Previous Episode: Make Way For Fenway

Celebrated #Author and #RecordingArtist Andrew Peterson is on the #ReadingWithYourKids #Podcast to celebrate the release of the #Paperback version of his Wingfeather Saga. Andrew tells us this is a series of four fantasy-adventure novels about the three Igiby children, Janner, Kalmar, and Leeli. They live in a world called Aerwiar, which is exactly like our world–except they don’t have electricity or gunpowder, and there are all sorts of creepy animals, like sea dragons and toothy cows. Janner, the eldest, is about to discover that the ordinary little town where they live is anything but ordinary. In fact, he and his family are at the center of a great mystery that will change their lives forever. Andrew also talks about how storytelling through song differs from novels.

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