students on what to do before school starts as well as what to do in the first two weeks. Start practicing these 9 plays NOW. College starts rolling on DAY ONE. No reviews. It’s a fast start. Don’t trip over your laces. You might fall on your face.

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