Stress. Nerves. Worry. Jitters. Panic.  Welcome to the weeks between Thanksgiving and the end of the semester. Suddenly, students realize that they are facing final exams, end of semester papers, projects, and assignments. They also still have to keep up with their daily readings. Everything’s happening at once. There’s not enough time. How are they […]

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Stress. Nerves. Worry. Jitters. Panic. 

Welcome to the weeks between Thanksgiving and the end of the semester. Suddenly, students realize that they are facing final exams, end of semester papers, projects, and assignments. They also still have to keep up with their daily readings. Everything’s happening at once. There’s not enough time. How are they going to do it? All freshmen suffer some kind of anxiety from mild to major.

Here are 7 tips for handling end of the semester stress. For many, it’s no laughing matter. Listen in to what students should do, how they should go about it, and the role that family can play.

Think about this: Maybe families should wrap up a copy of College Smart and Start College Smart as holiday presents. Your student can read how to avoid that panicked feeling next semester. They’ll thank you for it in the long run.

Go to  Go to Buy the Book. You can order from Amazon, or get a discount by ordering directly from our site!

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